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<br />._ - -��i�3�='s..'�€7a�;��a�'ta�n�r.rib�ocr�.H�-�� _ .:a:n, .____�aw_�:._.__..._ _�-:��.�:::�r.w..�.�.��_ _. ..r._
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<br /> _ . _ ___w ._. ._.__.._d__._ _�� _A�.�.��.__..
<br /> FROJI�l I herebz� certifr� that this instrument was entered on .Numerical !
<br />� Index and filed for reeord this___ � _______=__.day of..__DeCe211bE3T _
<br /> _- ---Daniel -W._Billings--�-------�----- ---._.------ --- --
<br /> _ ,g. D. 192�-----, at--- - -10 --- -- o'clock------�-_..M.
<br /> _. _ _ ____. .--.. . -- -.---... �l�rrantp
<br /> -- - .
<br /> ..... TO
<br /> �eea
<br /> �' �
<br /> --- -- - -_ __------------------------------- -----------
<br /> Re�ister of eeds,
<br /> -.-------France-s---Irene...Billings., ..wife. ..
<br /> B✓- -- __-- - _-
<br /> --- -- ---- -------------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �.r�o� �Y� �e� �p �C�je�e ��e�er�t�: _
<br /> That.------ I-�---Daniel-W.Billings, _ ----
<br /> of the Count�J �f--------- -HB.11.-------------------and State o�--------------------------------------�I_�bTABk_�.�----------------------------------Grantor_---------, in eonsideration :'.
<br /> o} the sum of.._..___. Qx1.�__ Do118�,T.._�1d _love___&�d__8,f f e_ct io_Z1_.__ ______
<br /> -- - -- -- - --- - ---- ------- ------------.�fl'��'.i"R�`;
<br /> in harcd paid, do_._______...,__hereb� GR�.NT, B.qRG✓1I.N, SELL, ✓IND COJV'VEY' unto.______I�"r8T1C�$,,_Ire71_8 B�111rig8 t11y VV'1fE
<br /> -- -- -- - - - - ----- ---- -.
<br /> - ---- - -------------- ------- - -- ----- ----- ------- - -- _ - -- ------- ---- -- -- - -- - - --- - - --- --- ------ ----- ---
<br /> of the Count� �f----- ------ ��11'--- ------ - -----------and State o�------ --- - - N_�b�8.k��8 -----� -------, Grantee_._---------, the following''
<br /> 'deseribed premises, situated in the County of._.__________._.______-._Ai.9.�.1.__..___________.._____..._._______.and State of JV'ebraska, to-wit:
<br /> -------An--ux�d.�,e��.ed__qnQ--h�.lf__intere$t in_ and_tQ--#he---YPes�_ _half--o_f__LQt-s---tao--(2�---fs�ur_---(_4�---an�,---si�c---�6)';
<br /> --- in--block---�even �7j --CQ11,ege ,��ldition__tQ_ �Pest- La�n--in---C_ity_ Qf__�r_and--Island ------- --
<br /> -- - -----.
<br /> -- -- -_
<br /> _ -- - -
<br /> _ - - _
<br /> --- - -
<br /> _ .
<br /> -------------------- -------- --- -- - - - -- -------- ---- - _ __ - __- -- - -- - --- -- ---- - - -- - --- - - - -- - - -
<br /> ---- - - - - --- -- _ _ _. _ _ __ __ _ . __ _ _ _ _ ;
<br /> _ _ _ _ _ _ -__---- -
<br /> - --
<br /> . _ -.
<br />� --- ----- ----- ----- - - _ -_ _--- - _ _ _ - - _-
<br /> -- -_ - _ - - �
<br /> I To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenanees thereun�o belonsin�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht; Title, Inte�est, '
<br /> Do�uer, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoeuer of the said Grantor____.., and of either of them, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. 'I
<br />'� �Q �abP QIlD t0 �O�D th,e ahoue described premises, with the ap�urtenarcces, un.to the said Grantee________and to.____$eT_______________.
<br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. �nd._ _I_______hereb� covenant__-_:____.with th� said Gra�ztee :.___.that__ .___ _ __I ____.__ _ p '
<br /> I __;.hold________said remises ;
<br />�, br� �ood and perfeet title; that________Z._. ________.____:ha96____�pod ri�ht and lawfuG authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are i
<br />�' free and c.lear of all liens and incum•brances whatsoever_.___________________________.__._____.____.___
<br /> --------- -- --� ------- ---- --
<br /> ----
<br />�
<br /> _- - - _ _- - -_ _ -.__.. _ - _ _ ---- _----__ _ __ - ___ __ -_ _--- _ -- -
<br /> -- - - - - -
<br /> I _- -- -- - __ _ -
<br /> �nd_.. ___ ____ .___ . _._ I __ __ _ . _ _____.covenant________.to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all ,
<br />�I persons whomsoever.-- - - _ -----__ -._ ___.._ ---------
<br /> - ---
<br /> Dated the----- -ln- -_.. . . -- --da�J of--=--�_-DB�_P.lYihEr..-- -- -- --�1. D. 19:2�:=-- .
<br /> , W7TNESS ------------D_�3,@l.-�G.__$_ii:7:_in-gs----- ---- --------- :
<br /> - _ __ -. ._ ---- - - -- -
<br /> --- -_._
<br /> _ _Ar_th�ar-C•-AQa-Y-er ___ ------
<br /> --- _ -
<br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�SK.g, '
<br /> �ss. rt
<br /> - - -- - - F�R�.1. - -- - - County, On this------- - -1- - -- -----da�J of�- -------I��'C e�l��T-----------;�-�. D. 19_��----, before me, ';
<br /> the undersi�sned, a✓Y'otar�Public__________ .__. _.________ .___.___withirz and for said County, personallz� came__ _.__..:; ________ ____
<br /> -_ _ __ Dani_�1 �Y._Billing_s, husband_�f- saia.- �rant�e - -- ____ -- - _ - -- -- '
<br /> _ - - _ _ - --- -- - -- - - _ - _ _ -- - -- -- -
<br /> , --- ___ _ - - - _-- _ - '
<br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical pei•son____.___.whose name._________�B_________..___._._____.af�ixed to the �
<br />,, �SEA�+� above irzstrument as �rantor _.__.._, and_____,._�'iS,--_-____—..seee�edda�-.aeknowled�ed the same to be._ _�i_S '
<br /> volzUntarz� act and deed for the purpose tlzereirG expressed.
<br /> IN I�ITNESS W'HF,REOF, I have lzereunto subscribed' mz� name and af�'ixed mz� of}"icial seal at
<br /> _GT_gl],d I�7„8,71dy __�11___��,i_d___CflL1Ti�'y_�__ ___.._on the date last above written.
<br /> ---- - -- - - -Arthur--C.�ayer--� ------ -� ---------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> Jbly eommission expires.-- -- 'Ttul� ��i - - --- - - -_ __- - 2
<br /> - ---z9..----9------
<br /> ;;
<br />� � ,�
<br />