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� ��`� <br /> r��alJ <br /> ����� ���'�'��� ��.f��a ��� <br />_ _��__��._ _._ _ . <br /> �;_� __�._. � _ ._ e:__ �_ _.�.�_�_�=____�__. _�w. __..�d <br /> .. �TI�Te��—S�YE JOURNAI COMPAflY�LtflCOLN.flEO�. ' . .. .. ._ _ _.__. .. _.. _...�.. .. .._. ,. . . .. .._ ..._.. <br />_ .. <br /> Ti.R��l I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical � <br /> Index and filed for record this____.__�.�__. of..____N_O__V_�i71�_8�______.. <br /> ---Ao-y--'�'Vil_liam__Fia.s_mus.s.en---&--��rf�-- ------------ . - <br /> �. D. 19---��1-._._--, at-----------11_:.�.�--- ---------- ------o'clock-----�-----.M. � � y ;.- <br /> ........................................................TO...._....._... <br /> ......................................... �larrantp ; _ <br /> �eea <br /> � ��� � <br /> � , <br /> _ _--- --._.___ .. ___ - -------------------------------- -----------��-.--- <br /> Re�ister of �eeds, <br /> --Aubu�-t �l,..�.ch��i_e�;.ex..................._....._..................._.... <br /> B�--------__ --__.__------- - - ---- ---- -- -----------� <br /> Deputz�. <br /> �.r�o� �Y� �l'er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> That---------�e-,-Ro�--_'�i_lliam--8as.nv.s_sen._and__Th.elma--Rasm_us�en---his--�rif-e-----.------------------------------------ - <br /> of the Count�J ��-------------- ---��11-s------------.and State of---------------------------------N.�b�'�_5��.----------------------------------------Grantors--------, in eonsideration <br /> of the sum of�---- -- --__. . .___- -- thirtY _five hunc�red ---- ---- - -- - -- -- -- -- ---- -----------..DOLL.�RS, <br />' in hand paid, do-----------------hereby GR✓1✓Y'T, B.gRG.,4I.N, SF•LL, .,4JV'D CONVEY' unto.----------AL1gLtS'�--�._-��h�_1-�-g��-.------------------------------- <br />, - ---------------- -- -- -- - _ -- ----------------. .------ ----- ------ -- -- -- - ------ - --- - -- ---- - - ----- - - -- --- - -- ---- - <br />', o the Count o ____________________F1311 _____________.and State o ._________________N.eb_S.t.uka. Grantee_________.__, the followin� <br /> � �J � i- _----------------- f �..._ -- ------ -, <br /> described premises, situated in tlae Countz� of.________.________Ha.1_1�_,______________._... ..and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />� ---T-h-e--NQr-�h_erlY--fost_Y_.four ( �+�-) -fe�t--of- �h� S�uth�rl3�---eight-�r--eight_ _�-��-)---f-ee�--of---lo-t---sigh-�-. �-�-)---. <br />, ----in--bl�_ck-Ei�h�� °�eva...(�2) i� tl�e 0r�a�r��Z- �ovar�,no�v �it3�--a�--Gr�c�--Isl��-d b�ing �.--r��tangul�.r . <br />', ---txac�--af--�-ra�r3- �.avin�� an-�a�t�r�.y-fra���g�-��' 4�1-- �e�t-on-`���lnu�----Str�e�--and-- �,----d��th_ of _6�___fe�t. <br /> --------------------- --- - - - -- - - - - <br />''� -- ---_ _ __ __-- ----. _ - - ----- <br /> -. .. ---� ��..._50_ I..�. Sta�nps_ ) - --- - <br /> -- - -- - -- -- <br /> _ - <br /> ��ancelled ) <br />, -- ----- ---------- - --- -- -------------- ----- - --- - --- --- -- - - - ------- <br /> ---- ------ -- <br /> ------ - -- <br /> -- - ---- _ _ _ <br /> _ _ __ _ - __ - __ __ __ <br /> I _ ---- _ _ <br />, -__ --- -__ - . <br /> _- <br />�' . -- ___ - - -- - -- -- __ -- __ _ - -_ _ <br /> _ _ _- - - - <br /> _ -- - - - - -- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, ' <br /> Dower, Curtesz�, Cladm and Demand whatsoever of the said GranLor_..., c�d-o�-ea.��ae��-t,kerr�.of, in or to the same, or any part thereo�. ' <br />'I, �0 �abC �ttD t0 �O�D tdce above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee._______and to_____$i�.....______._ i' ' <br />', heirs and assi�sns forever. �(nd._____�Y_8_____hereby covenar�t_______.with the said Grantee______that__..___ V�E____.._ _.____hold___,-___said premises '; <br />', by �ood and perfect title; that______.__.k�E __.ha___V__�-�ood risht and lawful authority to sell and corcvey the same; that they are ;. <br />', free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever.____________eXCep'�_171��,__tt'!70___??10Tt_�agE'S__1T1_fa.VOT of The Eauitable <br /> - ----- ----------------------- -- ---__ <br /> I, -----_B�ilai.n�,--�nd-L�an__..A�soc_iat.ion o� _Gra.n_d--I sland- ---__ -- ----- - ----- <br /> - -- __ __ __ - - - ___ _ __ -_ _ , __ _ __ ---- -- - - _ . - _ _ - <br /> ___ ---- <br /> - -- -- - -- <br />�, - --- - _ _- - ---- <br /> I '.qnd.___ ___ ____ .__ . __�'7e __. _ __ _ warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawtul claims of all ' <br /> persons whomsoeUer- - _exe��ting__��s- �,��.in�t--sa�i-d--mQr-t-��,gE-- ------ ------ ------ ----- <br /> ----- --- -- � -- - - -- ----_ . <br />� -- - ---- --- ------- - -- - ---___ - - - -- - -- -__ - -- - - - _- <br /> ------------ <br />, u <br /> I, Dated the-- - �.� - .. ----- - --da�J �J�---------�QV.C'lT,tb_��' ----- -- ----.R. D. 19--..2- -- '' <br />,�� <br />'; W'ITNESS ; ----- ------------RO�--'�1._R�_5:���.5�11 --- ---- ----- ' <br /> __ -- - T�elr�a R�.s�nu��_en--- -- - ' <br /> -- - -- �rtlzur C.�layer- --- ---- --- -- . <br /> - <br /> ST.FITE OF NEBR�SK.g, <br /> �ss. ! <br /> - - -x��l- - -- -... -- - Cozcnt�, On this-- - --1���-- -- -- ---da�J �f------------- -NOStBriibEr--------�. D. 19--2�--, before me, ;' <br /> the undersi�ned, a.N'otarr�Public_ ___._______________ _.__ _______within and for said Countz�, personallz� came_._ ___ _ ______ ________ ..___.__ _ i <br /> -- Ro:�-"7il-lia�n �a�mus�en �.nd The1.�a-R���n-us�er�.,h�zst��r�d-2nd ..,��� __ -_ <br /> to rne personally known to be the identical person____S._zvhose name.___S_-_.___a,Tfl---.-__--.-_.__af�'ixed to the ' , <br /> � SEAL� above instrument as �rantor__g____, and___ ______-��g_ severallr aeknowled ed the same to be__ ��leir ' <br /> y .---- 9 � <br />' voluntar� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IJ4" W'IT�I�'ESS W'HEREOF, I have hereun,to subscribed my name and afjixed m� ofj"'icial seal at !' <br /> --.GT2�,Tld-ISla:T1C�� 7.T1- 811G� COLl�1'���- ---- --------on the date last above written. <br /> --- - - - -- -Ar_thux__G_.__Mayer----------�- '', <br /> Notarr� Public. <br /> ; �11� commission expires.---.. _Ju:�_e. �n---1-�-29-- -------- ---19.---- ------- � <br /> i <br /> , <br />� _ ,� i� <br />