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That ---w�,__AlU_e�� E._Jo.hnson_--and--Ruth--�TQhns4n� husband" anc� wif� -___-- - - -- --- . ___ _ - ii <br /> - li <br /> --- - - __ _ _ -_ _ -_ _ _ _ __ _ _ -___- - ___ _ __ -- _ - - _ -. _ _ _ ___ - _ _ _ _-- -- <br /> „ <br /> - - � <br /> i <br /> " of the CountJ ��---� �8,�.�- - - - --------.and State of---------------- ---�T_ebr_�.Sk�--------- -----------------------------------Grantor $- ---, in consideratiorz �'' <br /> 'i <br /> of the sunz of------- t�Pe1vE- hL111dTEd - -- - _ .. .__ _ -- -____ - __ _ --- --- -_ - -_ - -- - ---------D OLL�RS, ;' <br /> � in hand paid, do _._._________.hereby GR�JV'T, B�RG�IN, SELL, .,4ND CONVEY' unto._.. __ .E_C1._g._�0��_S�.sTT..__. __ __ ___ _ `� <br /> -- - ----- i <br /> �� <br /> _ ---- - - --- --- --- --- - - - - - -_.__ - ---- -- - - - _ -- - - -- -- ___- - ;' <br /> . --- �. <br /> � o the Count o ------------- --------and State o -------------.....--�.eb_r�,��s'�---_----.__ _---------.---_ Grantee--------- the � <br /> ; f �J } ----HB:�:-�--- ----- f , , followin� i) <br /> ;I <br />'i �;r described premises, situated irc the County of.___________________________H�,.a..______________________._..______._.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: �� <br /> i ----Lo-t---T-hr_ee_--�-3-)----in-hlo�ck_ Four (.4)_ in Gilbert!_s---SE�Qnd_Addi_t_iQn--�4--�rand--�aland_;___according to---- '� <br /> _ <br /> ; ----the -r.e�_�r_de_d_plat.- �her�Qf._ - ---- - __ - -- -__ -- - -- ---- - - --� li <br /> -_-- � - -- ---___._ _ <br /> -� ,� <br /> ,i <br />, � ___--- --- - ----- __ ---R------------ --_---- - - - - - - ----- - _ __ <br /> - - ---. <br /> _. . <br /> - -- <br /> '' (�1. 50 I.R. 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' <br /> - ---- -- -- <br /> - - <br /> ---- <br /> __ ---- - - --.__ --- - _ - -. . ---- � <br />� - - . _ _ -__ _ <br /> !i �nd_ __ . _�tg__-__ -__ ____ _ _ _ __:_____covenant warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all ;I <br /> , <br /> � persons whomsoever -�XC_ep'��Xl� 83�C�._"�a.X_88 . _ _ --.. -- -- -.. ------- - - ---- -- -- ---- ---- - _- - <br /> � _ .__.. - - i <br /> :, i <br /> i - --- _ ----- -- ----___ __ _ - _ _ _ __ __ _ _ -__ __ ___ _ _- -- -- -- -- -------- <br /> � il <br /> "� n -da o - ----.R. D. 19_-2�1-_ _ '; <br /> � Dated the. ].2 � f-- -- -NQVB171b6T- -- - <br />' '± --- ------ ---,Alber-t--E.-Johns.on- - - - - ---- If <br /> W7TJV'ESS <br /> � �) <br /> ' - _- Ruth J�hnson . _ _ --- -_-_ i <br /> � --- - _ _Ar�hur C. l�:�rer _ _ -_ -- j <br /> -- ----_ ---- ---- -- -- - - - -- �� <br /> � ,; <br /> ---- - -. .- _ - ----- - - --- ------ <br /> _ _ _ _ - -_ -- _ ___ _ __ - -- -- !I <br /> � <br /> i ST,FITE OF NEBR.gSK,4, � <br /> , ss. �� u <br /> , <br /> ,: . - - Ha.�.1.--- -- _Coacntz�,� Orz this_ - -- -1�_ - --da�J o��-- I1�QV_2It1b.Er- -- --�4. D. 19_2� --, before me, I <br /> � <br /> i� the undersi�ned, a Notar� Public-_ _ _ _. __ _____.within and for said County, personallz� came____.__ __._. . .____ __ . _ ______ _ _ i, <br /> � <br /> ; --- Alber�_E. Johnson_an�._Rut.h JohnsQn, _husband_and .wife ___- --- - - -- ! <br /> -- , <br />, ; _ _ __ _ _ . _ _- - -- - -- - -- ---- --- _ _. _ .. _.__ __ -- __ ; _ _ __ _ <br /> ;I <br /> _ _ _ __ _ _ �i <br /> � to rne personally known to be the identical persor�___.___whose name__8-------F,Ix.E -------- - -------af�'ixed to the I� <br /> ;; (SEAL) above instrumerct as �rantor__8____, and______�}��3r.________.___severally acknowled�ed the same to be__t�1-e��_ � <br /> �; z�oluntarz� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> �i <br /> I✓V W'ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subseribed my name and afjaxed my official seal at i <br />' , Grfi,IlCl 181�,;t1Cl,� �ri__88�C�__�411I1'�. _ _ __.on the date last above written. �� <br /> -- Y�-- � <br /> `! '� <br /> -- - - ------- �-rt�i�r--G�-�,a:y e�-------------------- � <br />� � ;� Notary Public. � <br /> , <br /> ,� . . . u - - -19.---- --------- <br /> !i .11lz� commissaon expares-•--- - -slL_l_��-g -�_��9._ _. - - _ _ _ <br /> —=-------__--=_---- — �_-_ ___- ----_ — <br /> _ _:_ �,-- _ - --- — <br />� ', <br /> '� <br /> i� <br />