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31��: <br /> R <br /> ���� ��'�'��� ��1�a ��� <br />___ _ __._. _ <br /> __ _ __._._�_�. �. ._ _ � _ �__�._____ _ ___r._ <br />_ �_ __ , .�.�________.___ ________ .__ �_ _ <br /> � �I.�.�-STATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB�. - �� ���� <br />�W_.._M_..,.__.�r--..�..-...--,_-_.____.�...._...._.. .....,. _.......v.._.._ �._-....__..�.^._._._....�..-. . , <br /> I�'.R�.11�1 I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> Index and fEled for record this------------------6-----------.--,day of.---.-.---1�Q.Y..�.�'.�'1..�.G'.T__..... . <br /> ........Ed..A...Jon.e.s._..Jr....& <br /> _..... _...... _..... TO <br /> -- �larrantp �. D. Is_�.4_,..___., at.................4 . .. <br /> - --o'cloek----.�.---..M. <br /> ...__._ . _..._.. _...... ..... ..._. <br /> �eea �- � <br /> -- -- - -���� C� <br /> _ ---- _----��. <br /> -------.----_ <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br />�' - ---Eldo�--A.�owe� --... - -...._..._ .. ...._..._ .._........ <br /> 8�---- --- --- -- <br /> ----- -------- -- ------------ <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.r�ok� �YY er� � � e�e re�e t : <br /> � p � � � <br /> � <br /> That.-- ----- we Ed-A. Jfln�s-Jr__and_�ditYi--J._�Iones,hi$_�rif� ---__--___ - ------------- -------- ---- - ---- <br /> - <br /> I'' - - - -- - ---- - -__-- - __ __.. - - -. - -- - -- -_ __ _ -- - --- --- <br /> - ---- -. - ----- -- - --- ----_ <br /> of the County of----------------_.--H-a]-1-r------------.and State of-------------- --------__N__��2��Sk�,-s------------------------------------------Grantor--8--._._, in consideration <br />'I of the sum of�-- ----- - - -- -_ _.twelv� h_undr.ed._�_ev�nt� ---- --- ----- -- - _- ------ ---- -------------.D oLL�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do--.---------.__hereby GR.gJV'T, B.�(RG./�IN, SELL, .l1ND CONVEY' unto_--------------EldOri--A:-��?4Q�E',T1----------------------------------- ;', <br />�I o the Count o ------------------ H1�.�. ----------and State o ----- - - - . --NebTa,Sk&s - ----- --, Grantee------------, the followin� ; <br /> f �J f s ------------- f <br /> described �remises, situated in the Countr� of.___.______________________H�.a.�._�___.______._______.____________.ccnd State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> i, <br /> ---- Lot T__wo ,.(-2-)--in---B�oc.k--Th�,�t�en-(-],3-)--in__Gilbe��'_a Ad_di�i_�n__.t9---�r�nd_Is_�.�nd--ac_cording--to._the--. <br /> --__ ._r_�c_o_r_c�e�.-�la�__thereof. -- -- __ --_ - - --- -_- -- -..- "' - <br /> --------------------- <br /> --- -.- --- <br /> _ __ -- <br /> _ - --_. . -(�1. 50 �.R.�t,� __ _� -- --! -- - -- <br /> „�.-- - -- <br /> - <br /> (Cance�led <br />� --- --- - - - -- ...--- - _ _ - _ - _ --- - -_.._ - - ----- - _ -- - -- - -__ - - --- --- --- - - ---- <br /> -----.__------------ -- ----- -- - <br /> -- - -- <br /> -- --- -- - - --- - - - - <br /> --- - - -. <br /> - -- - --- -- - --- -- _ _ --- - --- - <br /> _ - --- -_--_ <br /> -- -- - _ - --- - -- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, heredltaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Deman,d whatsoeaer of the said C-�rantor.____., ran�-ef�t�terv�-tTi��2, of, in or to the same, or arLy part thereof, ' <br /> �Go �ab,e anD to �uCD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to._________.___.hi�__ <br /> i heirs and assi�ns forever, �4rzd.___W�______.herebz� covenant_______.with the said Grantee.____._that.__ W8_.___.__ ._.__.___hold______said premises <br /> b� �ood and perfect title; t,hat____..____3�@__________._____ha_Y_E___�ood ri�sht and luwful authority to sell a�2d convey the same; that they are ' <br /> free arcd clear of all lien,s and incumbraraces whatsoeUer___._____s����t_ing.__�ew�x__an�__.��tex__as_s_essmen_�s,_and_alZ___generial <br /> ----t_ax e_s�-e--1922, __ - -- _ ---_ _ - -__ _ _ _ --- - -__-__-- - <br /> - -- -- -. ---- <br /> _ ---- - - - <br /> _. _-____ - -- ._ --- <br /> d4nd_._______ ________.�1� __ ,____ __ _ warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all ' <br />�' persons whomsoever._ __ excen.t�.r�g_ t�o_se---abo._v�_nam�d -----. - ----- ------- - ---� <br /> , --- - - - -- -- -- -_ ._ ---------- <br /> - <br /> I'I Dated the------ �� -- Q_V�ID�_er_ ✓1. D. 19.--.2�.__. <br /> - � -_ __ __ -- ----da�J �f---- -- - N i -�- <br /> W7TNESS ; ---------------Ed__A,_Jones----Jr. -------------------------- <br />' - _ - Edi�h-�T-• Jone$ ----- --- <br /> - _-- - _ Arthur.__C._Ma�re�r__ _ -__ .-- <br /> --- - --- - ------------ - -- --- ------------ ------- ---- <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.�SK.g, <br /> �ss. r� <br /> ....._.... - --��:�..�. - - -- County, Ora this �--- - - ----da�J ���------ --------1wIt2V_CIl1b_�r r-------�.�. D. 19-2-�'�--, before me, <br /> the zcndersi�ned, a .N'otary Public__-_- ____ __ ________________within and for said Countz�, personally came.._ES��A._�011_�_$___�T._2.11d___Edi�h_ <br /> J._�one$�husband__and �rife� _.__ _ ---- -__ __ -- __ --- - --- --- - -__ -- <br /> -- - <br /> - _ - _-- __ - - - <br /> -_ ___ _ _ _ __ - -- --- --- - _ - -- -- - <br />�� -_- ----- ' <br />' to fne personallr� krzown to be the identieal person6._.____.whose name.__S____�Te---_-_--_.-_---__-.__af�'ixed to the ; <br /> (SEAL) czbove irzstrument as �rantor�____._, and-____th_@�._________severall� acknowled�ed the same to be.__ t���S_ <br /> uoluntar� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W7T.NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed mr� name and af�"'ixed mz� ofj"ieial seal at <br /> _ GT�.riCZ I_slan_d,iri Sm,i-d CQUri�- . _ _.-____on the date last above written. <br /> - �r-- <br /> ----- _- --- - - Ax th_ux -C-�Y�r-----------�---- -------- <br /> Notarz� Public. <br /> . . . f� - -- __ -- -19.--------------� <br /> ✓YIy eommassaon expzres.---- ----s�'Ui1�-g - -�.��g- -- - <br /> _--:—�-__ -__--=-- _,_._.. . _ _ _ , _,._., <br />, �� „ <br />