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<br /> �E FR�.M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on ,Numerical �i
<br /> ;i �I
<br /> Index and filed for record this______� ___.--_----___.daz� of..__NOy_�t�1b�T_____.___ �,
<br /> ' --�---�5�- Aa_�Lo_�e�...�,LT..----c&--.z1�.3.-�-�---�--------�-�---�---
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<br /> ; To �eea � �"'-�------------ .
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<br /> Re�ister of Deeds, ,j
<br /> i
<br /> ------John_ P..__and__E.liz.ala.e.�h....C.Q.oney.... ... - - i
<br /> 8��-- _ _.. _ - - -- - -- :
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<br /> Deputy.
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<br /> �' That �e_xEd__A._Jones-Jr._and Edith_-J._Jones husband and.- wife ___--- ____- _._ _------- !i
<br /> �; - __-
<br /> �i
<br /> - ---- - _ ___ _ _ _ _ _-- . _ ___ _ -- __ _ _-- - - - - - - --- -- - _ _ -- __ _ _ _ -- ---- _ _ _----- '�
<br /> � �,I
<br /> ,! of the Count� of.------------H31.-I------�-,-------...and State of-------------------------�Ex2T�_S�L3------------------------.----------------Gra�ztor_�----_ in consaderation '',
<br /> �
<br /> ,' o the sum o - _EO�t.y- '�_eVeT1-H�.ulclTeCd�_-- -_--- - _ _ --- .- -..- - -___ - - . ---- -----�DOLL�RS, �';i
<br /> f f.._-- - -
<br /> r
<br /> I i� in hand paid, do ______.__ ___hereby GR✓1JV'T, B.�RG�I.N', SELL, .�.ND CO,NVEY' unto._ _ John_ P.Cooney and__Eli zabeth__Cooney__��
<br /> !'
<br /> � as--�Toin�--T_ena�t s--�ot-t_enant_s__in C�r.1.}�Qn - __ _ - ..,- - ----- - - -- - -- - __. _ - - -- - - - i'
<br /> I
<br />, o}' the CouratJ �f-----------Hc�.l-1----- -- ---- ---------and State of- -- - -- - -�Ebr-a:skr-'�- - ------- � Grantee-----------, the followins !'
<br /> ;,; ' __ � __.._._.and State of .N'ebraska, to-wit: i
<br /> � described premises, satuated in the County of_________.____ �31�_ _______._____________.__..,_
<br /> ,I
<br /> '' --,-----Lo-t---Tl1_r.��---(-�-�___in__Blo_c.k Thir�_�En_ (13-�__Qf__Schim.mer�_s--A�ld.itinn_-t�----t-he..C_ity__�f--Gr�nd--I_sla.nd-,.------.''
<br />,_ -------acco_rdin�, to---t�e--re�ord�d_-plat__t_h�reof -- --- -- --- �
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<br /> i� To�ether with all the tene�nerats hereditaments and a urtenances thereunto belon in and all the Estate Ri ht Title, Interest �!
<br />' ' Dower, Curtesz�, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grarator._S., a�efei,�ker�#.T�errc, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. i�
<br /> '' �0 �a�1P aliD t0 �O�D the above described remises with the a urtenances unto the said Grantee._q_____and to._____��E-j,-T-----_ ,i
<br /> A , AA ,
<br /> and the survivor of either ;,
<br /> � heirs and assi�ns forever.� .2nd___.�Pe______.hereby covenant________with the said Grarctee-____8..that___.._ _ We .._..__. ._..hold________said premises i
<br /> ` by �ood and perfect title; that.___.___��______________..ha__Y_Q�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritr� to sell and convey the same; that they are I!
<br /> ; free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever.____�xcep�_ing__s_�w��_,_�a.t_e_r_,_and__p_aving___.�_ax�s_,�,n�.__a_�.l__.______.__;;
<br /> � ;
<br /> ;j --_ general ta�e� _- __ - --- - - - -- - __ ;
<br /> i ;
<br /> I - - --- _ - _ - _ _ _ - -__ - -- - _ -- - --- - ___._._
<br /> - - - ___ .. .-- - - -
<br /> - -- i,
<br /> i ,qnd_________ _____ 4P.e_-__-:__-_ ___ ___ __.___.__coUenant ________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all l
<br /> ipeTSOns whomsoeUer_ ._ exc.e.pting a.11 ta�es as _enum�rated --..- - --- - - - -- - - - - --.___ - - -_ ---��
<br /> 'I ��
<br /> � Dated the- _1!�-!� -- ----.q. D. 19 - - 'i
<br /> � - --- -day of.. --- -- -Q��-o.b.er - - 2�- _ u
<br /> � ,;
<br /> ? w�rT.NESS ------------------- --Ea__A,__Jones-Jr - -- - - ---- ;
<br /> ,
<br /> - _ ---_ _ Edith__J. Jones __- -- -- - �I
<br /> � - - _ __ -_ . E. G.Kroger _ __. _ _-- ,I
<br /> _
<br /> ;
<br /> - - - ---- -- - -- -----
<br /> - - - --,�
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<br /> � ----- - - --- -- - _- _ -- -- -- -----�
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<br /> ,;
<br /> _ _ __ - --- 'I
<br /> ST.,4TE OF .NEBR.fISK�, ;;
<br /> ss. -----da o - -�C� - -- --�. D. 19--2-i1- , be ore me��,;
<br /> ;' .. - - - Hgll._ - Count , On this___ _ - __-1 �� �
<br /> � � � f---- ---- - f I
<br /> h
<br /> � the undersi�ned, a Notary Public_ __ ____ ________within and for said County, personally came__ ._ _ ______. _____ _.. ________ _ ._ __ ._______ �
<br /> i
<br /> ;i
<br /> � ___ _ -- - ��
<br /> _ Ed__A:�Tan�s__Jr._and_.Edi�h__J. Jon�s. 3�us_band-and-e�if-e - _ II
<br /> i'
<br /> ', _ - _ __ -- -__ - __ -- - __ - -- -- ____�
<br /> '; to rne personally known to be the identical person__$_____.whose name__.__g--____���___....__._____.af)ixed to the�I
<br /> i:
<br /> '' above instrument as �Srantor__8____, and____ �h-�3t__----------severallz� acknowled�ed the same to be._��1��T-- ;I
<br /> � voluntarz� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. �I
<br /> i' � SEAL� IN TV7TdY'ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and afj'Exed my off'ccial seal at ji
<br /> q
<br /> '`. _ Grand I s_1and,in sai d -Caunty - - -- ---on the date �ast above written. �i
<br /> , i,
<br /> �i ..--- - ---- -- ---�. .Ca.$-xC�-eT-------Notary Public. ��
<br /> !� '�
<br /> � .R�Iy commission expires,----- --- -Feb _26_���2�- - - -19.----- -------- �
<br /> __ -- __ _
<br /> --- —-�----_=-_--- --- -_ -- __ ----- i
<br /> ;I �
<br /> ,i
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