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<br /> F.R�� I hereb� certify that this inst�ument was entered on �N'umerical �
<br /> Index and filed for record this_______________�_______.______.day of.__.___�TOVG121beT______
<br /> --- -�acob____H:_Qui��.e-&--Sp�nse---- ---�-
<br /> .__ _...._._ ........ __ _- - .. - ----
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<br /> To �eea
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<br /> Re�ister of Deeds, ,
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<br /> �.r�o� �YY �er� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�t�:
<br /> T�at----- ---t��.,_Jacob...H,_Qu�.gle__�,n.d, Vrin�.--Quigle,hu_s__band--and__?�ife ----- ---- -
<br /> of the CountJ ��----------A�.B--r----------�__..and State of--------------------------N�'b.Tr�..�_�8-------------------------------------------Grantor.--6------, in consideration
<br /> of the sum o�------- -- - - -_. -- - - ---- -.__�T�11� T_�lOti���l.- �O�_1Q�_-.---.--_-_-_--_---_--_--..--_-_-_--_----_------_.-DOLL.IRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_______._____herebz� GR.�4NT, B�1RG�/lI✓1!', SELL, �ND CONVEY' unto.___.____.I1��Y1�.__�3.�_tt�T_________________„__.____ _
<br /> --- ------ ----- ------- - --- --- -------- - ---------------- --- --------- -- -- --- - -------- - ---- ----_ ----- ----- --------
<br /> o the Count o -----------------------I3 ZI.- and State o -------------------.----------.-N_(?bra.81{Si---------,, Grantee----------, the followin� '
<br /> f � f a r--- ---- ---------- f
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of._____________________._____...._____..�a/�___._._____ _______._and State of ✓Y'ebraslca, to-wit:
<br /> ------E.as�---half---of---t-he---Southea�t Quartes _.(_E� SE�� __Qf_ Se�.tiQn.__Sig_t_e_en_-�-7.6)-,T_ovgns�i.p__�i�-�---��_�__,_. .___
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<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, arcd ¢ppurtenan�es thereunto belon�in�s, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title, Interest,
<br /> !Dotuer, CuTtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoer�er of the said Gtantor_.8., ccnd of eithe,r of t�em, of, ir� or to the same, or any part thereof. '
<br /> �a �abe an0 to �oCb� the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______a�td to______.___71@T___._____
<br /> h�irs and assi�'ns forever. �lnd__ _W�__ _hereb9 covenant_______.with the said Grantee.______that___ VP8 _______.__.____.hold_______said premises ;
<br /> by �ood and perfeet title; that_._______4Pe___-__---_--.ha_4-8--�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and corzvey the same; that they are ';
<br /> free and clear of all liefzs and incumbrances whatsoever�____________________.__________________
<br /> .f1nd_______ ____________ ___. qP�__ _ _ _ ___ ___.____covenarat______.to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all
<br />' persons whomsoever.----___ - _--_ _ - - - -- ---_.----__ ----
<br /> -_ __ ---- - -.. ----�- ---- ---- -------- ---------------------- --- - - - - -
<br /> -------�
<br /> Dated the- - -- --2� _ - ____da�J ��------------- A11gLi6_�.--- -- --- ---�1. D. 19._2.�. --
<br />, W7TNESS ----------------�--J3�Qb__.HR_�11�.�;_�..Q-- - - -- --------
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<br /> __--- - -- - __yin� Q�igl_e -- - --
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<br /> '-------- ---------Chas_-M. Redman -_ _-- --
<br /> 4 ST.qTE OF NEBR,�SK�1,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> --------- ---da�J �f-- ------ -A1�L18'�----- -- ----�.q. D. 19----��'--, before me,
<br /> `-.... - - �I811.- -_- - - Count�, On this-- - -_- 2�
<br /> �the undersi�ned, a Notarr�Public____�r02�S'l1�.88�._O.T18(�__within and for said County, personally came___._____.____.______._____
<br /> _ Ja.c_o.b H.-Quigle-_and-_�tina--Quigle,_hus-ba�d and- a��,�e
<br /> to me personallr� known to be the identical persorz___._._..whose name__.________.___.__.�_8________..___._.afj'ixed to the ;
<br /> ( SEAL) above instrument as �rantor.8______, and____ '��le3f_:_______,_severallr� acknowled�sed the same to be__ '�ki.��T_
<br /> z�oluntary act and deed for the purpose thereirL expressed.
<br /> I✓l�° W7T✓VESS WHEREOF, I have lzereunto subscribed mz� name and afj'ixed my ofjieial seal at '
<br /> _�OYl��hA.T3 tN_e1bTc28kS� _-__ __ __ ___.___. __ _____on the date last above written.
<br /> -------- - --_ --- -- .�has-�i._Red�a�.------------------ --
<br /> Notary Publie.
<br /> Jllr� commission expires..----- -- 1�-L'C_@I�bEr_ __1�s_r1-�2�� -__ -- -__19.-------------
<br />-_--_.- -�--- , _._.._ _ _._-_ , . -- _,._, . _ __._—_____— .----------_----�.
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