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- <br /> ���� <br /> � <br /> � � J�� � 1 J � � v O <br /> : _ _ .. _ <br /> ���� ������ �.f�� Q�� <br /> _ �_ �.`���._� <br />� � .._. .:-*I�J��-57AtE JOURNAL�COMPARY�LiNCOLN NEB... __ -.�. . , ._.... _.:...�.:. . ...�,.c.-_:_.��._.__��.Y�c_:��=,—_.—_._._.�._...._,___ _. . . .. <br /> _ .F'R��VI I hereb� certifr� that this instrument was entered on �b'umerical` <br /> Irzdex and filed for record this___________��__________._.daz� of._____OC.��ber________ <br /> --- E_dith--�T.__JonES---�-husb---- - ---�---- �--....._ <br /> _ ___... _._. TD <br /> �larrantp �. D. 19.2�----, at_- --.�,Q---- --- ---o'cloek ---�4.--✓til. <br /> -..__ -- -- -- - -- <br /> �eea <br /> - _ - -_ �i _-��, ��-« <br /> -- ----- -�,--------- <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> - -�arold_-Ailyn-&.._�.�.air....S.� ....._............. <br /> 8�---- - - _ _- -- ----- <br /> - ---------- ------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �r�o� �rY �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> That.---------------"��_,E,di_�h--�T. JQn�a__.anc�--E�i_.A.__Jc�ne�--�-Jr.---�wife--an�--hueband.---------- ------- <br /> of the Count�J of--- ---- ----H81�.�---------,and State oJ�---------------------------------�ebT38k3----------------------------------------Grantor-$------, in coresideratiorn <br /> --------------- <br /> of the sum of..----------- - - -- -- ThiTty.._Eight--HUlcldreCL-_-------------------_-_----_--_--------_-_---_--DOLL.SfR <br /> ---- -- -- ---- ---- S <br /> , <br /> I in hand paid, do___.____..._.__herebr� GR.IJV'T, B�RG✓IIN, SELL, �ND CONVEY' unto._____..Ha.r01d__Q,11�31___3_8.g�__a,Ti�..__��,�._�..T___S�.$�_s_ <br /> --JQint-�enan��_a-�i�h--right--o-f-s_urYiyQxshiF--:- -- - - ------ - ------ -- <br /> - - - -- ---- - --- --- --- - - --- -- <br /> o the Count o ---------------------H8.1.1- - -------------.and State o _.-----------.--.._N�bTa.8k�.-�-----------------------=-, Grantee--1�-------, the followin� ' <br /> f � f s --------- f <br /> 'described premises, situated in the Countz� of...________.._..____H8.1_l�___.._________.___._.,.______..._____.__.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: ' <br />� _.__Lnt---One--�Iund.r_ed--�T3:nety_�ne (191� -in -�Gest--La�--an--Addi-t ion--i�---the-__Ci-t-y--4�__Gra.nd--I�slandtN�ebras�a <br /> ----�._�c4_�ding tp ths_r_�cord plat_ th�r_eaf.- - -- ---- -- - - --- - -- <br /> -- - - - -- -- -- --- - -- --- - - - ----� <br />, ----�u'�.j_��t--_to---a._m�r.tgage -in.__f�.vor___Qf---t-h-e---Te_cuma_eh__Building--�--Lo-an--A�a_so_c iati_on___of--T_��_umr_�h_,Nebr, <br /> I � <br />�� ----in--t-he -szam.---o-f---�2.��0.D0,-which martga�e• th�_�r&ntees gs$�e-an�l-&����---t-a---pay--as---paxt---o-f--the--�-ur- <br />�' . __�haae ps_ic�_.of_sa�.d premi sea - -- -- - -- ._-- ...__--___----_------- --- - - - -- <br /> - _ - <br /> -- <br /> ---- ------- ---- -- -- - -- <br /> (�l. 50 I.R. Stamps <br /> _ __ _ - -- __ _ -_ �ance�ied -- - _ _ - -- - <br /> ____ __ -._ _ - _-- _ <br /> - _ _ __ - ____ - _ ---- - - ----- <br /> - _ . _ <br />'� - __ - ---- - - -- - -- -- - --- - - - <br /> - -- -- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, � <br /> I <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demarad zulzatsoeUer of the said Grantor.___., cr,��..s�ei�.7e�r-o-�-�ybe�r�a, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> I'� �0 �abP �riD tQ �Q�b the aboue described premises, wath the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee-f1_____and to.____��l��r..._______ <br /> , <br /> 'heirs and assi�ns forever. �nd__�e ____hereby covenant_______.with the said Grantee._B____that._.___ . _.�e___---____.___hold_______said premises <br /> by �ood and perfect title; tyLat_._______�8-_---__________:.haV�___�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell ur�d convey the same; that they are , <br />', free and clear of all liens and incumbranees whatsoeUer____.__���g�_�_��_�___�b,�___�p�-�ga-��-_gbII�-t:--zri�i1�_iol1�$__a,ri.d__�X��p�_�21� <br /> --se�er- &-�at�r taxes __ _ - __ ---- _----. __. . _ _--- _---- ..__--- -_--- - - -- - - -- - - - , <br /> . --- - -. -- __ - -- -_-- <br /> �e _____covenant __to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all <br /> I .qnd _. -_ ___ _ __ __ <br />� persons whomsoever _ _ _ eXC_�p'�__�.8___c1b04_e. 8tS'�ef�,-__. <br /> -- - - -- ----- -- --- <br /> -- - -- -- <br /> ---- -- -- <br /> - - - - -- - <br /> Dated the----_- -2�«-- _ _. _- - --da�J �f------�-C�4bET� - - --- -- ---✓1. D. 19.--24-- - <br />'' W7TdVESS : __- -...------------------B;�,_�ones.----- ---- <br /> - T. , rager -_ __ _ ._. _- - --- <br /> -- _ -- - Ed__A._Jone.s___Jr.- --- <br /> - -- -- <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�SK'.,4, l <br /> }�ss. <br /> `� - F�$11 - - County,� On this--- -- �th-- -- ---da� o��-------- -- �C'�Ob�T-�----------.,4. D. 19---��---, before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public_________ _ _________ __________within ancl for said Countz�, personallz� came____._____._____.______________.______ _ <br /> __ _E.di_t_h _J._Jones_-a�d Ed _A.-Janes,Jr-.�r_i.f e-and_ h�sba�d - - -._ - - -_- - > <br /> to rne personallz� known to be the identical persorz__$_____.whose name__B__________________________.______._.__afJ'ixed to the <br /> {SEAL� a�ove irzstrument as �rantor__S____, and.__�h£3t___ _.__________.severallz� acknowled�ed the same to be___.�-hE�T <br /> voluntar� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I�° W'ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereurtto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my off'ceial seal at <br /> CiTaTl$ .�-818.riC1 �.Y1--88�.CZ._ C-011I1t-�T _-_- ____on the date last above written. <br /> f J 1 - <br /> „' ---- -._--- -- -�,._G,_Kro�er --------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> J�Iz� commission expires.------- --_�''eb-2�-r1�2� - - - - - - -19.-------------� <br />—— _-�-- _ -- _ ,__—�a�.=—_�_ — <br />_ ii , <br />