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_ <br /> ��_� <br /> �:; <br /> � � <br /> � ���� ��'�' � � �� C� <br /> � � J � _.�� � ���J ��0 <br />�. __�.:,._ � _:: . � _� .._. � <br />� �J�.7'��i-sTaT€'3su�r�x��a�r�arov.tiwcb�n:`roe�. - - ,,; .� .. _.r:.:-_.. .e-_� _._.�_._: _ -- :�.�e._-_.__ _ 4�w.—s— <br /> __�___. ._ .._..._.______.__ ._____..._.._ .---.-_._..__�_�.___ ._.�..�._�.v, <br /> . . _.. _ _ ._.__ _.__._ ._____.._..,_. . _,___..___.__._.__._____� <br />�__.._ _ _. _ - - <br /> �'I��.1V1 I herebz� certifz� that this instrument was er�tered on Numerical ! <br /> I ` Index and filed for record this--------------22---------------day of..---------QGf.f31�_�T----- ' <br /> --------E.d._A._Jan_e.�--�Jr,.&_..x�'------......_---------�------- <br /> i . �larrantp �. D. 19.2�----�--, at...-------3-s-�0-------------.........:......o'clock---�--P�....�M'. <br />, ............................................................................................................................. <br /> T� �eea _ � <br /> ���-��. <br /> ..-.---.---_._..._..__...._............... ...............:�----....._...._ <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> Coneq P. �lakeman <br /> --- � - - �-- . - - ....................................�........,..,,. <br /> _. B��- . __ ._ - - -, <br /> -- ------ -- --- -------------� <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.r�o� �rYY er� � � e�e re�er�t�: <br /> � p � � <br />� That _---- we__Ed--A,_Jo��s-Jr._a�.d---Edith_.�T. Jor��s_,_husb�nd__and_wife------ -------- <br /> - - - ---- ---- <br /> ---- - <br /> -- --- -. .-- - -- __ - -- _ _ ___ __ _- - -_ - _ -- <br /> --- - __ -- - <br /> of the Count�J �f------ -�al�---� - --------_.._,and State o�---------- ---------------------�_��}JT�_Sk�._s�_---------------------------------Grantor--$-------, in eonsideratiorz <br />�' of the sum of_-------- --- - ___- OTi-�--'thO�R11d------ ---- -- - <br /> -- ------ ----- --- -- - -----------------_-----------..D OLL✓1 RS� <br /> in hand paid, do_.____.._______herebz� GR�NT, B./1RGd4IN, SELL, .g✓1�'D CO.N'VEY' unto._____.___C017.e_y _F?._�l£iket21�,Y1_____e,i1d__Rda.T1Ch3.�__B.__.__ <br /> ---------�ak_eman---and--�_4_._the--euryiyo-r--�hes�s�f------------_._---____----------. _ __ - ' <br /> --- - -- - - - - - --- - --- - - - -- -_ ----- -- ------ <br /> of the CountJ of------------- ----- x311_�------ --------------and State of-------- - - - N.�b�a,81LA.�_ - __.------- -, Grantee------------, the fallowin� ; <br /> described premises, situated ira the County of.________._.__ ___ga�l_�__________._____.:_____.____:_____..__..arcd St,ate of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />' --- .Lot Fice--�_5)---in ��ock �'ort_y_ si.x- �46� _.in_ .k�uss�7,_ ?Rh�el_Qr�s__A.c�di�tior� °f �rand -- -----. ` <br /> -----...I.slan�,Aacorc�ir�g- to th� �ec�rc�ec�-��at-ther eaf� -- - - - _ ---- --- - - --- .:, <br /> -----------�----�-�---- - - - - <br /> - <br /> -- _ <br /> - _ -- --- ($1. 00 I. R. Stamps; - <br /> - -------- -- - <br /> -- -_ _- - -- <br /> - -_ --- <br /> - Cancelled ___ - -- - <br /> --- - - <br /> ---------- --------- ------- -- - - -- -- - -- -- ----- - --- --- - -- ---- - --- --- ---- - - - ---- - - ---- - --- ----- _ -- - - <br /> - - -- _ - -__ - -__ -- - - ___ <br /> _ _ - _ _ _ _ <br /> .. _ ___ _. _ _ _----- <br /> - - --- - - <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and ccll the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, <br /> Dower, Curtesr�, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__._., ctree�-e�'^eit�tera�-t3temm, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> Z�0 �abP attD t0 �pID the above described premises, with the appurtenances, urcto the said Grantee_______and to________.�1�8______ ; <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. d4nd__ �E_____._herebz� covenant_______.with the said Grarctee -_._____that.____. __ ._@Pe._._____ _________hold_______said premises ' <br /> li by �ood and perfect title; that__._-___�P�________.______.ha.v�._.�ood ri�ht and luwful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are <br /> free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever_.___________________________________________ ' <br /> ------------------------ ----------- <br /> -- ------- ----- -- -------- <br /> - _ --- __ ---- _ _ _ _ __ _ --- - - _ -.. - - -- - - - <br /> ___.-- -- _ . <br /> I -- - -- - <br />' .gnd___ __ _ ._ We _.__ ____ _ _ ___ warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all <br /> persons whomsoever - -_ _.. -- -..__ _ -- - <br /> -- __ _ ---- ----- ----- <br />'i --�- -- --� <br /> ---- ----- --- -- ----- -- - ---- - <br /> - - -- . ----------- <br /> I Dated the-- - �.�!� - _ _-da� �f-- ------ - -QC_�Q��T-- - - - ----�1. D. 19...__��, - , <br /> W'ITNESS ; --------------Ed-A._�'one-s--Jr.--------.__. -- -- <br /> --------- <br /> _ _ Arthur C. �ayer _ . _ _ -- �d�th _�,__Jon�s_ --- - <br /> ST�TE OF .NEBR.qSK.g, <br /> �ss. <br /> - - ... -H811..- County, On this-- -_- - _�.��� --- -- ---da�J �f----------- ----Q_C_�_4�24'�s--------�. D. 19---2�---- , before me, <br /> the undersi rzed a.N'otar Public___ _ __ . _ ___._within and ' y, p z� _______________ _ <br /> � , z� --_._-------- for sacd Count ersonall came--------.--------------.------------ - <br /> __Ed_A._JQn�s___Jr -ancl_�_�tith--J._Jone$_,b:u_shand_and wif� _- ----_---- -- ---- ------- _-------- <br /> to rne personally known to be the identical person�____.whose name.__H_______8,T-e-------------___af)ixed to the <br /> ( SEAL) a.bove instrument as �rantor.___S___, and.________����_________severallz� acknowled�ed the same to be___�h_8�T <br /> voluntarr� act a�zd deed for the purpose thereirL expressed. <br /> IN W'ITNESS W'HEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed mz� name and af�ixed my of�ieial ,seal at <br /> �*"T8T1C�_18�.8.TICj,.��Yl__8_SiCl CQUA'�.y_�__ _____________ _.___on the date last above written. <br /> ----- -- -----Ar�hur =C:_�t�.y�r- --------- .. -- <br /> Notarr� Public. <br /> .My commission expires----------c���t'-�N___�.929 - - - --19.•------------ <br /> ._. - - - <br />--��-:.-_— ,..,_ �.�_-- _..- _ . � �._.-_-_--;____ _----_- <br />