; ; .j:
<br /> . . .. .. _. �---
<br /> _.�:__.__.... . .
<br /> .
<br /> i �i'-� 1�r��i►� -�-------- - �
<br /> . by thie Mortga�ge. Mortgagor shaU g�}r to M�rt��ee the unount of�►nyr deftoianoy beLween the 4otuol ta:eA, anseeo-
<br /> menta,inour�►uoa premiums aud groumd ronta and the depoAtta hereundor wlthfn 10 de�yre ntcer dam�nd!s mt.de upon ,
<br /> Mortg�gor requeeting payment themof.
<br /> .
<br /> A. IisBalr.Mdnte�►na�wnd Uss.To promp4ly repair,restora or robulld[u�y buildinga oP inig��rovomont� ao�v or ,. �
<br /> her�fltMr on tE�e Property;to kcep the Property ia goad oondltion aad repair,wtthout waata,and iree from me�uhaalo'e or _
<br /> nther lienb aot ezpreNSl�r eubordlaeted to tLe lien hereof;aot to malce,eufier or permit any nuiawoe to e�st. aor to _
<br /> dimtuieh or impair the value o!the Propertg+by any sot ar om�e�i�n to aot;aud to oomp�y wlth ull mquiremente of t�w
<br /> with ro�peot to the Proper�y.
<br /> 7. �oudomnctflos�. Ir�tha ovoat thQ I'roporty. or c�ny pcst EherQOf, ehAll be taken by emiaent domAin, the
<br /> Mortg�gee in empoWered to oolleoL�ad moeive all oompenrwtion�cvbiah m,y be pdd for sny propesly talcen or Lor dam-
<br /> egea to properlq not Eaken.and Mortgagee eholl apy),q eu�h oompensation,at 1ts option.eiWer w s reduotion of the ,
<br /> � indebtedaeea eeoured hereby or to sepair snd metore the properfy so damaged.
<br /> B. I'eriormance by Mortas�ee.Mortgagee mqy.buL eha11 hsve no obligation,to do sa,y aot whioh the Mortgagor
<br /> L�as c�ceed but f411e to do,and Mortgsgee ffi�y sleo do anyr e►ot it deems neoaesary to proteot tha liea hereof.Mortgsgor :
<br /> agreea W repay,upon demaad,any sume eo ospanded by the Mortg�ae for tha above purposes, �►ud ar�y sume eo
<br /> e�anded by the Mortgagea ehsll be added to Lhe indeb4ednene eeoused hereby sad heoome aubjeat W the lien hereof. � �._ . ,.,
<br /> . I�fortgagee ehall not inour ax►y per�aonal liability heeaueo of aqything it me�►do or omit to do hereunder. r��s"�```""-"'-`'-
<br /> "l.Sf]R!N'Y°•-
<br /> ' ...
<br /> 9. Aefault;A�aignment oi Rentr.Time fe of the easenae hereof,and upon Mortg�agor'e defeult in any ooveneAt • --
<br /> or agreement of Shir Mortgage.iaoluding aovenanfe ta p�}r when due the eume eaoured by thie Mortg�g�e,tho Mort�agne - - - `--
<br /> ' shall bo endtled,at ite eole option and without no4ioe,to deolare all sume seoured by thie Mortqage to tha immediateLy �-: �•= _
<br /> duo and pe,yable and mqy csommenoe foreoloeure of Wie hiori�aga by iudfotal pmu��din6e:end.pmvlded lucLher,Eka!3 '""�r -�-- -
<br /> upan suoh deleulE the Mortgagae.or a reoeiver appointed by a oourt,mqy at ite oprion and without regard to the adecpw ��y�''�;
<br /> oy oi the eeourity.eater upoa and talce poeseesion of the Properiy aud ooIIeat the renta,iasuee and pmIIts therefrom and ., ,�1;'��__ w
<br /> apply them Srnt to tho oaet o!oolleotion end operation of the P,rop�r4v snd then ugon the indebtedness eaoured by thiB ' _
<br /> ; Mortg�go;ee►id rents,isauas and profite baing aseignad to she Mortgagee as lurther saourl�r for the psyment oi ehe _—
<br /> � n
<br /> indebtadnees eeourad hereby.
<br /> �. 10. Transfer of Proyerty.If all or a�y past of the Property ie sold or transierred without the ezprees wrlttea oon- '! r -
<br /> sent of the Mort�agee, Mo�t�aQee mqy 4t its sole op�ioai,daAlue all sums seoured by Lhii Mortgage to be immedi�tely .
<br /> ' due aad pqqwble. .� " , �
<br /> .� :��,;;C
<br /> ` � li. Future Advsaoeo.Upon requeat of Mortg.�►gor. Mortgagee ma3r make sdditionsl and future sdva►aoe�to ' " �
<br /> _,�. _
<br /> .... .._ `
<br /> +.i a..� 0.<+♦ r.umam w wviAwnnaAhnnmmluo IIOtEe '� �',
<br /> - . - - 'miiri�iysvF.iauoL su'r�li u-voo.t"'at„,�.o,o6i Lha:.,�iII.shA22 b�,r.^•ttz'C,d..,�.hL PdOY+.e..e_ h_*�--------- 'Y _ _
<br /> • i�>:� etating thst eaid notee ore eeaured heraby.At no time ehall the prinaigsl umount oi the indebtedneea eeoured by thiH ",;
<br /> Mortgag�o,awt iaoluding ewne advanoed W proteoL the eeourlt,q of thie Mortgago,ezaeed the original Note. ��
<br /> ,`�`
<br /> 18. I�Loellsnsoui Pro�bion�. '
<br /> .� �.�
<br /> ,r r �
<br /> � (s) Any forabearsnoe in ezeroi:ssing ar�y rlght or remedy eha11 not be a waiver tliereof. `�
<br /> Y; (b) All remedie� provlded harein aro dietinot and oumulative to r►qy other a3ght nSorded by law oa eqvity. ___ _
<br /> � e md ma�r be ezeroised aonourreaUy,indepeadenU,q or suoaeseively. -
<br /> (o) The oovenant�aad sgieemente aontAinod hareln shall bind.and the righte inure W.the reapeotive Buo- ���
<br /> � �• oeaeors snd aeef�s of the Mortgagor and the Mortgsgee. - --_
<br /> k "-
<br /> '� (d) All aovenanta and agraemente oY the Mortgagor az+a joint and eeverd. � �y},�
<br /> tj,`.�.;
<br /> � (e) The headings of the paragraphs of tmie Mortgsge wre for aonvenienoe only end shall not ba ueed to 3ater ���_�.�_
<br /> f.
<br /> " prr►f or deflne Lhe provinioaa heseoL !`�-- __
<br /> - �'�� 13.Reloa�. U on unt of csll aums esouratL b Lhia hiort hargo thia Mortgsge nnd �.-���4--�-
<br /> � P p�p Y BaSe.Iv�oa�gaga�nhall dfao � �,_�� �°., �_
<br />_:��.,; ; , , eh�ll ar,eaute and deliver s a►tiet�w Wry roleaoe therefor. _
<br />,.� �. �' �•`:A�--�;-
<br /> , .�,-' '•����;.•
<br /> ' � .��`�x'�a�,.;r� ,��.
<br /> � �''. IIv WITNE98 WHEREOF,Mortgagor hes ezeouSed this Mo pn the 26th�y F bruar 18 97, •'�-:��_'y,t f,..� �•.••
<br /> J .. `..'�`. .
<br /> �t; ;�" 7 ;,.
<br /> -- , 1:4�rµ?� -
<br /> . !.: .
<br /> • . Rod Kl os H0�"""= . •
<br /> , - �
<br />- .. . Jj- .
<br /> .' _ nr� t•1. Ylosterr�an so�: � .
<br /> BLUto oi Nebraska. ba.]i Conaty se: ",:
<br />_ On thie 26th dqy of Februar�r .ae 97 .beiore me,the uadereigned.sNaturyPubllo ••
<br /> I du)yoommiasionodandquslf!!edloreaidoounty,pe�ronauyoame Rodnev L. Klosterma and Luann M. Klosterman,
<br /> = i huSband ,and v�ife -tomelmownwvesna
<br />- � identloal p}reoa(s)whoso name(e)arc�subeorlbod to the Loregoing iastivment and aolmowledged the ezeoutioa thereof
<br />- �.-------... _�.._r. �
<br /> -- — -- --
<br /> _ _ ..- ---r.. w ov .....•. .�...,,.v.�v,...�......w... _
<br /> � _ _
<br /> • I
<br /> _. � Witneae my hand and notarlsl seal�L �ra I s1 and in aaid ooun�r.tho
<br /> - � dats atoresaid. ,
<br /> i fiEkERAL NOTAflYSIIq OlMfpplb � �
<br /> , ; R+�y Commission eEpirae: OBVRA MCELROY '
<br /> T � �y�Co�•Fap.Arpr125,tli) Noteiy Publio
<br />, ;
<br /> , i • ..
<br /> . 1 N�,��
<br /> ., �, � O Nauonol Bank of Cortxrt�rce Truct end Savinfls/WOClatbn.Uncdn,N�Dnika
<br /> _ , I . -
<br /> i �
<br /> ' ----
<br /> -.-.
<br />