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- <br /> � ��� <br /> � � , � � � ' � p �� � <br /> ���� ������ ��� Q�� <br /> ____ _::. ._ _ __ ___ �_ _ ___ _ <br /> . �I�.�T-STATE JOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN NEB .�.:. _. � �....__�..__._..._ ..... �. .- .�--.._..,-�-. ._. .. ... ... ,� _.... . ..._.__ ....._ .. . _ . . . - . <br /> T�1���1 I herebz� certifz� that this instrument was entered on �l�'umericaZ ' <br /> Index artd fcled for record this.__.. _____i6 of._____Q_�.�Ob�r__ _ <br /> --- HEnr_�!_ Lil,te��t��al_ et. al------- - -- - <br /> I ./�. D. 19. 2z1-3---, at_._. -- -2-- / --- o'clock----P'---.M. <br /> _ _ . . - _. _.. - --..... �larrantp <br /> ---- - <br />� ..... T� <br />', �eea <br /> �-�� � <br /> .��_� <br />� - -.- _ - ---------------------------------------�------------- . <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> -- -x�nxy S_���.af- - .........._ ..........._.........__............._...... <br /> 8�..-- - ---- - -- - - --- ------------- ----------- . <br /> Deputy. <br />' ---- - - - __ _ - _ _ . --- - -- - --- -___ - - <br /> . <br /> �.�o� �YY er� � � e�e re�e • <br /> � <br /> p � � <br /> r�t�. <br /> That.__.___ _.._"'�_�.�_He�.�y__Lilien"tha�.__a�,�. .Dora.__�iliEnth_al husband_._and__tixrife__ and__ Adela ""�tiese and <br /> _ _- -- - ------ <br /> ___.'��_1_�.i,a.m_ H._'vi_e,�_�_,���.fe__.an_d_hus�and,.anc�___Catharine_ Schaa_f_,_tvi__f__e__o.f _grantee herein <br /> - __. -- -- <br /> __ -- - - -- - <br />�, of the Count�J of------- -H�.11_�-----�--------,and State of---------------------------------N Gbr3ska.�--------------------------------Grantor g--------., ira consideration ` <br /> o the sum o F_ou2 _ThOUS�.nd--(��-000'-00 ----- ---- ----- -- - - - -- -- : -- -- -- ---------------------------`---.D OLL,�IRS, <br /> f f�-------_---- - � <br /> -in hand paid, do._.______.___.__hereby GR.�1.N'T, B�RG.gIN, SELL, �ND CO,NV'EY' unto._____.______H_e11�_y__,SCh�,�f________________ <br /> --- ---------- ----- <br /> .------------------------ -------------------- --- -- - -- ---------- - - -- ----- ------ ' <br /> _- _ --- -- -- - -- --- --- ---- <br />� -- - - ------- ` <br /> of the Count�J ��--------- --------He.11-� --- ---- -- ----------and State of-------- - NebTu.Ska._z. - --------- , Grantee----------, the followin� - <br />' described premises, situated in the County of.__..____._.____H311_s_.________.___-_-_.__-___-_-__-________artd State of ✓Y'ebraska, to-wit: <br />'�' ----I�ot--Thr��---(3-�---in _Blo.c_k__One Hundr_ed-Four-(-1Q�--)- Ra.ilr�ad--�ddit�._on__tQ__.the--Cit�r-Q-f_--�xan-d--I_s]��.��1, <br />� ------N_e_hr_�.ska-,-accorc�in� t4 th� r€coxc�ed ��of. - - -- -------- --- --- <br /> -- ---- ---- ---- ----- ----- _ - ------ <br /> - --- ----- - -- - - - - <br /> -�..____r _�..��W_�___ - - _ _- . - . - _ <br />�, -- __- - - -- - - - ------ -- ---- -- -- - -- <br /> �4. 00 I. R. Stam�s � <br /> _ __ - <br /> - - - - <br /> C aric eIl ed - -- <br /> - -- - - _ -_ _ __ _ _- -- <br /> - -- - -- <br /> - - - - - - <br /> -- -- <br /> - - - --- <br /> _ __ <br /> _ _ _ __- - <br /> - __ - -- <br /> --- <br /> - <br /> .------------- ----- ------- ---------- - -- --- -------- - ---------- ----- ------- ---- --- --- - --- --- ------ - --- -- -----__ -- --- <br /> ---- - ------ - - - ---- --- - - - <br /> - - . - _-- -- - - --- - <br /> -- -- - - - - - <br />� -__ _ -- <br /> -__ -__- -- <br /> ;To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, ¢rad appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, ancl all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, <br /> Dower, Curtesr�, Clairn and De.mand whatsoeUeT of the said Grantor__g,-c�rtdro�-��Izsr-a�--tFeern, of, i�z or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 �abP atiD t0 �OIb the abovn described premises, with the appurterzances, unto the said Grantee__.._____and to._____.__.Y1�8_,__ __ <br /> Iheirs and assisrzs forever. ./Ind____WS ____ herebz� c,over�artG_._____:with- the said Grccntee __.___that..__________YPG'_..__._______hold____.____said premises ' <br /> by �ood and perfect title; that__ _____.A►�_______,___..ha�-_V_E_�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are ' <br /> free and clear of all liens and irzcumbrances whatsoever______...__________________________._______________________ <br /> -- - --- - - -- -___-- -__ - _ -- --,___ _- -- -... --- - -_... _ _ -. __ <br /> _ - •- _ --- <br /> I --- - - - <br /> I - _ . _ _ - __ - __ - - _ - - _ - -_ _ _ _ -_ ---- -_____ ____ -__ <br /> .�Ind_.___... _ �� _ _ :_covenant_______to warraret and defercd the sczid premises a�sainst the lawful elaims of all ' <br /> persons whomsoever- - -- -- _ - ! <br /> I ----- --- -- - _ - - - - -_ --- - - ____ _ __-__ __ <br /> - - - -- <br /> --- . --- <br /> - -- -- <br /> Dated the __ 16!� ---- =- -.da o QG�Ob£T---- --./�. D. 19_?� .___ <br /> �J }---- - -- <br /> w'rT.NESS : --------Henry _Lilienthal ------- ------- - <br /> i --- - <br /> - - - -- <br /> ____ _ E, G._�ro��x_ _ -____ ---- -Dora_-yil_ient_hal --- - <br /> ._ _ _ -- -- - -Adel�- X �liese- --- <br /> mork - -------- <br /> -----------------.__V�xa___�I�y�r_ - - --- -----------------� t�illiam H. Wi ese <br /> - - .------ <br /> sT.�TE oF �EBR.�sz��, ) � Catharine �chaaf <br /> }�ss. <br />` - - - ._H.8.7..�.. - --- _._Courctc On this --- ---- --l��h----da o OCt�beT ---------- - , beforeme, <br /> .�,� � f�------------- - �. D. r9--2�--- <br /> the undersi�ned, a .No�arr�Public.________-- ________ _______�___within and for said County, personallz� came_._ A�i?.r_Y.__L3.11eT1th31 _a,nd___. ' <br />� _Dor� Lilientha.l husband_and_ wife,_Adel_�___�iese_ a.nd.__!N�1,_1_ ia.m__H, Niese_,�uife_._____ <br /> ---and___husb�.r�d_-an_s�---Cat�iax�n-�----Schaaf_,.�ife _o.f---�h�_-gr_an�e-e--h�r.�in------- ------ ----------- <br /> to �ne personallz� known to be the identical person_$_____whose name_____$___._._SS_8__________________.ajj'ixed to the ' <br /> �SEAL� above instrument as �rantor_$_____, and_._____.__the�_ ___._severallz� acknowled�ed the same to be_the�_T_ <br /> voluntarr� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br />�� IN W'IT�Y'ESS WH�REOF, I have hereunto subseribed my raame arzd afj'ixed my of�'icial seal at ' <br /> Gr�nd _Island in_sai d__�oun�- _ __._on the date tast above written. ' <br />� ,, ____ � Yr- - <br /> -- - - - - E� G._Kroge_r..---- ----------._-�----- ------- <br /> Notary Public. : <br /> .My commission expires.-- -- -F'-'-��?.-26��9�� - _ --19.------ ----- <br />� , _ „ <br />