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<br /> i FR�D1V1 I herebz� certify that this instrument was entered on ✓Y'umerical i
<br /> Index and filed for record this___....�__. _._ _..............day of.___.__ QC'�Ob_�T__.,__. !
<br /> ......G.e_a.rge_..T...HQ.nnol d._.&...�fif.e......................
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<br /> _ - -- _ __.. --- ----.. �larrantp
<br /> .fl. D. 19 �_�� --, at--- ---- � �- -- --- dclock-- ---P-•---_.M.
<br /> To �eea
<br /> - -- - --- -,���_-��-----
<br /> � -- ---- -----��'----�,-�---------------
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds,
<br /> Robert L. Green
<br /> -------- -- _ -----__- - --_........._ ......................_...........__............
<br />' 8�.. - -- - -
<br /> _ - ------ - -- - ---- --------------
<br /> Deputy.
<br />,
<br /> �.r�oi� �Y� �l'e� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�:
<br /> That----- ---�Pe.��ear�e_T._HQnnold__a.nd---A�axtha. _HQ�nold_,_r�f�usb�nd-a,nd '-!Yi�e--- --- _ - - - ---- - ----- -
<br /> o the Count o .----.-_--.-----_H�.11- ---_IdEbS2_8kS-r-------__--__..------_---------.Grantor_--8---__., in consideration
<br /> f �J f i--------- ----.and State o}-----------------------------
<br /> o}' the sum o}_ Five Hundr_ecL------------------------ --- ----- -------_-_-
<br /> - - - - - _ - . - - - - - - - -- — ... _ D OLL.r�R
<br /> -- S,
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<br /> in hand paid, do ..__ _ ___herebz� GR�,NT; B�4RG�IN, SELL, �ND CONVEY' unto. I�.O_bET�.__L.._GT�Eri-_______ _.__________.__ _____________________
<br /> ------------------------------ - ---- ----- -- ---------- ----- ---- -- --- ------------ - -------- ._ - --- -- -- - ----- - ------ ---- - --- -
<br /> of the Count� ��---------------_�.11-�--- ---------- ---------and State of--- ---- - - N�1?��:8.�.�.� - - -------- , Grantee----------� the foLlowin� I
<br /> I described premises, situated in the Countr� of._____..___._______.._�11_�_.________..__...___ _.____._.and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> i -----L-o-ts--F�ur--(_4-)---_Fi_v�_--(-5�--and Six ( �)_ Rlock-_Fo_ur_.j.4�_---Sret_�_._and---�TQhn�s�n�---Additi:on--t.Q_'�oQ�l--�i_v_e�p
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<br /> - ---_.- --
<br /> To�ether zoith all the tercemen,ts, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, '
<br /> Dower, Curtesz�, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__�, and of either of them, of, in or to the same, or ccny part thereof.
<br /> �A �abP �riD t0 �OYD the above described >>remises, with the a�purtenances, unto the said Grantee.________and to_______._.�jj,.g_.____
<br /> II heirs and assisns forever. .,4nd___4�_@______ ..izereby coveraarat_____.with the said Grantee__.___that.___. _______ _ 1�g---.--___--hold_______said prerr2ises
<br /> I by �ood and perfect title; that_____..____'�1_fl______________.ha_4@__�ood ri�h,t and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are '
<br /> free arcd clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever.______..___._______._____________.._.____________________________________________._
<br /> �nd_____ _ __ we__ ___ . ______.___covenant_______.to warrant and defend the said premises a�sairzst the lawful elaims of all '
<br /> 'persons whomsoever - - - -_ _ ---___.. - __ _ _- ___ ----- -- - ---- - - ----- -- - -- -- --.
<br /> I, --- - - - -
<br /> ---. ------ ---.
<br /> Dated the 2rid .._ . - --da�J �f---- - ��kiY -- - --�. D. 19._�.� .--
<br /> I, W7TNESS ---G�02'ge---�'.:HOTiT101d---------------- -,---- .`
<br />, -- - -
<br /> _ D._D._Q.Kane . _ _ _ __- --- --
<br /> - __ --- - -�s.r.�ha �T,_Ho_nn41.d ___ - -- -
<br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.gSK�,
<br /> �ss. �
<br /> - xA�,�. -....Countr�, On this- --.._- -__.-2Y].Cl- -----da�J �f---- -----F'�bY ------ ------�. D. 19--7-� -� -, before me,
<br /> the urcdersi�srzed, a Notarz�Public_ _ _ _ ____ ___.._____.._within arLd �'or said County, persoreally came.__ _
<br /> George__T_.Honnol_d__a�,d ��rtha__�o_n�o�_d___n�usb�ns�___an_d__���e - -- - .___ -- _ - '
<br /> to rrce, personallz� krcown to be the iderctical person__.__.__.zvhose name_.__._____ar�.._________.____..__afj'axed to the
<br /> ,
<br /> , above irzstrument as �rantor•_____..g, arcd_..._._�j��1T.-___-_.______severallr� acknowled�ed the same to be.___��_B_�r '
<br /> ( SEAL) voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN T�'7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed rrzz� name and afj'ixe� mz� of�'icial seal at
<br /> !NOQCI_ _�?3,V�'r,_--- _ ----._---- _------ ---- ---_ ._--- ---on the date last above wTitten.
<br /> --- - - -_D. D._OKane---
<br /> -- ----------------
<br /> --JV'otarz� Pulilic. ,
<br /> .Mz� eommission expires.--- ---- -`1a.Tly--19�h--192-�'- - - - 19.--- -------
<br /> w
<br />