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<br /> . ...�tf S�I�b-STATE JOURNAL COMPANY�LINCOLN.NEB.� �•:�.._ . .._�:� . �....�.,_:_ .�.,....:�.._.,�.-.�...-..�__._._.__.-:�;.. _.._...,.-....__...__�...:-_._._.�;,_T_.�..:=--._=_. ... . .. .. . .
<br /> FR��VI I herebz� certify that this instrument was erztered on JV'umerical ''
<br /> Index and fcled for record this___________�'E'___________._.day of._____�GtObeT________
<br /> ---Wil_],.iam-A•-�owden- - -- --- ----- --- - -- �
<br /> �larrantp .�. D. z9---2�--, at--------------?� --- - -- -o��ao�k__..A�----.M. -
<br /> ....._.....___................ __..........._- - _._... -.-..._ - -- -- -- - .
<br /> TO �eea
<br /> ------ _-��;���� �-�-�,-z�,
<br /> -- - ----------------------------- ------------------ .
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds,
<br /> ---�Ianni_e_Bo�eden_,�fif.e......................_.__.........._.......
<br /> B�---- -- - -- ----- -- ----------- - ---------
<br /> Deputr�.
<br /> �.�o�n �YY �er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�:
<br /> That.--- -. _ I_��Pil__l iam--A._Bp�dQ�1-- -----------
<br /> o the Count o ._----_---__-H3.1.I._.-_--__--- -------_---------.Grantor-------------, ira consideration
<br /> f �J f :----.and State of------------------------------_l��l���.$I��--------------------------
<br /> o� the sum of.---- - ---- - __-----One_ Doll_�.r-,�o�e__and---�.ff_ection -- .DOLL.�RS,
<br /> - --- - --- ----- ---- -----------�
<br /> in hand paid, do___.____.______.__herebz� GR.gNT, B�4RG✓1LN', SELL, .,4ND CONVEY' unto.____________.___��'1T13.e___BOqPd621�_15�..�1fC
<br /> - - -- - - - ------ ---------.
<br /> of the Count�J ��------------ -- �IA�.�. ---- - ----------------and State o�-- -- - - - NC?bT3_SI�$-- - -- ------- , Grantee------------, the followin� , .
<br /> described premises,`situated in the County of._____________..______._HH.�.1_�___.______._____.____._____... _.:__._.and State of Nebraska, to-zvit:
<br /> ----Sa�t� Fif-t3r-Re�t�- (-� 5�ft�- o� I:bt-�n� ( 1)- and--the--South._.Fi�t�r---FeEt--Q-f---t_h�__Eas_�__Eos�g--�'�et.--- -. '
<br /> -----(--5---�nft___of---E._40__f.�}- �f_ Lo� _Two---(-2)-,Bl.ock--Six-�6-)-�Qri_ginal--TQ-�rn--o�--Do��ph_an_,I�ebra__ska.--
<br /> -- -- - --�
<br /> --- --- -- -- -
<br /> --. _ . _ -
<br /> -- - - . - - - -- __
<br /> --- - -
<br /> ___- -- - -
<br /> - -
<br /> . - ( �. 50 I. R Stamps )
<br /> --- --- -- ---
<br /> . ._. - . - {�anee�ied ._ _
<br /> _
<br /> )
<br /> �- - -_ - ___ .. _- _--- -- -- - - - -- - - _ ---- -- -- -- - -- - _ -- -
<br /> -------- ---- ------- ------- - - -- ---- - ---- - - - ----- --- - -- - - -- - ---- -- - ----- ---- -- ----__ - --- -- ---
<br /> _ __ _ -----
<br />' To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances tlzereunto belon�ins, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, 2"itle, Znterest,
<br /> Dower, Curtesr�, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor____., and of either of them, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof, '
<br /> ' �0 �abP flri0 tR �QXD the above described 7�re,mises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee______artd to.______h�T.________
<br /> `heirs and assi�ns forever. �nd.____I ___ hereby covenant_._._.with the said Grantee___._that..____.__ �___ __._hold.______said premises
<br /> by �%ood and perfect title; that___._._____I______________...ha3tB___�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that the� are
<br /> free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever__.________.______.____.___...______.____�
<br /> -------- ---- --------------------------------- ---------
<br /> ----
<br /> - - - - - - _ __ _-- _ __ . . - -___ _--- _ _- -_- - _. _ ___- -
<br />' .qnd.__ __ _______.___I_ _ __ ___ __ _ _ _____ .___.___covenant____._.to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all '
<br /> `persons zvhomsoever - __ -_ _ -_---- --- - -- -- --- --- - --- - --- -
<br /> ---- ----- -------- - --- -- ----- --
<br /> .-- --- ------------
<br /> b Dated the-- - -__ ��--- --- _ _ - --da� �f------ ---ALigtlSt -- - - -----�1. D. 19�4- --
<br /> W'ITNESS ; ------------ -- -----�'i 11 iam--A._B��►d811 ---- --------
<br /> _Elsi_e_ sr�ith _ __ - _ - _- ----- ---- - -- _ -- :'
<br /> - - -- --------- ---
<br /> Ada B. El�riek
<br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.gSK.R,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> , -- - - x$�l_- -- - Countr�, On this- ----��- --- -- ---da�J ��---- --- AL1gL18'�-- -----------�. D. 19----2�-, before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarr� Public__co�lrr��s�nz_e_�'____________within and for said Countz�, personally eame____________________._____________..___ ._________
<br /> �lilliam A. Bowden husband of the Grantee
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person.__.____.whose name_________�_B.._.__.___.___________afj"ixed to the �'
<br /> {SE'AL� above instrument as �Srantor__.____._, c�nd_.______he_________________severally aeknowled�ed the same to be_._hi$ _
<br /> voluntarz� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. �
<br /> IN iW7TNESS W'HEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affcxed my ofj"'icial seal at
<br /> - _ DOT1��ha,T1�.l,I�b-T.-- - . _ ----- __ ___--- __ ____._---on the date last above writterz.
<br /> ' -- - - - --- Chas M._Redma,� -----------
<br /> ----�._-�-------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> .Mz� commission expires____._ __ DeCemb6T 18` 7. 2
<br /> 9 9 - __ - __ -.�a----- ----
<br />