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D. 19_2�• - I <br /> 'i W'ITNESS t -------- -- - �--Will-iSm--B.-14dea.d0.�8 - ------ -- - <br /> _ _ _ - _ - -- <br /> _ John A1.1,an -- ---- - i <br /> � -- _ _ - -- _ . - --- - <br /> � <br /> ; - -- - - -- <br /> _. -- - - - -- -- <br /> ! I <br /> , -- -- -- - ---_ _ -- -- - -- - - - - ---- ...-----� <br /> -- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , <br /> - - - , <br /> � <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR�SK�, <br /> ,, ss. I <br /> '. <br /> _...Count , ------.q. D. 19_____��__ be ore me i <br /> ' - _ - - ..H�.a.�.. - ....._ y On this-- _.--��'ttl. _ _-- - --da�J ���--- - -- - �-�r --- --- , f , <br /> 'j the undersi�raed, a.Notary Publie__ _ _ ___ _ __. ___._.within and for said Cou�zty, personallz� came._____ ___ . ._.__..._______ '� <br /> - -- -I, <br /> , I�,i __ _William--H. �Qeado�e_,an unmarried--man-, --_ _ _ __---- _ ___ _ I <br /> ;° i <br /> _ _ -- _ - _ _ _ --- - -_ _- --__ --- _ ___ _- _ _- <br /> i; � <br /> �• to rne personally known to be the identical person__________.whose name._____._.i$_. ._._ ____________._.afjixed to the i <br /> ii <br /> � above instrument as �rantor_________, and__.___ _Zl�________._____seaer�j-aeknowled�ed the same to be___ Y1�8___ I <br /> ( s�AL) I <br /> � <br /> voluntarr� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. � <br /> �� IN W7TJV'ESS W'HEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my ofj"icial seal at�I <br /> � ! - -- �iT8.21-C1- �8�.8,11$� �21-8&�.-Gl--C�OL7X1'�-3t�- ---.on the date last above written. �� <br /> _ <br /> i II <br /> ' ---- - - _ --�ohn--Allan------- ----------- ------------- �i <br /> iNotarr� Public. <br /> ! .My eommission expires.--------��9,11.-�.s�-��Q __. - _ _ --19.-------------• � <br /> _._ ___ _ <br /> — -;e--- - — ----___- ----_ <br /> ii <br /> ,+ <br /> � <br /> , u <br /> �� _ <br />