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r�a� `�,�.: <br /> L���;�: <br /> �, <br /> J � ���� �������� ���� ��0 <br /> _-:� ,�,_._._.�_,__.,___.__ <br /> _. ._.TfI'T3B=5T0.1''E'3bU'R"NAL`C3�PANY,�LINCdLN.NE9.__._ . .. __.._.. . ... ._. .. . .,. ....._. - _.._.._.. ,.. . .. �. . _. ...�_ <br />. ..._._.___ _... __.._._ __.._.,�..�..._...�_......_.._...---- . .. .. .�. <br /> F.R�✓1�1 I herebz� certifi� that this instrument was entered on .Numerical:' <br /> Index and }�led for record this--••----------2�................da� of.._.--------�ep'�_�t3beT,_ <br /> I .......Arthur...�...��.er----�...�►f........................��--��-----� <br /> . �. D. 19.---24.-----, at........... ......._ .�•-�._...._... ... _o'clock ..---p�...M. <br /> ..... ....... .. ........ :.. .... .......... .. ..........,...,...........--�-- �larrantp <br /> TD �Jeea <br /> _ �-��, ��� � <br /> ----- - ----- -------.------ <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> - - A_erbert_..F. Ma�er......_..._._._..__.._.._.. _......._- <br /> 8�-- - ---- -- --- ----- _ - ----- --- <br /> - ------------ <br /> Deputy. <br /> ��o� �YY �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> That.----- ---------4Pe,Ar�hur.C._Mayex__a�ra,d_E1_�,_z�beth �_.Bdayer,his_ wife_,_ ----- ---- <br /> of the Count o .__._____._�8�.�._ _._._____________.Grantor.__..8__., in consideration <br /> �J f }- - ----------.and State of---------------------------------��brask�------------------ <br /> o� the sum o�._ love 8�1d affCCtio�i ��,�,�,,_ <br /> --- - ---- - -_.. - - - - -- - --- - - ----- ---- -------------� , "' _ <br /> in harzd paid, do___.________..____hereby GR.qNT, B./1RG,�1IN, SELL, d4ND CONVEY' unto.______._____�eTbeTt___F._�,3!eT___________.____ <br /> ----------------------------- --- - -- -------------------- ----- --- --- - ----------- ---- - ---- -- -- �--- - - - -- ----- -- - -------- <br /> of the Courcty of-- -----------H8.11-�-----------------and State of----------------------NBbTEL8k8� -- ---------,--- , Grantee------------, the followin� ' <br /> described premises, situated in the Countr� of.______________________Aall_s_____._.____________ __and State of Nebraska, to-wit: � <br /> _-------�-o-t-s---�_in�---�-9-)__and--�'_en__{14) in B1QCl� �'$�at�r_(24)---in -�ak_e_r'_�- Ad_di_t_ion _�o-C_�ty__of.__Grand �sland, <br /> -------A��Q_rdin�--t�--the--re�s�rded pl&t_.therEOf -- ._ -- - -- - -- ------ <br /> -- - - - - <br /> ---- ----- . _ -- <br /> - _ <br /> -- --- --- ----- -- . .------ - _ __ . _ _ -- --_ - __- _ <br /> - -- - - - <br /> - -- <br /> -- - ----- ---- <br /> ----- <br />'� --- - -- - -- ___ - _ _ --- -- --- - _- -- - --- - -- <br /> - -- --- ------ <br /> ---.- - <br /> -- - - - <br /> --- <br /> ... <br /> ----------------------- ---- -- -- --- __ --- - - - - ---------- - - ----- ------ -- - --- - -- --- --- - - - - -- - - --- --- -- - --- <br /> _ -- ---- ; <br /> 'To�ether with all the teneme�zts, hered�taments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, arad all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, ' <br /> Dower, Curtesz�, Claim and Demand whatsoeUer of the said Grantor_._., c�r�s.f-ea,�yae�r.eae#�Xae�rr�, of, in or to the same, or any part theTeof. <br /> �a �abP anD to �oID the a.bove deseribed premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grarctee_______,_and to.._______�i$.___._ ' <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. �a�d.__�e_______hereby coUen.ant ,_____.with the said Grantee ._.____.that___ _�e_ _._.__ ...____hold_._.___said premises ' <br /> by �ood and perfect title; that._______We_________.____.ha'de_�ood ri�ht and law�ul authority to sell and convey the same; that *hey are ' <br /> free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -- _.._._._. _. .._ _ _ _--- _ .. _ ----- __---__ _ ._ . _ _ __ -- -_. - -. _- <br /> __ --- --- - <br /> �nd _. _ .wG'_ . . __ warrant arcd defend the said premises a�sainst the lawful claims of all <br /> persons whomsoever__.._._ _-- - ------- --- ---- -- - - - _._ _ _- __ ____-- <br /> --- - ----- ------ ----- - ---_ __ . - - ---- ----__--- - -___ - - ---- --- <br /> - --- - ---------- <br /> Dated the---- ---- 2?1„- -- ---- --da�J �f- - --- - SC'pt e1Tlb eT s-- - --.R. D. 19_- _2�_ <br /> t�rT.NESS: -------------- ------..._Axthur---C..�tayer. -------- - --- ---- , <br /> ___ _E,_G. Krog�r_ _ __ __ -- <br /> _- - - •�3i:��b�t�l; �: �.yer- - - <br /> ` ST�TE OF NEBR�SX'.g, <br /> ss. N <br /> ------ - -- �S1.1..- - ..... .County, On this - - - 2� <br /> -- ---day of._---------Sept.------ <br /> -- ----- --�. D. 19-2-------, before me, <br /> I� !the undersi�ned, a ,Notarz�Public_____.__ _ __________ ___..._.____within and for said Cozcnty, personally came-______1�11"'�.xl'1�T._�,._�,Xe.T_ 8,21�____. <br /> _Elizabeth.C._Mayer,husband__and__wife_ ________ <br /> to me, personally known to be the identical person___$__.whose name___8_____.S�C___________________.afj'ixed to the ; <br /> (SEAL} above instrument as �rantor_______0., and____ tri.@'3t___________severally acknowled�ed the same to be._ '��lE3.T__ <br /> voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> ' I✓�" W7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereui2to subscribed mz� name and af�'ixed m� of}"icial seal at '' <br /> -_ _G�can�._ Island,fn said _�QUnt-Y-, __ <br /> . __on the date last above written. ' <br /> ---- -- ---------- E-•�•-Krog�r--- ------.. .__ <br /> Notarr� Public. <br /> , ,My commissiora expires.-- ---------�'_8b__2�_t�-��-r)'- -..------- __19.--- ------ <br /> �� _ , <br />