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<br /> I! FRO.M I herebr� eertify that this instrument was entered on ✓V'umerical !I
<br /> !i II
<br /> �
<br /> � Arthur �. �apeT Index and led or record this_______________2.:_ '•
<br /> -
<br /> --- - - --- ------------ f` f -
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<br /> -------da�J of� �p-em - -- --- I
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<br /> To �eea �` ' �� �� �-� :
<br /> _ _�,2�- -------- ----- ------------
<br /> �
<br /> ---- - - ,
<br />' ; Re�ister of Deeds, !
<br /> ;
<br />' - Eli_zab�th_.C.�yer.......................... ................... _.... !
<br /> B�- - - -- _ _ _ _ -- -
<br /> ---- -----
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> : �.r�o�n �YY �er� �p �C�je�e �re�er�t�: �,;
<br /> That - - ---I-�Arthur--_�.�a.�rer. ___ --- - -- -- - --- -- -- - -- - -___ _ __ -- - - --- - -- - __ -- - - - �
<br /> �
<br /> ----- __ _ - - --- _ _ .________. _ _ _ _ - -- - - - -- --
<br /> - - --_- -- __ .__ . _ . --- __- __ _ _ - -- �
<br /> '`. of the County of.--------------HAl�-r------------_..and State of---------------------------------------�8�2Tfi_8k8-�-----------------------..Grantor._--------, in consideration :,!
<br /> ;�
<br /> ;., o}� the sum of.---- -_ - __-- __ _- love and affect.ion.�•--_ --- - - ------.�-�-�t��, '�
<br /> _ .
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<br /> '; irc hand pai.d, do __..________herebz� GR�NT, Bd4RG�IN, SELL, d4ND CONVEY' unto.__E1�ZQbe_'��i_Ci...Ma,�►eT_�_b1y__W�f__e__,_ __.___.__ '
<br />'; -- -- - ----- ---- ---- - ---- ------ ---- ---- - _ ___ - -- - ------- - - -- _- ----
<br /> ' of the Count�J �f-- ------ -g81�.-� ------- -------- --------and State of - --- - - l�ebraska_,_ - -- ------ --� Grantee---------, the followin� l
<br />� ;
<br />' described premises, situated irt the Countt� of.__. ___ - �ISll� ___.ar�d State of eN'ebraska, to-wit: I
<br /> -- -
<br />� � ii� - ,
<br /> � - � �„ ' - -- -- � --- ------- - ------- �
<br /> _ _Lot_ Ei ht__(�)__in__ Blo_ck__ Tw_e_nt t?0___Bake_r s _Addition__to Grand___I$_land aecordin to the i
<br /> I �- ,
<br /> ' -----r�cQr_d�d-pl�.t-thereof-• - - - -- - --- -- -- ---- -- -- ----- ---- .
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<br /> - - - - ----. _ --- - _ _. ___ ��
<br /> �' To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, !;
<br /> ;
<br /> �:
<br />', ' Dower, Curtesr�, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Gruntor____., a7tt�`ay'E�`E'7t�T"tl�2�t�TE, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. ;
<br /> �
<br />,i �p �abP ariD t0 �OID the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______and to.____.__�.eT______.__ 'i
<br /> � f y � -.-. . ' premises��
<br />', i; heirs and assi ns orever. ✓lnd_____Z_______hereb covenant_______.wath the said Grantee._______that._._.___ _ _ _ �_ _hold_______saad �� .
<br /> !i
<br /> by �ood and perfect title; that.__ Z_____________.haVE___.�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and conuey the same; that they are i�
<br /> 'i
<br /> i free and clear of all liens arcd incumbrances whatsoever________________________.__________________ _________________________. '',
<br /> --- - - - _ _ _ - -- - ---- -- ----- -- - -___._ . _ . - _ __ - -- _ _--- ---- -- _. . _ -_ _ �
<br /> ;;
<br />�, _ --- _ _ .- -. . __ ---- - -___ _ ____ --- -- - -_ __ _--- - -- - - - _ - __ - - __ -- -- -
<br /> ;
<br /> I
<br /> �nd_ . _ _ I __ ____ ______ _ ______eovenant _._____.to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all�
<br /> ;
<br /> ! persons whomsoever___ - -_ - -- - _ -_ _ --- ---- -- - --- -- - ---- - -- ---- - - __ - . �U
<br /> Dated the_ ___.___ p
<br /> ' 2� - -- ---da�J �f---- - - --g�'Pt - ._ ---� ---�. D. 19.__..2�-__
<br /> ----�lx't.�1L1T- �"±_.�,q�� --- - - ------- ----- ,
<br /> W7TJV'ESS ; ----... '�
<br />. _ __ -
<br /> - - - __
<br /> ii
<br /> - -- -- - . E. G. Kroger _ _ .
<br /> . _ - --- -
<br /> � i�
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<br /> -- -- ---- - - _ __ -
<br /> -- - -- - -- -------•
<br /> _ - __ --- - _. .__ - - �!
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<br /> STd4TE OF NF,BRd4SK.g, ) '
<br /> r ss. � -- --�da o �S8 t - - ------.q. D. 19---2�-- be o '
<br /> - - -- - HSl l_ - - Countz�,� On this- ---- -- �3 - � f�--- --- --- P , f re me, ;
<br /> ij
<br /> the undersisned, a Notarr� Public_ ____ _. _ __ _____.within and for said County, personallz� came-_ ._ _..__________ .___.___ __ __ __________ .__I;
<br /> ;.
<br /> .; _._ Arthur__C.Map��e,husb�nd._of .ahoy�__name.�l_ .�x�.ntee-- -_ ___ _---__-- ---_ _ _ ii
<br /> --- _ _ _ -- -- _ - - ____ - - - - -- -- _ ._ _-
<br /> ,
<br /> - _ _ -._____ _ - _ i;
<br /> ;; to me personallr� known to be the iderttical perso�z_____._.zvhose name._____________�$____ ...__._......__af�'ixed to the�
<br /> ` (SEAL) above instrument as �rantor____.___, and______��___ . __. ______�r�r�e»bb�acknowled�ed the same to be_ _Y1�.8____ ��
<br /> voluntarr� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. i�
<br /> IN WTT.N'ESS WHEl�EOF, I have hereunto subscribed m� name arcd af�"'ixed my of�'icial seal at;f
<br /> . _.__on the date last above written. �
<br /> I 3t� _ �
<br /> Grand �la��t_,in_.ea_id_.c_�unt- --- - i
<br /> . - - - E.G..Kro-ger-- ------- - 'i
<br /> ---- -- -- - --------------------
<br /> i Notary Public. �i
<br /> .My eommission expires--•- -- �----FB�'? �_6i.1.92� .__ _ _ __ _ --- -..19.-------------
<br />_-- -_—:_--_-_�-__-_ _-_ ----
<br /> � - -
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