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� <br /> 2��� <br /> � <br /> ����� ���'� °� � �� o <br /> � �_..�� � ��a ��m <br /> __ . __ <br /> �.___�,..� . � _._ <br />�.7SO-5TRTE JOURNAL COMPANY.��LINCOCN.NEB.�� �� - V � ^,�... ..-�.� � ..... . . - .. . . . . . . . .. <br /> ; �'R�� I herebz� certifr� that this irLStrument was entered on ✓Y'umerical'' � <br /> .__.___Peter.:_�._Geisin�er.._&__Edna_.V.Ge1 �Zl�,@T' �ndex and filed for record this__________________2_� of.____�epte13�b8T _____ <br />�n....r..ight.., �larrantp <br /> r4. D. 19-�-�------, a�----------.._��.�I-�-----..__.._..__....------o'clock-------p�.__J�I. , <br /> ' an d an d wi f e7,� �eea __ � <br /> „�� <br /> ------ �-�� - ---- ---,`ti`��,� <br /> Register of Deeds, <br /> ------�Tohn H._Poehler............._.... ._...___.....-- ._.._ ._.._.. <br /> .s�---- -- -- - -- - ------ -- ----------- --..-- <br /> ---------- <br /> ' Deputy. <br />; <br /> � �r�o�n �YY �er� �p �C�je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> That.--.-- -------!��_,P��sr_1�._Ce_i_s�.ngea�__�nd--Es�a__V�_��_i s�nger._,_eaeh_._in--own_-ri_ght_ an__d--aa__husband _and_ ; <br /> �si fe� --- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -_ -- . _.._. -_ _ ..-- -- - -- - --- - -- _- <br /> -_--- - -- -- --� -- -- --- -- -- <br />� of the Count�J a�--- ---- --�81.�.s ------------,arcd State o}----------------------------------------N�b�$�.�I_C�a-----------------------GrantoT,s-------, in consideration <br /> o} the sum o�.------ .----.T_�►enty---8ix---hu�dr.�s9._e.�d__.fifty--4��1Q0_--�---_------------------------.-_---.DOLL..4RS, <br /> in hand paid, do_..___ ________._herebr� GR.�4NT, B✓fRGv4IN, SELL, �1ND GO.NVEY' u�to.. ______ cTOhri H. POeh18T <br /> -- -;------- -------- -------- ----- -- - - - ---------- ------ --- - ---- - - -- ----- -- - --- - -- ------ --- <br /> o the Count o ------- -_ HOW�,Td�--_--_ and State o ---__- 11IEl�?T8.81t8 __--___-., Grantee ----------, the followin�,' <br /> �. � f ---- - -- -- - ------------ f - - - � <br /> described premises, situated in the Countr� of.________.______.__Aall s________.__:____ _and State of Nebraska, to-wit: - <br /> ;' --------LQt---.2�rsa.--�.��----1n_. B_lo�k Eight (�)----o_f_Hann'_s__.Third-Addi_t_i4n__ta---�h�__C_i�y__Qf___G��.nd..IelandaN�braska, <br /> ° ---- --�.s--sta��v�yeci,pl�att�d_and_.r��orsie�l-.---�P_4_sse��i_Qn �o--be--g�ve�__E�arch_1,_1925_) ------- <br /> -- --- - -- ---- --- --- --- - <br /> -- <br /> -- - _ <br /> - -- - <br /> �3.00 I.R. 3tamp� <br /> - . _ -- _���trteei�ec�_ � - -- <br /> ____- . . - - -- -- - - _ - _ _ _. - - -_ -- - ---- -- - <br /> --- - ----- ---- - - -- - __- _-. - -- <br />� � To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, cand appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, ' , <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.$_., c�refzz�ev-�!'-�k�n�of, in oT to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �o �abe attb to �oID the above described premises, with tlze appurtenances, unto the said Grantee______and to._______�1�B____.._._ <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. .lnd_____@►C____ herel�a� couenant__ ____.with the said Grantee ______.that_____ . ___ _We �:'____ .____hold_______said premises , <br /> by �ood and perfect tit,le; that________R�� . __________.ha-4�--sood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and eonuey the same; that they are ' <br /> free and elear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever. _a.3.?1C1udiT1�___ta,XeB_,�OT_ the, �tCa.T 1�2�. ' <br /> �nd______ _ __. �6 _ __ ____________,coverzant______to warrant and defend the said premises a�sainst the lawful claims of all >; <br /> 'persons whomsoever._. ._ _ _ _ - __ __ - _ ---- _ _ --- <br /> � - -------- <br /> Dated the-- __ --- -23Td - -..___--da�J �J�--- -- -Sept_�tTlbeT - - -- .51. D. 1�_- ��__ ' <br /> W'ITNESS : ------ ----- - -- ----------PetET--�._Ge�83.11�;eT ---- --- '. <br /> -- -__ _- - _ _John_ Allan _ _ <br /> _ . -- - - _ ----Edna--4._�eisinger- -- <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR�ISX'�, <br /> �ss. � <br /> --- - -- - I38.�.1. - --- County, Ora this- - ---- ��T�. ------da�J �f-------- �81�'�_81Ii��T s -------�(. D. 19 21}-----, before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a,Notar•z�Public_ _________ __ __ ____________withirz and for said Countr�, personally came._____.___PE�_6S___�.G�f.��Ti�er__�1A_� , <br /> _Edna--St.Geisinger--his gife_ _ _ _ - --- -- - -- <br />� <br />, to me personally known to be the identical person._8_._._.whose rcame..__E!________8.T_�_..______.______afjixed to the ' <br /> � <br />' �3EAI�� above irestrument as �rantor_____8__, arcd_____ __.t�'16�'-------seuerally acknowled�ed the same to be____'�b,$_�.T ' <br /> volurttar� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I�' W'ITNESS W'HEREOF, I have hereunta subscribed my rzame and afj'axed mz� ofj"icial seal at <br /> GTB,TlE� I818nC1�1Y1__88,f f�__CO'ttiit_j�_�_. ,__ ,____: ____ori the date last above written. <br /> - - - - ----�r�-------��_---------------�- -- <br /> Notarz� Publie. <br />, ,My commission expires.--� ------�T$.Zi.. �J.�_�_l��a- -- ---19.--- <br />�=-----�:_- ___ _�_ �._„ _ _ _ : --- --- <br />, ., ,1 <br />