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D. 19_-2�-----, at---------------1�--�j�-----'--- ---=---o'cloek._._---.PR....M. � . <br /> ......... .............................._......................._.. ......_ .._..........- ........... �larrantp , <br /> � To �eea . <br /> .---�--.__-------�����fl< ��ti�-1-y <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, � ,. � <br /> _... _.COr� B�Owm.__. .:......................................................._ ' <br /> ' 8�--- - _------. _-- - - ---'-----. _--..._-�-�---�------�- <br /> Deputy,.-.. <br /> �.r�o�n �YY �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: , <br /> That_----------�--:Da.niel S�,Billings_,_a__widower_ ----- ._._ ' : <br /> - - - - _ - <br /> - -. ___ _ _ _ <br /> __ _ -- _-- --- - . _ <br /> _ -_ _- _--- <br /> - -- --. <br /> - - --- � � <br /> -- -- -- - -- -- <br /> of the Count� ��--- - -Hall s--- --------,and State of-----------------------N6bT8.Bk8.------------ ---Grantor_-- � V <br /> ------------------------- --------, ira eonsideratiora ' , <br /> " twent ' <br /> of the sum of.------ - - - }_ _ _- -_ _ _-- --- ---- -- - - _- - - - - - - _ � -- --- -------------.DOLL.RRS,.' <br /> in hand paid,�do_______________ _ __hereb� GR.,4NT, Bd4RG�I✓V', SELL, .,4✓V'D CONVEY' unto.___._____C_4_T8�___�T4�___.____.__.____ ' <br /> ----- ----------- ----- -- <br /> ------- - ------------ - ----- - ----.---- -------- - -------- --- - --- _-- ------- ---- -- -- - - -- ------ - --- _. -- ---- �----- --- <br /> of the Count�J �}-------------- ----�1 t ----------- -------------and State of - -�_�bx�f�k�.s-- ---- - ---------, Grantee-------------, the followin� '�; <br /> ' described premises, situated in the Countr� of.______________._..__.__x&Za._}------__-----_---__----.._-_--_._____and State of Nebraska, to-wit: " ' <br /> - <br /> _-------4�est---half--Qf--lo�s--ei�ht- (-�-)-.and ten_.(1Q-) -in__Bloek_�even--�-7�----in--C_�llege---Asldi�_ic�n _�Q--�f��t-----. � <br /> ---- -Lawn_,_an--addi.�ion, in. the _�_i�y o�_.Gr�nt�_�a��,nd- ---- ---- -- � ' . . <br /> - - -- -- ----- - - ------- ------ ' <br /> ----------------- ------- --- --- ---- -- - - ----------- -- --- - _ -- - - - - - --- -- -- ---- --- - --- --- -- - - ---- - -- <br /> -- - --- <br /> To�ether zvith all the tenements, heredi�amercts, and appurtenances thereunto belofz�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, <br />' Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Dernand whcctsoever of the said Graretor.___., cr�xd.�ei#Iz.¢r��Jae�rsa., of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> ' �o �abP attD ta �aia the above described premises, with the appurtenanees, unto the said Grantee________and to___.hB.I____ ._._.__ <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. .gnd___ I _ herebz� covenant _____.with the said Grantee____-_.that._______ __I_-- _____. ____.__hold_______said premises , <br /> by �ood and perfect title; that__..______.�._________.___.ha__�@.�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to :sell and convey the same; that they are <br /> free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever.______._.______________________,________ <br /> -------------------------- ---------- ----- ---- ---- ------ <br /> �nd_.___. ___ I __ warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst tb,� lawtul claims of all ` <br /> persons whomsoever--- ----- - __. ' _ _ . _ __------- __ <br /> _ - --- - - ---- - -- -- - --- --- -- - ----- _�--- --- ------ - - ---- - - - <br /> - -- ---------- <br /> Ii . <br /> Dated the---- . ._---�•�� - -- ----da�J �f---- - - ..- Au���-- - _ ----�. D. 19._ _�___ <br /> ' u�rTNESS ; ----�---- --- ---D�i_eI--�._Billings-- - -_-------- <br /> - - -- __ -_ -- <br /> ----- - -_ - -- - <br /> Art ur__C.. �yer _ . <br /> --_ __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ -- <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.,4SK�, <br /> �ss. <br /> 11 <br /> ---- - - AB.�.�. -- - �-�County, On this --�.-9--- - ------da�J �f---- - --1�Li$"F�f�"�-a -- --------�. D. 19--�----, before me, , <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarr�Public___--- - ._ ._-__--_----__---_-within and for said County, Aersonallr� came____--_-_-__-_--__---__-_.-------__---__ ----_-_-_-_- <br /> _ __Danisl--�._Billin�s_,a �riao��r _ --- - __ - -- - <br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical person________.whose�ixed to the ; <br /> above instrument as �rantor____.,._., and______________�8__________szeertt�acknowled�ed the same to be________�1�.8__ <br />� �s�AL� voluntar� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I✓V YVITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�"ixed m� ofj"icial seal at ', <br /> , _ GTB.Tid_.I�318.rid.�311 -&8,3,t�._�Q-L'lYit�t'-�-. ___ ____on the date last above written. ' <br /> ----- _ -- -- - --Ar�thur- �..Ma�rer---- -�--- ----------- <br /> Notarr� Public. <br /> .Mz� commissiora expires--------------e�t121e--��----1._929=-- - <br /> ._ -- -_ -- - _ --19.------------- � <br />