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__ 2�� �' <br /> t� � <br /> �� �'��''�D � � �'�' �� ����� Q 1 m <br /> —J_�1� �-.� _JL✓J _.� � � �� <br />�___.. ___ ____ <br />_. - - ------ - ---- — _ _ __ ------ .____-__._�_.. <br />. _�_�.._��._ZZ30 6TATE JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN.NEB. <br /> � _._�_ .____ .�.�.�._�._.._.».��.__._�-�._r. _ <br /> 'E I�'RO.JVI I herebz� certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical �� <br /> _ ,: <br /> ' Index and �tled for record this-------------l--a-� of.--------AuguBt. ------- �I <br /> .....John...N�,e�.ak�.��nSl.�...................................... ' <br /> � _ - - .._..... t�arrant �1. D. 19- 2�-�-, at-------�-� -2:15. � _-,-o��zo�k-----p..--.M. � <br /> , � <br /> p !, <br /> _... _ _. --- - --- ----- � <br /> TO..._..... ����2�� �,`,`_�'_- ------- -------- �I <br /> �eea <br /> � �I � Register of Deeds, �� <br /> ----- .r,. <br /> ; <br /> I ---Frank Rohde -- ...... <br /> .... <br /> _ _ - ___ -__ -- - <br /> B�- - - - : <br /> , Deputy. �i <br /> --_ _.____ __ . __ _ __-- <br /> ----- - - --- - . ___ - <br /> ,� <br /> ,� <br /> ;t il <br /> �.r�o� �YY �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: ;� <br />� � ��� <br />' ; - _ __ - - - ------ --_ - - "- _ - ---- -_ - - ,� <br /> That -- ---JOhA--�i-emaGk-,(-8i1�gl.e). --=---- ------ � <br /> -- --- - , <br /> � ;� <br /> � �� <br /> _.._--- ---- -- - __ - - --- _ - -- - --- -- <br /> _ - - -- - -- _ _-- _ _ _. - ._ _ <br /> - - i <br /> ' ______._ ________________________.Grantor.__________ in eonsideration�' <br /> , of the Count�J ��-----_�.1,�.-t ------------,and State o}------------------ �$1?SSfl�St------------------- , i <br /> �: • <br /> ' of the sum of.---- P'QtiT--2'�1Q118_811$--BYlE�_Ilfl�a.QQ---- ---r------------ --------- ---------DOLL.gRS, �I <br /> � ' �. ; <br /> � in hand paid, do�.s____._.______herebz� GR�NT, B.gRG.lIN, SELL, .IND CONVEY' unto..____ �T811�__�UhS�B.___ ________ ____ . _._____ ______._.' <br /> ' � <br /> - - ---- ----- ------- --- ----- ----- - - - ----- __- - ------- - ---- _ --- - - _ -- . ._. -- ---- - -- -- ' <br /> ' ----------and State.o -----------------..�e�?.T�Q�- ---------. Grantee---------- the followircg''I <br /> '; of the Count�J �f--=--�- -------------��f 8�.0-t-------------- � s - - - -- , , <br /> , <br /> ; described premises, situated in the County of_____.____.__.._______A$lls_______.__.___________._.__..........:.....and State of Nebraska, to-wit: ,� <br /> ± ;� <br /> ; -'._The_��at--Ha.lf-_Qf__ .the__�out�h Hal�__of -the--�{_-W-��._&��NE�-�-,-and--�he--�e� i <br /> !j -----�-he--$a_utheaet -Qua.rter----of_ th.e _� Qs�a�ct�er--(-�--SF�-�tE��-,-ant�-a--gie�-e--o-r_--gascel_-of---I,and------ ;; <br /> � --,--Qf_f--af---the-�est--B-ide af---the-_I�ort�i-Half---a�' �he D�ort�east Qvarter (-1� _���) _IIescrihed--as--Fo.11� ,j <br /> � <br /> B:-Commeneing at a point �ne Ht�ndred Fift� �150� Rcds due �Pest o the �forth-east oorner I� <br /> ---g�-t-he i��rth-H�,YF--of -the_ �ior�heast Quarter 1� 1�E ),B,unni�sg then�� �.ne� 9QUt�-Eighty (�4f�) �; <br /> , �- - } � - -..._ ____ - -.._ -- -- - '--- �- p --- � -- -- - - . <br /> Rods , Thence due i�est Ten (14) Rods Thence due North Ei ht _ �0) Rode Thence due East Ten ;I <br /> 6 - g � �- - � ;. <br /> i ( 1�� Rods to the Place of be inning, All bein in Section b) in Ta�nship Ni�e (9) �ort�, ,� <br /> _...of--F�an�e---Twelve--�-1Z)-r�es�-of the -�i�cth-P-�i�cipal--Meridi�an- i�- Hall- CQtmty-,l�ebraska,and- o�a--- �i <br /> � talning a totai of Sixty-Five (65) aares 3dore-or-less. !i <br /> � <br /> ---- --- --- -- - --- --------- ------- ------- --- -- - _ _- - - - - - - - � <br /> ------------------------- <br /> -- -- - - - -- --- -- <br /> --- -- -- -- _ _ - �4._0�3 .I..R.�tamps__ _ ___ _ - - _ _---- --- _ . __ - -- j! <br /> -- -- - -- - _ _ <br /> , -- - <br /> � Cancelled ii <br /> �i <br /> . --- ----- -- --- --------- - - - - - ---- - - - --- - - - --- - - -__ _ __.. _ _ _ <br /> -- - -- , <br /> ,i <br /> ! To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereurito belon�in�, and all the Estate, Rd�ht, Title, Ir�terest,�j <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demarcd whatsoever of the said �rantor.___.,�tt��'eetiee�-v�•E9te►ft, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. �' <br /> ,! �o �abP anD tu �u[D the above described premises, with the appurtenanees, unto the said Grarztee_______and to._____�8............... ', <br /> '; heirs and assi�ns forever. �lnd. __�e____hereby covenant__S____.with the said Grantee.______._that_____ _ _ _ he .__..______hold____8_said premisesl! <br /> by �ood and perfect title; that____._. _______��_________.ha4�___�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell arcd convez� the same; that they are'I <br /> i <br /> ;" free and clear of all liens and inczimbrances whatsoever___..____.________________________.____:_ " '! <br /> --- �---- ----- - - -- -- - -- -- - -- <br /> � -- --- __ . - - - _ __ __ i <br /> --- - - --- _ _ _ .,. ____ - - ;I <br /> -- - ---- --___ . _- <br /> _ _--- - �, <br /> �I <br /> -- - -- - - _ _ . <br /> - - - _- _ I <br /> - -- --- - -- <br /> --_- ---- <br /> --- -- - _----- <br /> _ _ - _ _- i <br /> .gnd_ _he _ __.couenant 8 __to warrant and defend the said premases a�ainst t�ze lawflul elaims of all�l <br />�' ! persons whomsoever_._ -- - _ __. _.. __ -- - _ <br /> __ _ _ - - --- ----- --- ( <br /> --- --- ---- �. <br /> , <br /> II, - - -_ - - - -- --- -- - _ _ _ _ <br /> ___-- -_ _ _--- ---------'� <br />' `: Dated the_ . - __ -6"�� _-_. >.da o .- ---�----- � L1B'�. I <br /> �J f � � - -- - - ---.g. D. 19-2�- ;; <br /> i <br />� ��� u�zT�ESS � : John I�iema�k � <br /> ----�---- ------ ---- -- --- ----- -- - --- - -- - ------i. <br /> !.; ;� <br /> _ .__ _ _ _ - - - - - - - . __ _ _ - ;� <br /> __ _ _Ed�srd-t�'.Hax�na�_ _ _-- -_ -- i <br /> , - - - ---- - <br /> - -- - - ----- - - -- _ -- -j� <br /> ----- --- - -- -- - -_ ._ . - - -- ------ --------- �� <br /> _ .___ ___ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 'I <br /> � <br /> � �� ST.,4TE OF .NEBR�SK'�, j� <br /> �ss. II <br /> ;' - - - - ---.�811. - - -.Count , On this- - ---E'�'iYl--- -- ---da o 8t �. D. 19--�� -- b I� <br /> i <br /> �J �J f�--- ---- �� �---- --- --- , efore me,�I <br /> ' the undersi�ned, a�V'otary Public___ __ _ _ ______within arcd for said County, person¢lly came_.___ __.__ _. _.___ __._ __ _`___ _ _____.__----!i <br /> , ,, <br /> �ohn Niemaak,9ingle. - ---- - __ _ _ __ ___ _ __ __ ___- _ _ ;I <br /> -... __- _ - _ _ - - - _- , <br /> . <br /> '; i <br /> _ ____ _ . _ ___ --- _ -- __ _ . _-- -_ __ -- _ -- _ __ __. .__ �� <br /> ; to fne personallz� knowrc to be the identical person._.___...whose name.._____.____.__. _ ._._.3$_._ __.__._af�ixed to the�i <br /> ;I <br /> ' �s�Aj+j above instrument as �rantor____,_.__, and________,___he_--_-_--_____severally acknowled�ed the sarne to be______�1�8__ � <br /> I <br /> voluntary act and deed for t1�e purpose therein expressed. I <br /> I✓V W'ITNESS WHEREOF, I haae hereunto subscribed mz� name and afj�ixed my of�icial seal at� <br /> �: GTA�'ld I_9I811��.1ri_ 8R1$ .-L'QL�C3t�jt-�__ ----------_on the date last above written. j <br /> - � � <br /> � �- ` � --------- -- --- --E.dwar�--F._�i_annQn----_..------------�------i, <br />„ Notary Publie. !; <br /> ,�` <br /> ' .My commission expires----- �-- --- ----��p'E*-�-�.�'��_}�._9.C��. _ _ _ -- --19.-------------� II <br /> —.--.__—�-------__-_-_.-_:_=_----__----- _--_-__—_ <br /> --- <br /> _._____'-p.'- <br /> ' <br /> I I <br />