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'j <br /> ' - - _ _ _ _ - ---- - -- - -_ _ __ ;� <br /> � <br /> �.t�oi� �YY �er� �p ��je�e �re�e�tt�: � <br /> ; <br /> ' That ----D�V�r-�--r�2..�I�mi_lt_�_n__a.�d__Jo�.ephine--H�,m�.]�ton_,husban_d_�r�d _�r�f-e,- - - - - . . - -. --- ;; <br /> ,; <br /> ' ----- --_ _ _-- - __ _ _. __ _ -- _ _- - _ -- - - --- - - ---_ _ _ ._ -- - - --- -- __ __ __ _ - -_. _ ---_._ _____ -- - <br /> ______.Grantor._._8______. in consideration',' <br /> ;; of the Count�J ��-- ------ ---H�.1�.3 ----------_.and State of-----------------------N_��!x_�_Sk�->----------_. -------------- , , <br /> ' o} the sum of.-------- --_ ----_ _____. .C?ne--�Q�].ar--�n.d---o-�h_er----valu.a'�le _cons_iderati_on __ '; <br /> - ----- -- - - <br /> -----.DO L RS, , <br /> i <br /> '' in hand paid, do--.------------hereby GR�1NT, B�RG.IIN, SELL, .hfND CO,NVEY' unto.----------L.eS�.__�. �h�h�'�ri-----._.__--------------------.--,------------'� <br /> � <br /> ; of the Count�J �f--------------------K8.1�,r- ------------ ---------and State of-- ---- ---- -��'q��.Sk.a. --- - -------- , Grantee-----------, the followin�;I <br /> ' __..._.and State o Nebraska, to-wat: ' <br /> described premises, satuated irz the County of.___________.______x3�.a._t____________ ______.______ ._._ f <br /> � <br /> -----i,-o-�--Si-x--�-�-)---Bl_o_ck---Q�-e--Hundre� '�hir-t y j 130�_a-� U. 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To�ether .with �all the tenements, hereddtaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest,!j <br /> � Dower, Curtesr�, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.____., �b-s�-ebt�la�r-e£-�lte�vr, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. ;',; <br /> �, <br /> �a �abe anD to �oID the above described premises, with the appurtenanees, unto the said Grantee_______and to._____.._Y1�,8_________ 'I. <br /> �; <br /> ' heirs and assi�ns forever. .gnd.____3t7-g___-hereby covenant_.___._..with the said Grantee._________that__.___ _ _____..rde_-_-__._hold____._said premises,': <br /> '!; b� �ood and perfect title; that_____._____yQ�________________ha-SZe--�ood ri�sht arzd lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are,i <br />' free arzd clear of all Lierts arzd iracumbrances whatsoever________EX-C-ep-�--�8--_c�'t�0-VL'__S-tSt.Bt�._ ________________.____________; <br /> � <br /> - - -.._- -- - _ . ..__...__ .__ __ _ _ --- _ - ._ __. . __-- ----- - - - - <br /> - _.. -- __ - <br /> ,� <br /> - _____- - � <br /> i - --_ _ _'_ __ -- -- - . _ -- -_ _ -- ---- - -- -- - <br /> , <br /> � - - -- .. -- -- - -- <br /> _ -- _ _ -:I <br /> u �� <br /> � .Rnd.___-_____ _ __. _ 1Y8 __ _ _ _ .__.____covenant warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all'',i <br /> ;, <br /> � persons whomsoever___ ____ _ __ _ ? <br /> _ -_ - _. _- - _ __ - _.. - --- - ----- -- - ---- - - - ---- ------_ -- - - <br /> �� <br /> - - ----- - _ _ ---- -- _ -� f ------ - -Au�us - - -- _ _.__ - . - -- - _ -__ -- _ „ <br /> - -- -- _ .___ -------- <br /> � Dated the_ 11th da o o_-_-�.s.___ �t. D. 19..2�} '� <br /> ;� <br /> � <br /> '! W7TNESS ---D.���r_e.._��5.H�.`ril.l_�fl-ri---- - ----- ---------- ----'� <br />� ,� <br /> -�o�e�;��ne Hami.�to�Z ---__ _ _ - i <br /> ; - - - _ ��I�n_5_uhr_ __ _ - _ ---- �� <br /> , �,; . <br /> � <br /> ----- -- -- __ _ ---- - ___ - -- - - ----------------� r <br /> , _ _- _ ___ _ _ _ - -_ ._ _--. . _ ------ i <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR�4SK�, ;j <br /> ss. <br /> - �I?.11-� - - ..County, On this-- --- Z�.'��1 - - ---da�J o��--- - -All�,'Li-S'��---- - ---�. D. 19-2-�'i----, before me,�I <br /> � the undersi�ned, a Notary Publie.___ ______-__--___ ______within and for said County, personally eame_____ ______ _ ' <br /> I �� __ �eV�x�_ �._Hamilt_on--an d .J�_s e�hine --Ha�il�c�n,hus_band an d--�ei f e,_ __--- ----- �. <br /> I <br /> i� <br /> ; _ _ _- - -- ._ ----- - -_ __ __ -- -- - - - -- - -- -- i <br /> ; - _ _ _ __ _ - _ - - <br /> ,; to me personallz� known to be the identical person__8-___whose name__.._S-_._-�}r�- _----------__---af�'ixed to the j <br /> �, <br /> ' above instrumerct as �Srantor_S___.__, and.__tYl.e�-- - -------severally acknowled�sed the same to be__ th��T �i <br /> (�EAL) voluntarz� act and deed for the purpose theTein expressed. �i <br /> I.N' W7T.N'ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my of)ieial seal at;l <br /> CxT�.rid- S-�1Srid�-1Ya.----533.-d-_-COLt31�-y,--------- - ---------on the date last above written. jl <br /> ---- - ,i <br />, . ._________________�S-L�ui._._J.ir_S1.Q�_Qapll___"___•'____.__'______' ', <br /> Notary Public. <br />,�:- , <br /> .Mz� commission expires---- �------- �-e,l�t -17-1927 - -- _ _ _ _ -19.-------------� �', <br /> ��_— - --- ------ -- — <br /> �-= - --- — - -- _---- __ -----------=- _,----- .: <br /> i -- ---- I <br /> '� r; <br /> li i� _� <br />