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i �� ` <br /> ,� _- <br /> ������ �������� ���a ��� <br /> _q____ . ._ _ _._,_ . . __ _ <br />� �IIT��-STATE JOURNAL COMPAN7.LfNCQLN.NEB. . ._. __..,. _._ . . �- .. ...___.__ _...._ .......,. ..._..._.. ..._ . .,........ ..--. .... - <br /> FR�✓VI I hereby certify that this instTUment was entered on Numerical � <br /> Index and fEled for record this---------._1�....................da� of.----...A7�gU.S_�....----------. <br /> .......�.d..w�:x�...�1....��..d.e.x....�...��................................... <br /> �. D. 19 _.��-�-- at-----.,.1,1.. .-,,. -.__.. ,.. .. .- --d clock ---A.,-----.M. <br /> � ._ ........... ---... �larrantp � - : <br /> . ........ .. .. ..._ .... ... . ..... <br /> T� �eea � -�- � <br /> - �� :" <br /> �-!�����_--- -- 'u�-_'��' _..�.-------- <br /> .l�e�ister of 17eeds, <br /> - Ed �1_._�'ones Jr._.._....... -_............. .._........_................ . <br /> 8�---- --- - _- -------- --__ -------- <br /> ----�---- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�ok� �YY �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br />' That------ ----------Edwar_d -g.ELde�---and--P��rtha__�ld.e_x,_eac�--in_hi�_s___o_r her--ri,�ht-=-and_as__spouse of the <br /> - --a�h€r -- - - -- --_ __ . -___ -- - __-- -__ - _ <br /> o the Count o .___.._.xa12_ ._________._.________.__________.Grantors____._...., in consideration ' <br /> ' f � f a-- -- - -------..__,and State of------------------NQbTaSkB.--------------- <br /> of the sum of�-- ---- -_ ._._ _ __ _ T�►Q �ho_�.1�3nC�.�-_- -------_- -_---___-_----_----------------------D OLL.gRS� <br /> in hand paid, do hereb9 GR.gNT, B�RG.lI.N, SELL, �ND COJV'VEY' unto.___________Ed _A._JOYleB__cTT_.______ _______ <br /> ------- - -------------------------- --------------- --- --- - - ----- ---- - - -------- ------ --- --- - - -- ---- - - --- - ------- <br /> o the Count o ------------------�3��. -- - -- - ---------and State o -- ---- �T�bT�._��_�,_ ----._. Grantee------------, the followin�' <br /> f � f s f - - � - - -- ---- , <br /> described premises, situated in the Countr� of.______._____.___________�1.11_�___________________________.__.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> ` ------L�-t---F-i�ue----(-��)---�.n b-l-ack Sevente� (17)_ ��-F�irv�.e� Par�-Ac�ditio� �a-t��--�it�-a-f--�-ra�-d--I-slar�cl_ <br /> -------S-�,k��.e�_t__t�__�__mox.-��ag.e__in_ fauor---of---Un-i-an---LQan--ar�d-�,at-i_on--in--the---sum--o_f__�15QQ------- <br /> ------vrhich--gx�.n.t_��--�ssu+r.�s--an�.--a�x��-s--ta--�a3r-as-�ar� _of- said-co�-�i�€rati:c�n----_ - - <br /> ' ---- ------ -- ------------- -- -- - _ _ __ - <br /> _-- - - -- --- ----_----�--------------- -- - -- - -------- ---- -- ---- --------- ` <br /> �. 50 I. R. Stampe ' <br /> - - -- - �an�e���d --- - �---. ---- - ---- - - <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, c�nd all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, ' <br />� Dotver, Curtesr�, Claim and Demarad whatsoever of the said Grantor___., , of, in or to the same, or arLr� part thereof. <br /> �0 �abP QIID tQ �O�A the above described premises, with the ap7�urtenances, unLo the said Grantee_______and to_____._hi�______._____ ` <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. .,4rzd..__?N�_________hereby cover�ant____.____with the said Grantee.._______that-_____ ____ ��.. .___ ...___hold______._said premises <br /> ' bz� �ood and perfect title.; that__.________Y,iB----_--___-----.ha___-V-E-�ood ri�ht and lawfud authority to sell and conae� the same; that they are <br /> free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />�� - _ - _ _ - -- - --- --- -- - -._ . ___ -____ --- <br /> �nd__ ,_ �e covenant.________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all . <br /> persons whomsoever---- ---- _ __ ___ _ _ __.__ _.--- <br /> _ ---_. <br /> - ---- ---- <br />' " - - - -- _.._- - - --_ __ __ -- -- - _- __ - <br />' p <br /> Dated the___-- -��- -___. _ _- _._ ---da�J �f------------- --A�us�-- - - - ----d4. D. 19__�_�1-..__ <br /> ' W7TNESS •. _.-----------._..--ES1.F�8.Td--A._E1_deT--- - -- - - -- ------- ! <br /> . _ - -- <br /> �Zart_ha__EI_der his �rife_ _____ � <br /> _ . _ ___,�xthur_ C.�Iayer_ _ - ___ <br /> �dartha Elder <br /> ___-_--- _--_-- --------- Edtvard A. Elder her husband' <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR�SK'd4, ) <br /> }�ss. <br /> .. - H211- - - - -�Courztz�,� On this-- -- __-�.3t�-- - ------da�J �f�---- ,AU.g11�t 7----------�.�. D. 19---2�----, before me, , <br />' the undersi�ned, a.N'otar�Public______ _. __ .._._______within and for said Cozcnty, personallr� eame._____._E��P�,Z'_d.__�..E1C18T. _�riC�._. _ <br /> _ _ �Iartha Elder-,_his wif� - - _ _--_ ---__ -- ----__--- -- -- -_ ---___ ' <br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical person__.__$__whose name___._S_____A.T_�}"ixed to the ! <br /> �SEAL� above instrument as �rantor�_______, and_.._..�$Sy.._.________._severallz� acknowled�ed the same to be___thE-�r' <br /> voluntar� act an-d deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W7T✓1�'ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed mz� name and afj'ixed mr� ofj"'icial seal at ' <br /> Gra11d I_S13Tld,3.T1 8R3.Ca.__CO'4l.Tlt_X_�___ ___ ___on the date last above written. <br /> --- -- -Arthur -C_.'�ay_eS----------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> . . . n - -- --19.--------------- - �:, <br /> .My commzssaon expares.------------sTLiTle--�------1.�2�. ------- -----_------- ----- -------- <br /> - -�-,.-_,_ _ _ :____ -_ _ _ _ ,---�:_ -__---_ ___� - --_— _-- <br />