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`)-. _ �� <br /> �.r�� <br /> �. <br /> ��j��J� 1�lJJ�1�c�`�� ����a �'�J0 <br />�.,�.__ _... ___.�___�_ ._. _._ .._. _ .__�,. _ _ - <br /> -._-v _ .a.�„___..�_�__-,- _..__ <br />� �'T�'��ATlJS01Fl7ALC6/APANY.LIPoCatN:NtB: - - _.__.__.... _.�r_.... .�-------- . -° <br />-�.�-s.,-----:-. _...�.,�we <br /> .F'.Z�D.M I herebz� certifi� that this instrument,was erctered on �Y'umerical,' <br /> Ed A. Jones Jr. hLiBb Index artd fcled for record this____ _____.G ___ _______.daz� of._____�L'i�,t18'�______.. <br /> -----------------------..._-- ---------------� --...----------------------------- , <br /> . ._.. �larrantp ,g. D. 19 --2�---, at----------- �----....�I-�O.-- -- --- --o'clock----�..-----.M. ' - <br /> ......................._................................TO <br /> __.. ............ ........_......._........ <br /> �eea <br /> - -___ _' . <br /> .__-�?.�-------- <br /> ���='�---- ----------�--- <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> Editl� J. Jones <br /> - -- --- -__..----- ..................................._........................ :�. <br /> ' 8�--, ----- - - - - - -__ -- -- - --- --- -------" <br /> Deputz�. <br /> �.r�o� ��Y �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�; <br /> That_____ ._._.___ _I,Ed,A. Jones Jr. �vasband of the_grantee hereinx <br /> - -- -- _ -- -- �- -- - - - -- - - ._ <br />�I 'of the Count�J of----- --I�B.�.�-s ---- ----.and State of------------------N-�bx8.B�A-------------------------------------------------Grantor._-------, in consideration <br /> of the sum of.------- -- -.. - - --- Q-ri�--�S?_lISZ - - - --_. _ - ------ -- ----------.D OLL�RS, <br />'I <br /> _-- - -- __._ ____-- <br />� in hand paid, do.--_._._._.____hereby GR.,4iNT, B�RG.FILN', SELL, .,4.N'D CONVEY' unto_________.___Edith eT. cTOriB_8_ <br /> -- - ---- -- --- -- - - -- ---- <br /> of the Count�J �f--------- --------H811� ------------------------and State o�---- � ---- N8bT88k8 - - --- -------, Grantee.--------, the following """ <br /> deseribed premises, situated in the Count� of.___.________._.__Hall_a_______.__.._______... ___ ____.and State of JV'ebraska, to-wit: <br />', _-----LQ_t_s_---Qn�---HundrE� .�eight�- two_ .(�.��)---One-�t�r�c�red-Eight3r �'hree -(�g�)--0��-�undr-ec�--Ei��i-��--Ei�h� <br /> ; <br /> ------�_l��-)---Dn� --�190-)- One---I�ur�d�ed-Ninety 0r�e (1�1�-€�nd-Dne- Hu�dr�d---�Ii�-��y Six-(�.9-6� <br /> - -in__I�est-La�,an Additia�-�r� -t�ie- �it�-- o� �ra�d--�elafld;F��11--��unty,Nebr�.ska.-- - - -_ - _ - ' <br /> -- -- - --- - --- ----- --- -_ .. __ - -- -- - -- -- -. _ - _ -- - -- ---- -- - --- --- -------- , <br /> - - -_ __ -_ --- -- <br /> - - - _ <br /> ----------- - ---- ---__- - -- --- --- - -------- ------------- - - -- --- -- - - - ----- -- --- ---- -- - -- -- -- --- - <br /> - - --_ - -- - - - - - <br /> To�ether with all the terLements, hereddtaments, and appurtenances thereurcto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, ' <br />�I Dower, Curtesz�, ClaEm and Demand whatsoeuer of the srzid Grantor.__., are�cd-vf-ea#,�r,ere�l�ne�rz, of, in or to the same, or arcy part thereof. ,; <br /> I' �0 �abP ariD tQ �AIa th,e above described premises, with the appurtenanees, unto the said Grantee_______and to-_______.____hBT_._._ <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. �nd_ . I ______herebz� covenant ___.__.with the said Grantee ______.that..___ ._ _I._ __ ._____ . <br /> --__._hold_____said premises - <br /> ,, by �ood and perfect title; that________._�________________.ha__ye__�ood ri�ht ared lawful authority to sell and coravey the same; that they are <br /> 'free and clear of all�liens and incumbrances whatsoeaer._______.____..____________ _____.______._____.____ <br /> � <br /> - - -- _ ___ <br /> - <br /> -_ ___ _ _ --- _ __ - _- - -_ _ - ---_ ___ -- <br /> - -- _____._ <br />� i <br /> ; <br />� ---- ----- ' <br />' .,4nd___ _ ____ __I_ __ ___ _ _ _ ._.___.' warrant and defend the said premises a� the lawtul claims of all �� <br /> 'persons whomsoever_ _-_____ ` <br /> _-- - - -._ . _ . _ <br /> __ - - ---- --- ----- <br /> --- - ---- ----------------- - - ---- - --- -- ; <br /> _ _. - <br /> __- _ ---_- <br /> _-__- --- <br /> - ---------. . <br /> Dated the-- 6tb___ -- - __-da�J �f�-- --- ----1�Ll�tlBt - - ---J1. D. 19,2�,._ _ <br /> - <br /> I' <br /> i W'ITJVESS ; ---------------E�--A-•--Jon�s- Jr. -- ---- - -- -------- <br /> ; <br /> _ E._G.Kro�er_ _ - � _ - <br /> _ _ - ____ _ _-. - - -- - - -- <br /> --- -. _ _. <br /> ST�TE OF .N'EBR.,4SK�, <br /> �ss. <br /> - -- �8.11- - - - -Courct�, On this_ - - -�t�7 - ----da�J �f------ - -- �����t--------.q. D. 19--��---, before me, I <br /> the undersi�ned, a .N'otarr�Public_ _ -_ _.___._ ._ . ..___within and for said Countz�, personally came__ _______ __.__ __________ _______ <br /> Ed A. Jones,`Jr._hu_sband_ of__the grante�__�Sexein.__ ____ _ ', <br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical person_._____.zvhose name___._____._.___��"ixed to the <br /> �SLAL� above instrument as �rantor ._..____, and_______11�_ __...______�.e�,+a� acknowled�ed the same to be._ ____21�8 ' <br /> I � _ <br /> volufatary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> !; <br /> IJ�" W'IT✓Y'ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed mz� name and af�'ixed my of�Bcial seal at :, <br /> GraTia- I81�Znd�in--$ait�._ C�uII.�Y,--- -------_._on the date last above written. ; ; <br /> - --- --- - - E. G. Kroger------------- ------ -�-----�--------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> .My commission expires---- . .._.-���.-�6�����• - -__ - -19.---- ------� i <br />_---_, __- ---_ __—,_-._ -, __ _ _- - <br /> . !i <br />