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L F� � <br />� <br /> � � �� <br /> ��j —�� L���j���� ���a ��m <br /> ...,- -��e_ _ ,__. .:. _ _,�.,� <br /> :_ -���{ . � ______—_�.-_-�- ._.. <br />_ _ -- W��__--__-___..� _ ----- <br />_. �� I1,�I�STAT�.YZ7UkNRL COMPANY.LINCQLN.NEB. � . . . ... _ _.._. � ._ .. _ __ .... '_.... .. ... . _ .. ..,..__... .. ... .._ <br />._.._-�....�__.�;,y.,_"'_. .-._,...._..,,a..............._,.... _... .... .._._e_, .�_......�..::.._...,�_..��.....�._.._._.. . . . ,... . . ' <br /> FI���l I herebr� certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical" <br /> �----�--------------------- Index and filed for record this-------------27'--------------da� ���--------J ' <br /> ---Ed._A..Jor�es.,Jr.-&---�f.......----- �Y .------ ---- <br /> _. _ _.. <br /> --- - --- _- - - <br /> --. �l�rrantn �q. D. 19-2-?�--� at------ ---��55 --- o��ao�k----P..---.�r. <br /> TO �eea � <br /> _. . -- -���2-�-��_�:�-e���, <br /> ----- ------- --- <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> ---E_s_�e1--4._.JQnes-- ..................................._._._..._....._.._.. <br /> B✓--- -- - _ __ - - --- -- - ----- - - -- <br /> - ---------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.r�o� ��r �l'er� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�t�: <br /> That_----- -Ed._A..__�one8__Jr._aad_E_di�th---J,__Jon�.�_,�uebar�d__and wife--__ ----- <br /> -- - -- --_- - <br /> ---- _ -_ - <br /> - --- <br /> j' -- -- -- - - - - _ _ -__ __ ' <br /> -- - - _ __ - _ - - <br />''' of the Couretz� of .._H8]._�._i--------------------and State of-----------.--------------�8b�$8k8Sa-------------- ----------..Grantor_�------., in consideratiora �'� <br /> �s �t_ g�area,�------------------------------------------------ <br />�' of the sum of�------ - -- .__ _.._ � - -- _-- - - - - -_ - ---- - - - --------.DOLL.,4RS, � <br /> in hand paid, do___-----.__----hereby GR�✓'✓'T, B.,4RG�I✓1�', S�LL, d4ND CONVEY' unto.---- ------�8'�41----D..r1QTi�-B--------------------------------------------- ! <br /> ------ - - __------------ --- ----------------------- ---- --- - - - -- -- ------- - _ ----- -..__ ---- - - <br /> --- -- - -------- <br /> ---- ---- <br /> of the Count�J �f--------------------H8,11-s-----------------------------and State of----- --- ..�$.Q��#�.@}�a- �- --- --------- -, Grantee----------, the followin� ; <br /> described premises, situated in the Countr� of._._______________�all_�______._________.____ _________________.and State of JV'ebraska, to-wit: ' <br /> ____SQutherlp sev_e_nty__(_70�__ feet _of.�ot_ Ten__(10_� Block _Sixte_en_.(_16_).__P'a_i__rvier_Park_�an_�ddition._in , <br /> ____the__�ity___af___�sand__I_slan�,as _th_e_ aame___i_s__platt.ed.__an�_r_�cQr�ec�,b�aing__� r�etangular___piece _of_____ :; <br /> ----grQ�-�--frQn�-in�--on -�in�h--�t_r_��t___a��__xt�ning--No�t_�er__�.y_alp�tg-- Green�ieh _3treet--- seveatp-(74)- - <br /> feet. <br /> --- - --- _ ._ ---- - ---------- - _ _ _�.___r-�------------ <br /> - _ <br /> -- <br /> - <br /> - _.. <br /> -- --- <br /> - - - <br /> - . - - - -- - - - <br /> _ _._ <br /> �1.40 I. R. Stamps <br /> - - -C�;rieeYi�d- - - - -- - -- -- -- <br /> _- -- - -- <br /> - <br /> -- -. -- <br /> _ - - --- - <br /> - - _ <br /> _ -- -- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belorcdin�, and all the �st¢te, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, ',' <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___., , of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 ���1P ari� t0 �QID the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to___:__._�1�8..________ ;; <br /> heirs and assisns forever. ✓Ind.__WB___-___lzerebz� covenant________with the said Grantee_______that_:________ _ WQ...____ ._.___.Iiold________said premises �' <br /> by �ood arad perfect title; that.__:_____1<!!�____.___.___ha✓�'____�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and conuey the same; that they are `'! <br /> free and clear of all liens and ineumbrances whatsoever____ <br /> •_�nd____ _. _.____.. �I�_______ __ __._ warrant and defend the said prem�ses a�ainst t1�e lawful claims of all <br /> I persons whomsoever----- --_- __ _ _._ _ __---------. <br /> --- - - <br /> f. Dated the-- -- -- ..._ _ _--- 2�.� ----da�J �f----- � --- - e�Lt�.p -- ---- --�. D. 19__2�___ ---- ---- <br /> W'ITNESS -------.----------- ---Ed--A..�TOileB--�TT----- <br /> - - _- -_ Edith__J._Jones - - ' <br /> _ __ _Arthur C.Mayer__ _ _ - -- -__ <br /> , ST.gTE OF NEBR�ISK�, ) <br /> �� }�ss. ���; <br /> a , <br /> - --. .�ia. 1 - ... - - -- Courct�J,) On this- ---- Z�---- - - ----da�J �f-------sltll�} ------ --------�. D. 19--��--, before me, , <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public_ _ __. ___ __ ________within and for said Countr�, personally came___ ______ _.____ i <br /> Ed _A. Jone_s__Jr.and_Edith J.Jonee,husband and_ wife ; <br /> to rne personally krcown to be the identical person_B____.whose riame________Q____8S8__._.__ ..___._afj"axed to the '� <br /> � ���L� above instrument as �rantor__.S.____, and____...�Yl@�--_-----___seUerally acknowled�ed the same to be__��3��T_ ,i <br /> voluntarz� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my 'rcame and afj"ixed mz� ofj"icial seal at ; <br /> ,� <br /> GT811C�._1818A(�_}�x'1 8�1,�C�__ (",_p.LiI1��T�_______________an the date last above written. ' <br /> ------ _---- - ----A_rtla�xr__�._MaF�r.---------� ----- ;!. <br /> Notary Public. <br /> �YIy commission expires._._.. .._Ju11e _'9"___1429� <br /> . - - _- - -19.------ <br /> � __—::�_ <_ �____ <br /> __ <br /> ---- <br />. . <br /> , <br /> ;� ___� __ _ _ , - �� - � <br />