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D. 19---2�'�' , at----.... ---- �--��--2.-45_ � -o��ao�k-P-----._...,�r. <br />' TO <br /> �eea , / �j� <br /> -- ..__ _- - -�-�c_�a��,eC V�.�,e_�,/...--------- <br /> Re�aster of Deeds, � <br />, -- - - -- - �i lbe_rt.-Roac.h...&.........................._........ <br /> 8��--- - _ <br /> -- <br /> - - ------ --------- <br /> ___ Reah RQa�h ____--- - Deput�. 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D. 19.__2Z1-___.__ <br /> W7TJV'ESS <br /> _------- �------ -�------ ------------------ --------------- --- ----- : <br /> - -- __ _ _ �ary_A__Ro�.ch _ __ __ <br /> __ ___ '�m, ��r-_ _ -_ ---- --- _ _ <br /> --- - - ���i,Roach-- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- <br /> STd4TE OF �Y'EBR.gSK.fl, <br /> �ss. <br /> --------.._.-.------.- ..County, On this---------------11----------------da o eTtll- , before me, ; <br /> H81]: � ✓ f�--- ------ - - -Y ---- -- -----��. D. 19 2?�----- <br /> ithe undersi�sned, a Notarr�Public_ _ _ _.___ __ ____.____.within and for said Coufzt�, personally came___ __.____ ________ ______ ___ _ _____ __ <br /> B�ary A. Roach & �i.H.Ro�.ah �ife � �Iuahand- _ -------- -_ _ - - <br /> -- _ __ -- - - _ __. <br /> to me personally knowrc to be the identical person_g___._.whose name_____g_..&�"ixed to the <br /> ' (SEAL) above instrumerct as �rarztor___ , and__.__._.�13E�'.-..._____.severally acknowled�ed the same to be__'��18�T__ <br /> volu�ztary act cznd deed for the purpose thereirz expressed. <br /> I.N" W7TNESS W'HEREOF, I haUe hereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my ofJ"'icial seal at <br /> . _ _ _ _f�T3Yid I$18.�1td_ �T1_ B$�d _COL1xi�q�_________on the date last above written. <br /> ----- --- - - - - - �m. Suhr <br /> - _ - -------------------------------� -------------- <br /> Notarz� Publie. <br /> ; .My commission expires.-- --.-----�'�k�--�.�-._]-�27- ---_.-- <br /> - __ -- __-- .. --.1�9.---- ------� <br />-----�- --_----__� -- -_. _, - - - ---- _- --------=_�-___.___`_—_.�--- <br />