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<br /> of the sum of.- ------- -.- --__ ___--Sigty�-ff�r�_AutldT�d--s�d---NO�lOU----_------- _�---------------_.----DOLL�RS, I
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<br />�I of the Count�J �}---------- --- _xS�l 3 -- --- --- -and State o� -- -- -_ _ I1Te.1��88Zf&a - ---•- , Grantee- -------, the followin�';
<br /> described premises, situated i-n the County of.________.___________Aal.�._!.._________.____._____ _____.._____.and State of Nebraska, ta-wit:
<br />' ' ---T�i_�..�tor��i__h�lf----o-f_-th� North�est.__f�uar_�er--(�T 1�� '
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<br /> ' To�ether with all the ten•ements, hered.itamercts, and appaartenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Ircterest, .
<br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Deman,d whatsoever of the said Grantor.__..,sr�2da�.e�i,�b,e.r�.tb.�,�z,, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. i
<br /> ' �0 �a�lY ari� t0 �A�a the above, described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to.._____.Y1�8________ ':
<br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. ✓Ir�d_______I_._____�zerebr� covenarct_______.with the said Grantee-.______.that______ ._ _ ___ ___ _Z____._hold_______said premises .
<br /> bz� �ood and perfect title; that__________j_________________.ha__�'�-sood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convez� the sQme; that they are !
<br /> I, ,free arad clear of all liens and incu,mbrances whatsoever----------BXC-E'A'�---1f3--8.�IIVE---S-e�--fA_T$Yl.�------------------------------------------------------;
<br /> � <lrad___________ __ �.____ _ _ _ .____._covenant____.____to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all ' .
<br />' persons whomsoever -EXC@p� &S &$DO�L' 8��-f0���. _ --- - --_� -- -- --- - -_ - - - -
<br /> ---- --- - -- -- -_ __.._.
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<br />', Dated the- - -���h -- -da�J �f-- - -- -- F_@b�`CiB,T� --- ----�g. D. 19--��_.._.
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<br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�4SK.g, )
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<br /> -.HSa.l.-.-----_....Countz�,� On this------- ---_-___1S�'�II-----___----dar� of.-------..------Ffl�?TL1a.T�--.-------------�. D. 19.�� ._-, before me, ,
<br />' the undersi�ned, a Notarz� Public_-_ __. .__ _ _____within and for said Countz�, personallr� came_---. ___Ti.-$._D_8112T1a,ri�.�iSg1E_____.._ ___ ,
<br /> -__ __�$�1 _ __ _ _ -. _ -___ _ . __ _ -- --- __ -
<br /> to me perso�allr� known to be the identical person______.__whose name.__ .______�,�..___.. _____.___.afJ°cxed to the
<br />' above instrument as �rantor_.____, and_.. _. _�h8.__ -___-.severallz� ackrzowled�ed the same to be_ _ �'1�.�_
<br /> ( SEAL) voluntary act and deed for the purpose thereirz expressed.
<br /> ' I�V' W7T✓I�ESS IV°HEREOF, I have hereunto szcbscribed my name and a�j'ixed mz� of�'icial seal at ;
<br /> _ GTaTIe� z SI.3riC1.�iri Ba,iC�. CDL1T1'�y'�-_ : __.on the date last above wTitten.
<br /> --------- - - ---� ---G_._T�_F'1_ower--------=-----------------
<br /> Notarr� Public. '
<br /> �11y commission expires.--- At7t�USt__27th�1�25_ - - _ --- -19.---- -------- '
<br /> _---- �,__ --,�. --__ __ _—__—- -- _ _ --
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