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��� <br /> � <br /> L��'�,'��� ���'���� ��1��� ��� <br /> �' I�'1��.NI I herebz� certifz� that this instrument was entered on Numerical !�! <br /> � } -------da�J of--�'�hTLiu.2"�t------ I�� <br /> Indea; and led or record this -----------3- <br /> _J ohn �d�.rtins_en -&-�!'i f @- - -- - -- --- � <br /> ;i <br /> , <br /> �parrantp �. D. z�----2�---, at------- -�.�:� - -o��ao�k----A�---.M. ; <br /> _. _. . __- __ ____ _ _ - -....... _ <br /> � ; <br /> � To �eea ����� , <br /> ---�/�.���-y� _ <br /> - -- -- � ---�--- <br /> ---- -------- <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, '' <br /> - �-�o rg�--A,�l.e�_�k�zu�'....&....w i.#'.�...Ed.z�c�..G.• ' <br /> � i <br /> B✓-- - - ----- .-- . ----__- - -- --------,. <br /> ' __�,nd t o_ th�_s.urv_iv_Qr_ Qf--�i�her._ _ Deput�• ; <br /> �� <br /> , �� <br /> ;. <br /> �.�o� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: ;� <br /> That - ----- W-e-.-.Tohn--�,�ti�is�±n--�nd---Am�liu.-�d�,rtinsen,his_wi.f_ei__ _ ------- -----__ . __ __. _-___ __ _-- j <br /> ,,� <br /> - - -- - _ _ _ ___ - _ _ __ . _ _ _- - - - __ _ - -- - ' <br /> - _ . --- - _ _ _ __ - __ _ _ --- - --.� <br /> i <br /> f �J f - - �r -- -----� f------------ ---- --------------Nebz'u.ska.�--------- ------------ -Grarztor�----- in consideratiora '! <br /> 1 o the Count o __.__._..__. xu.:._. and State o I� <br /> , <br /> f f - - 3� . � - - --------D OLL.1 RS, I <br /> , o the sum o .-.-- ------ - - __ __ Ei Pv�n_1su21dr'�d tt�ent '..-f�,ve 00 _.1Q�---- !� <br /> • il <br /> ' in hand paid, do___________________hereby GR�4NT, B,�IRG.�4I.N, SELL, �ND CO.NVF,Y' unto__--G.�D-xgB A.I£1B1nka.U.f_--c�,rid--_Edrti__.G...Fl�lrit� <br /> ,; <br /> -.k�,uf_,_k�u_�b�r�d---�nc�-w�,f.s.,_�nd---to--th�.__su_rvivor_ o.f._eithAr, ------- '� <br /> __- _ _ _ _._ - -- . _ --- <br /> of the Count� of------- ------ �i�ll.- -- - - --- -----and State of----- -- - - _N.BbTaSka� - - ------ --� Grantee H------, the following�; <br /> ' described premises, situated i� the County of._ _ .__ ___ __ .._.__..__._.arcd State of Nebraska to-wit: �i <br /> � �! <br /> ' ---The--Sou*..ner-l�r---half----(-S�}_ af -thp--We-st�xly -fievsr�ty�_-f�ur-and__one- �_u�.rte-r--fe�t----of-- �Q.t..±Ni-n-s--_�--9}-------ii <br /> �i <br /> , ----of'---t�ie.--Qs�unty_ Subdivis.i.ur �f the_SaUth hu.lf- -of the- �outh_-.A:a.s_t._-�u�.r'�_er---���---of__S�#-�__Qf--Sec_ti_on;, <br /> ----��x-�-�Az�--�_�f��__i_n ..T.�wnshig _EIpY_�n _�_ll-)--�1_or�h,_:.ef Fi�.n�;e_N%ne__�.�.1_Ws�_t__�f -�he ��__p•t�._�b_��n� �.-ri�ct�;x!- <br /> � ��.. - � � • - • � " y , F 3 - • - . ' p - - A - i <br /> - u1_ar_-- �.�c-s----of---�.xQUnd---hc,vin" -a,__Sou_�.hPrl --f_ron'�_Gg_e__.�..--74�--feAt_. o� -I,ou-�-�-a--St.�re-rt--- a.n-c�--_d_��th _of.-- �I <br /> ----1$4 _f?_At_,_ _�ub��_ec_�___to_thp-_�out-l�e-rly---h��f--of_._thA --�.�.,1�y---on _thp--Nort-h,-�n-d--an��---�ortion -on_-the �', <br /> '�. ----SQU_th---t�ha.t__m�,.5_----hav-e--be-en--�ck�n-f-o-r_--thQ--pur�aosp--af__�ricienin�;_I��ui�sa�--Str.�:A�. -- ---__-- ------ ------ !; <br /> �� � w.�w...�.�.�.aw�.w�wa.a�..�rr��.��� j� <br /> ii <br /> --------- -------- ------ ---- <br /> --- - - ------- - -- - -------- -----(�},5 p I,R;S't;,.smp-s- j ---- - ---- --- --- --- -- -- -- i' <br /> � {C ar.c p11 e�d �,� } <br /> ------ - - -- -- - -_ -- -_. _ __ _ _ -- _ -_ ' _ _____ _ �.�_....- ---- <br /> - -- -- ---_ _ --___ .____ _ _ - -- _ • <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> I� <br /> _--- ---- - - ------- - -- - - --- ---- -- - - - - ____ __ - - -- - -- -- - -_- --_ _ - _ -- - - ----- <br /> !i <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereddtaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, il <br /> ii <br /> - ' Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.8___, c�tiv}�ett�Zey-a�-titem;'of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. ij <br /> . � <br /> �i <br /> P , � PA � - -_ - -- - - • . i� <br /> heirs and a�sa� nsn oreQ e�r.Q� .gnde_a�e_�herebe�ovenants wLw th the sa'd Grantee.___��that e said�e rantee__�_�o�� to�-sa d�remases�' <br /> � � f � p � <br /> . ;, <br /> br� �ood and perfect title; that_____________________WS3._.___.ha_v_�_�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and eonvez� the same; that they are f <br /> �ree and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------!�' <br /> -------------------- ---- �� <br /> .. � <br /> -- -- - - -- - --- -- ----_ _ - - --- -- _ __ _ -- <br /> -- __ --- ' <br /> -- _ _ ---- ____ - <br />' - -- - - -- ---- - -- - - -- -- - ---.. _ - _ -- - - -___ -- - . _ -- -- _ -. _ - <br /> �� <br /> �nd_ __ 1K@______ _ ________covenant .__..__to warrarct arzd defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all <br /> __ <br /> persons whomsoever_ ._ __ . ____ ____ -- ------- _ . _ <br /> �� <br /> - _ - _ -- ---- '' <br /> ---_. - _- _. . _ _ __ _ <br /> - ;, <br /> - -- --;- -- - __- ----- -- -- _ _ __ __ __ __ -__ ___ _ _ - -- _--- -- - -- ------- <br /> 'I <br /> �� Dated the_ � <br /> ,� <br /> - -- -1D-th-- - ..da� of- ---- �--- �3!r- -- -------.,4. D. 19- 22_•_ 'i <br /> W'ITNESS : : -.T�hn--�4r-tin-aen--- -- -- - - ------ !�: <br /> ,i <br /> AmPlia �Eartinsen I <br /> -- -- -- - - -_ - - -__ -_ <br /> -- - <br /> __ _�Lvhn__�il1�n __ _ _ _ _ _ _ - �I <br /> � ii <br /> - ----- - -- ---- -- -- -- �� <br /> - ----- -- --- - . _ _ . ... - - ---� <br /> ii <br /> _ - __. -- - --- ____ --_ _ _ _- -- <br /> - ',� <br /> ST�SITE OF .NEBR.gSK,�, ! <br /> ii <br /> -.Hal-1- --- -----_Count , ss. _ ---✓1. D. 19------22_ be ore me ii <br /> ----. �J On this-- __. llth--. .__ ._---da�✓ of�- -- - ��y-r - - _- , f , :, <br /> !� <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public__ _ - __- _-____ _.___.within and for said Couraty, personall� came___._.T.Qh21_.Mart_�17S pri_�Yl�____ __._ �+; <br /> �� _ Amel i c�_.I�a.rt in�.�n,hi_s v�if e, ___ ___ - _ _ _ __ _ _ __- - - _ _ i <br /> ,� <br /> _ _ _ --- - _ __ - --__ _ ___ --- -- __ ____ �I <br /> _ _ -- _ _ ___ ___ _ _ <br /> to fne personallz� krzown to be the iderttical persorL_.$____._whose name_$__-_-----s`�,T.B ___._____ _______afj'axed to the i <br /> �i <br /> above instrumerzt as �rantor__R-._._, and_ ____.they__:_ ._____severallz� acknowled�ed the same to be__ t�l-�iT�� <br /> �SFAL� voluntarr� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. � <br /> I.N W'ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereurLto subscribed my name arzd afj'ixed my ofj"'icial seal at I� <br /> � :l <br /> GrU,21d Is-1•u,nd-�--�.ri Shc'd -C-QUrit�-,-- -- - -- ----on the date last above written. ;; <br />�I -- - -- - - - ---- kT-Qhn-Al_lan ---------------�-------------- '�l <br /> .N'otar� Public. � <br /> I, .My commission expires-•---� --�---.4T�_,$-.1-9 24 _ _ -- --- ----19_�-- -------- <br /> __ - - f <br />�— - -- <br /> � <br /> I; <br />� II _ <br />