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��`�� <br /> A,� <br /> ����'��� ��������� •��.��� ,�V�G,�� <br /> J <br />�_ _____.______ _______ .__ __._.. .�_._ <br /> __��_.'_ . _N _. _ <br />.�.. � 7 -STATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN NEB.'�-����� . .. ... .. . . ... .... . ... . ' ".".. . . . . . ... .. .. ... .... . <br />��_.,e.._..�.i� --_._».....�____.._...__ ._.�:" ."......._ .._.._..,._..__..._�_..... _._._..__... ...____.._.�....__,�..._._,�_.._..._._.���. . . <br /> �' <br /> I+'R�.1V1 I herebz� certify that tlzis instrument was entered orc .Numerical jj <br /> - -- ---- Index and file.d for record this-------------2----------------.da o .---�Ab_I'Ltd . ' <br /> --------The---�r.Q�n--Fr.uit--C_o....___ _ � f - rY--- -- � <br /> ......_..................................... ..............._..... ..... ._- ..-. � --...... �l�rrantp <br /> ,l1. D. 19---23-r---, at----------------------2----- ---------------..o'clock---------F?•...M. � <br /> TD �eea _ . � _� <br /> �_�����/ /�-�r <br /> -- -- ___. __ - <br /> . ---- ------------------�_._..---•-•--- <br /> RegisteT of Deeds, i <br /> -----�i_1c1rPd--A�dthpny......_............................................ , <br /> _. 8�--- - --- - _ -- <br /> -- ------ ---Deputy.-_-. � <br /> I <br /> ��o� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> That.---- ---- -Th_e. br�n___Fru_i_t C om��=�Y-- --__ -- - _ __ -- � <br /> -.- - -__ - --- --- - <br /> - - -- - -- -- <br /> -- -- - i <br /> _. ---- _____- - _ -- _.. _ - - ' <br /> - ___ _ __ -- -- <br /> - - - - - -- - - -. - - -- --- -- - ', <br /> of the Countz� of.---------------Hc�.11,------------------and State of--------_.. --------------------NBbSu.3ki�s------------------------.Grantor---,-------, in consideration ,�; <br /> ! <br /> 'of the sum of..- - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -.I'iY e. _Htlri.d.r�sl - - -- - - - - - - --- ----------4--.D OLLv4RS, , <br /> ; <br /> irz hared paid, da__._________._.__.herebz� GR�,N'T, B✓1RG�4IN, SELL, �✓l�'D CONVEY' unto:__._ _________.____j�q11c�_2'aC1 __j�ia,_�_hE2�r __ ;� <br /> --- - --- - ------ <br /> ---- ---------------------- --- - -- _ _---- ----- - ---- - ------- -._. ---- '� <br /> : ---- -- ---- - -- --- - - - - -- - - --_ ------ <br /> • --------and State o ------- ------���xu.Ska-.-- ----- ----------, Grantee -----------, the followin� ', <br /> ,of the CountJ �f------ -----Hca.11 --- ---- f , <br /> 'described premises, situated irL the Countz� of._.____ .____.________H�7._1�..._. __. ________ ._____.and State of ,Nebraska, to-wit: j <br /> ;---- --�ot. .�_�►_�n___�_�_� _SsvPn_- (7}.of �QOdbing_��ldition_t-�--th_e__�i_��-__Qf---G_r_ansi__I�l_and-,----- --.. . � <br /> � - -- ,i <br /> ---- - - -- -- _ __ _ -- - - - __ _.. .__ . _- -- - _ - <br /> -- -__. - - - <br /> - - --- <br /> ---- - <br /> ------ - <br /> ; . <br /> ---..,.----------------- <br /> --- -- -_ ; <br /> -- -- -- -- <br /> - <br /> ,50 �. 'R. St�n s - , <br /> -- -. -- <br /> -- ---- - _ , <br /> F <br /> �-C_ancelled. ___ � _- - � ' <br /> _ - - - -- - __- -- -- - _ _ - --- � <br /> _ - _ _ - -. _ _- -- - -- -- --- -- <br /> -- ---- -- --- _ - --.. ' <br /> -- ---- ------ - - - -- _ _.__ _ ; <br /> _. ._ __. _- _ __ _ -___ - _- -- I <br /> _........ -- --.. - -- - - - -- -- - .. - - - -- � <br /> --- --- - -- <br /> - - , <br /> _. _ - __-_ __ _ _ - __ _ __ - --- - � <br /> _ -_ _- _ _ - _ ,_ _ -- - - ii <br /> - - -- -. ._ ._.. -- <br /> To�ether with all the tei�efrzents, lzereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�sht, Title, Interest, ! <br /> Dozue,r, Curtesy, Claim ared Demand whatsoever of the said Grarntor__, an�' of either o�'them, of, in or to the same, or any paTt thereof. '1 <br /> � <br /> �u �ab� anD to �oID the above described premises, w�tle the appurteTZances, urcto the said Grantee________and to-___ki@-r----- ---_----_ �i <br /> �� <br /> ' �! <br /> heirs and assisns forever. ✓�nd.__ __�Itg-._.hereb� covenan-t___.____with the said Graratee ___.__.that____.____ _ �g___._ ____.__hold_______said premises ,! <br /> � <br /> ;by �SOOd and �erfect title; that______________�{±___________.haY-@---�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and conver� the same; that they are I�; <br /> free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- ------ ----- <br /> � � �� � �� <br /> ---.__ _ _- __ _ __ _ ___-. _ - - - -- _ _. -- -_ . -- -- - ---- - - -- ' <br /> __ - _._. - - , <br /> ---- - -- <br /> -- _ -- ;i <br /> ,; <br /> ��tnd_______ ___ _ ____ _ �Pe . _ _ _. _ _.___.___covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all !; <br /> peTSOns zvhomsoever._ _ _ -- - _ _ __ - --- --- -____ ---- fi <br /> -- - ----- --- ---- - -- -- - - -- ------ - - - _ <br /> ; <br /> ,. - -- - - -- - --- - ----_ _ -- _ _ -- - <br /> il <br /> _ . _ _ - __- _ _ ____ __ <br /> -- _ _ - , <br /> -_ --- <br /> __-- --- -._ --._ - _-• ;! <br /> Dated the- _-�Q�h --- - _ _ - ---da�J �f-- ----- ��.riuc�.T� - - ----�. D. 19._ 2�- - �I <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> .-- ; <br /> W'ITNESS : �C ORP j ------- ------ Tkie- $�'awri-- �'-rv 1 t-C�•--- -- -- !; <br /> � � (^E�,I,) By E.L.Br own �res. �� <br /> _. -- . .. ____�ahle B._Spet.hman_ _-_ __ _-- .__ _ - - _ - _ ---- - - - II <br /> �� <br /> --- -- - --- - - _ . . _. __ __ - - --- ------� �i <br /> , - -- -- -- --- ;; <br /> ST�TE OF NEBi�d4SK 1, � <br /> �ss. ______ be ore me i� <br /> ' Ha.l1.------ - ---Countz�, On this- --------___3U_th------------dar� af.--------------------,.T�.,riLidry----------$. D. 19--23 , f , !i <br /> �- - --- <br /> ;�the undersi�sned, a .l�"otarr� Public___-___ -- _ _______ ____________within arzd �or said County, personallr� came-- _______. i <br /> '� � , <br /> �� _ __�.Z,�3x�?ven,P_rPs. �inci �r Qf The_Br_��n--F'_rui� �o-- � <br /> - - _ ; <br /> _ _ _ __ _._ _ -- <br /> _ <br /> __ _ -_-- - __ <br /> -- I <br /> to fne persoreallz� Icrzown to be the identical person___.__zvhose name__ _______:_�&._ _._____afjixed to the ' <br /> ,; <br /> (���L} above irzstr•ument as �rantor _______, and.____ ___ ...______severally acknowled�ed the sczme to be_his._____ ;i <br /> volacrztar� a-ct arcd deed for the purpose thereirL expressed. � <br /> �i <br /> IN YVITNESS l�'HEREOF, I have hereunto subseribed mz� name and a�xed my ofJieial seal at ;; <br /> Gxund Is��:�1d,_N_Pbr_ _ _ ______ __ _ __.__ ___on the date last above written, ' - <br /> - '� <br /> ' --- - -- - - -�ar1-E.-�-r-i-ce------�--------� ---- � <br /> � � Notary Pubdic. ��i <br /> ��ll� commission ex�ires.--- ---...-- -kTLi�y' 19.-192f�_ - --19.------ ---- ' <br /> i <br /> , „ <br /> y <br /> � ;� <br /> .� i� <br />