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� ��� <br /> � D ����D ��> > � o �� (� <br /> ��_�� ����_�� � ��a ��m <br /> �, <br /> �, . <br /> '� FROdVl I herebz� certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical �, <br /> i <br />. �' il <br /> ; Index and fcled for record this..__________-31 of._____�clritla.2'3t' _______ ', <br />' ---�li s�. -H.T-r-�b-i l�c-ock-,-s_i.-n�l� -- -- <br /> . ;I <br /> ' �. D. 19--23- , at------- --- 3'45 - -- _ i <br /> __ __ ___ _ -.... �larrantp <br /> ....... .._.... . ---... o'clock.. I� <br /> - -.. . i <br /> �2Qa ---�-------- � <br /> TO �/�_T��,z.d ���� � <br /> __ . _ _ -------- -------- -------- - ;, <br /> � Re�ister of Deeds, il <br /> ii <br /> - Ad�.tn--Ross. __ -- -- .....___........ _.........._..._.....--..-- !I <br /> B�- -- - -- -_ - - - __ i <br /> --- __ _- --- <br /> Deputy. �! <br /> --_. __ -- - <br /> _ _ _ __ -- -_ _ _ _ <br /> � <br /> i <br /> il <br /> �� <br /> �.r�o� �YY �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: i( <br /> �, <br /> That - --- EliBha-H. T rebilc oCk,-�in�le,--- -- -- ___ -- - -- __---- -- 'j <br /> ° <br /> ' of the Courtt� �f -- - --��11 a - --------.arzd State of------- -- --------- -------N�bY d.�krt�--- -----------------------Grarttor.- - ---, in eonsideratiorz i <br /> �I <br /> ' o}' the sum of.------ -_ _ _ _ _- _ ___ -- -__Six-Iiundr.�d_ .dnsl__��v_�n�y,-fitt�e - - -------DOLL�IRS, i� <br /> in hand paid, do --_-___._.___hereby GR./1NT, B.qRG�lI.N', SELL, .�1✓l�'D CO✓Y'VEY' unto------------- -Asidrri-- ROSSi---- -- --- --_---- -_---_ . I <br /> . i, <br /> , ---- -- - -- - --- -- - _ -- - - - - --- -- _ . _ _ _ - - - -- _ _ . _ - - - _ _ _ _ -- - <br /> i <br /> ;, <br /> f � �� <br /> ; f � f r --- -------- f •- -- - ---- , , , <br /> o the Count o --_---_-__-_---_-_--__-_Htx.11. _-and State o __--_-._-_ -__--N_�bTci.Hkb. .------- Grantee____.._._-_ the ollowin �� <br /> described premises, satuated in the County of._ _... _________._$�,l l t __.._ . __._ .. _._ .__...__.cznd State of JV'ebraska, to-wit: � <br /> �� <br /> ' ---I.ot�-- 2d-ine_ ���_ �d Ten �19�,in B�..ock-Ei�htyr--�i�ht-- �88),in �hpPl��-�d Ben��tt�r�-�'a�-r-�2�- ----- ,i <br /> �i <br /> ; ------Ad_di_�i_on__ t.o_. the _C.i_t�. of G rr�nd_I s1�nd,.N�b_ra�ca,ds_ surv ey ed.-P1�.�_ted �,n-ci--r��o r-ded�-- _ _ _------ -_ ----- ;I <br /> !i <br /> -- -- - -- -- _ ---- <br /> .� <br /> ._____._ _........._.����rar-r�ir-��aa..-�a�rc�wn-r�s-�.aoar.` .-_ ._ . <br /> _az�__ .._._____ .__...._ <br /> .. .._______-____. "____________ __ <br /> (�l.OG I. F2. St�nps --- .�.. . -- ' <br /> .... - - ___ -- --- -.._.. _ _- --- - _ _ -- - ---- -._-- - - - _ --- - <br /> _ . � <br /> �Can c el l ed.__��.-�_.�,�_�, <br /> - - ------_ _- ---- -- - <br /> - ---- - -- - --- - <br /> -- - - - -- ---- --- <br /> -- - --- I <br /> �i <br /> ------- - - - - ---- --- � -- - --- ---- -_ - - __--_ - _- -- _ - - ----- --- <br /> - - --- ._.. -- -. -- --- ---- - li <br /> I <br /> � <br /> ,I <br /> ------- -- - -- - --- _- ---___ -___ _ _ _. __.._ _ <br /> i <br /> __ _ _ __ __ _ _-------__ - -- <br /> __ __ __.____-,---__... ____----___-- , <br /> . � � �� <br /> ' ----- -- - -- --- ---- - --- - -- <br /> -- - -- -- - - - - - _ --- __ - - - <br /> _ .. - -- - _._..__- , . <br /> , --- - � <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, 3'itle, Interest, i! <br /> G; ; <br /> �Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_.__., ce�rna�i-r��e�tr,�er�b�ve�, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. !i <br /> ;� <br /> ;' �0 �aEiP ariD t0 �pID the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to___________��.�...._.._ ;; <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. �nd___I ______herebz� covenant_.______.with the said Grarztee___.____that._._._ __ __I.'.____.__._.hold ______said premises J <br /> ;I' bz� �ood and perfeet title; that._.__.____.I_________._.__..ha__V__a--�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that tyeey are i� <br /> � <br /> i��re,e and clear of all lieres and incumbrances whatsoever.---- --------------------------------------------.------------------- _------------� <br /> � � <br /> -- _ ___ - -- - - - - --- - -_._ -----_ ___ _-- <br /> -_ _ _ _ _-- -- -_--- -- <br /> -__ -- _ _ _-- ---__ -- <br /> ,• - <br /> ' II <br /> -__ _. --- _ _ -_._ __ -- - --- -_ - - - - - - - __ ____ - ' <br /> -- � <br /> .,4rad__ __ __�__. _ __ _ _.covercant warrant and defend the said premises asairzst the lawt'ul claims of all ii <br /> ',�Aersons whomsoever---. _...... _.___----_ ___ --- ---_ . _ i <br /> - - --_. ._.__- - - -- ----- - - . __ _ - --- _ _ - - --- - <br /> - -- -- -_ I <br /> Dated the- -- 26 th -- -da o :_ �7'z�ritla. ' -- -✓1. D. 19- 23__ il <br /> � f -------- x'y-•- _ _. i <br /> � <br /> ' ;, <br /> ------ ---- - Eli sh�_H.T_�_Pb.�_l�ock--- <br /> W'ITNESS : - il <br /> II <br /> i . _ _ _ - - - _ -- -_ _ -- - <br /> i� <br /> __ __ _ _ -�..4T._l�'ilkins.Qn_ _. _ _ - ! <br />' i� - -- - - -- - -- -- ------ 'i <br /> i' - --- ---___ _ _ - - _- _ - - -- -----� <br /> - - _- - ___. -- --- - _ _ __ -- ---- � <br /> ST�1TE OF NEBR.gSKd4, ' I � <br /> ss. - -- - � � <br /> '� .--.----- ---.-Hcz,ll -- -- --- County, , On this__ _----------__2_6_t.h-------da o . --------- Ja.riilc.� �. D. 19--23 be ore me <br /> � f �1 -- -- , , ', <br /> � <br />', the uradersi¢ned, a dl�'otar� Public___ _ _ _ _ __ _ _____within and for said Countz�, personallz� c�me__. _E118h�.--T-TPbl1C.00k� _-__-__-_ i <br /> ` . __�. singlP ma,n;_- --_ _- _ _ - -- _ __- - _ - -- -- -_ , _ � <br /> � 'I <br /> - _ _ _ __ _--_ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ , <br /> __ __ __ _ _ -- ---___ __ _ __ - � <br /> ; <br /> ; � <br /> �. <br /> to r�ze personally known to be the identical person__.___.._.whose name____-__-_-__-___��_-_-___-_- to the I <br /> above instrument as �rantor_____.____, and_____ hS---- ------severally acknowled�ed the same to be_ h�_$______ I <br /> i <br /> �r��ALj voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. i <br /> IN W7T.NESS W'HEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my of}LCial seal at i <br /> '.i i <br /> `; Grr�nd_ Island,,NebT._,J.ri -Si�,ld _COUrit�t- - ----on the date last above written. ; <br /> � <br /> ---- ---- - - - - --- -W.�T._�°i_�}�_i_r��_Qn--------------------- � <br /> ' Notary Public. i <br /> I <br /> ;+ .My commissiorc expires--- ---.-------.00_L._�.�192f�- __ __ _ _ _ _ _._. --_19.------------. � <br /> - - <br /> , � <br /> � <br />