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��� <br /> I �. <br /> �����'�� ���'�'��� ���a � � <br /> __ __� � _� ___ __ <br /> � <br />'�... . � �IL�ISO-STAT6 JOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN NEH. . . ` . . .. ..-... _'�..�,... . .. .' ... . . . .. .. .. - ..... ...""'� <br />._ . -�..�.._... �._�_. . .. _... ..�_....�,_. ...,......_._...._...�___._�_._.� <br /> �� <br /> .F1���V1 I herebr� certifz� that this instrument was entered on .Numerical i� • <br /> '� <br /> Christi•E:n P�ul$an & wf. <br /> Index and filed for record this------------2�-------------.daz� of_------JitT1Li��!_-------- ' <br /> ----- - - -------- -- ---- -- ---__ -- -- - - -- . <br /> 1Q - ' A._ ii � : _ <br /> _ __ _..._.. .... TO <br /> �l�rrantp .g. D. 19.2�-----, at--- - - --- o eloek ---------- .M. � : <br /> � __..._ _ - - - <br /> �eea -- <br /> , <br /> _ --__ ���������,---------- <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> -------- - HenY`Y--��-�--�"�d._�.-.�lrn.old.............. ' <br /> ' BiJ -.___ _ __ - -._ _-- --- -- - ----- - ' <br /> Deputz�. <br /> I <br /> �.r�o� �rYr �er� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�: <br /> That_____ '�!�,__ Christian P�.ulsen and �Toh�nne Paulsens husb�.nd and wife, ' <br /> of the Courct�J �f-------- - - -Htill ------.and State of------------- NebY'ask�.------------------------------------------------Grantor.--1� -----, irz eonsideratiorz '': <br /> of the sum of.__.____ . _�hree__Thousdnd_ Ei�l�t Hundxed and no/100 LL.�R <br /> - -- - -- - - - - --- --- ------------.D O S, i <br /> in hand paid, do________._________herebz� GR.l1NT, B.,4RG�lI✓V', SELL, .R.ND CONVEY' unto._____-Ii���'y-_L.-.hrriQl$___�.rid.__�md.___�._A_7C11S?_1S�;i___ i <br /> husbd,rtd._and wife-,------ ----- ''i <br /> o the Count o --- -----------H�11------------- NebTt�.Skt�, <br /> -------------and State o - -----------------------------------, Grantees--------, the followin� <br /> . f �J f f---- --- -- - , <br /> described premises, situated in the Count� of______._...____._.______.Hall_______________.._________.._.._______.and State o}Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> , ,j <br /> ',.__ I.ot _�wo---�_�_} in_�3�ock _�oux_ �4_� of_Gi_lbert!� l�c�di tion._'�o_. t_h� �i_'�y _.of---G_x�,nd---3_�1_�r�d,---.H�11_.. _--- -. ' <br /> ' ---- --�oun�y__....Al�br�.slc�. �.� suzv�l'�d. pla.t.t�d and r_�c_�rd_�d� - -- --- �' <br /> ; --- 3ub�ject, .howev�r, to_ t__he sPwer_taacea---no__w__�sa�ss_ed-a��,_i_n$t_-aa.i_d premie�a.• --- -- ! <br /> -. -- � <br /> - - - _ _ _ -- <br /> ---- - - - <br /> --- -_ <br /> -- - _._. <br /> �i� 4. 00 I.R St�nps } _ _ - - -- - - <br /> .__ _ _ -_ _ __ �_ C�,r�cell�td- -- <br /> -__ - - - i <br /> - - <br /> --- <br /> ��__„_�.��.....�.�..�. - - . <br /> _ _ - -- - <br /> ----- - - <br /> - <br /> �, <br /> ' <br /> _ __ - <br /> ;To�ether with all the tenements, hered��aments, arzd appurtercances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Tdtle, Interest, ;! <br />, 'Dower, Curtesz�, Claim and Demarzd whatsoever of the said Grarato�8__., , of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. " <br /> !i <br /> 2�a �abe nnD to �oID� the above described �remises, with the appurtenarzces, unto the said Gra�atee_______.and to.______.�±kl��.X____ ,' <br /> __ <br /> heirs and assi�ns foreuer. �nd___ �i° ___ hereby covenant_�___with the said Grarztee______that_____.�8_ _ __._ ______.hold_..____said premises � <br /> I� by �ood arid per fect title,• that__. ________. <br /> �!?s_ ha?�_�-__�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritr� to sell an.d conaey the same; that they ¢re ' <br /> free and clear of all liens and incusnbrances whatsoever_______��_6pt__d.S___�i.b01i� Sv�t forth. <br /> -------- -- <br /> ----- - , <br /> ----- ------ ;� <br /> .gnd_ . _._ ________. _ . W8_ _ __ . warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all ''; <br />�' persons whomsoever -- -- -- -exe Pp t_ a,$_ rib_ov_G.__s�t f oTth.__, ,' <br />, - -- ----- <br /> ---- ---- <br /> I --- _ - -- <br /> __-- --- __ _____ <br /> ___ _ _. <br /> -_ _ - � <br /> � <br /> Dated the-------- ---__�0'�h _._----da o -.-- -----_.TaII�t'ss. . --_J�. D. 19 23------ ; <br /> � f �`3� - <br /> ,' <br /> w'rT�v'ESS --------- -- Chri_sti�n--P�.ula.�n.-- --------------- <br /> �v <br />� <br /> B.J._Canni -_ _ -Johanne pauls en -_ - -- -- - �i <br /> - -__ _ __ . _ n�??�m - <br /> - -- <br /> - - - <br /> - -- -- - -- - -- - - <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.gSK.l, <br />�� ss. � <br /> Hdll - -- --�Count�, On this- --- --20'Ch -- -- --da�J �f�-- - -- - Jc�.11t11ziY - -----.d4. D. 1�2��---, before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public__._- _ _ - __ ______________within and for said County, personallr� eame__ ________.. _________ ________ _._.__ ' <br /> - - - i <br /> ' _Ghri��i�,n--P�.t�l$-en_and- .T aha,nne-Pr��1s�r�, l�usb,�nd-_�;nd _v�i f e, -- - _ - - Ii <br /> _. <br /> _ - - - -_ . . _ -_ _ _- - - _ --- -.__- -. ._ -_ --- - --_.__ i . <br />, _------ ; <br /> to rne personally kfzown to be the identical persorz$______.whose name�_______txrs_______________..__._afj'ixed to the 'I <br /> ,i <br /> (S_�AI.� above instrurnent as �rantor$___.., and... ____t17,�y____._._.__._severally acknowled�ed the same to be_t_hB�T ' ' <br /> I <br /> voluntar� act and deed for the purpose thereira expressed� d <br /> I�° b�'IT✓VESS WHEREOF, I have lzereunto subscribed mz� name and af�'ixed m� ofJEcial seal at '; <br /> _ Coun��, <br /> � <br /> __ <br /> GT;a,21d .xQ_1�T1d_�__Nel�rci._skct.t_l11___Sti.�__�_on t72'e date last above written, ; <br /> ,! <br />', ---- --- - -- - - .._-- Ben,�. J.Cunnin�han�----_ ' <br /> Notarr� Public. <br />' ; ✓Yly commission expires----.. ..- .------ l4u�u�t 5 th�A.D.___ ----_. -- ----19._�3------ ! <br /> '�:� <br />'� i� ii <br />