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��.� <br /> � <br /> ����'�D �������� �.�.J�a ��� <br />__ -- ---- <br />.- -TA7 JOURNAL CDYPANY LINCOLN NEB. . . .. . .-. . -. .. -- - .... .-_- -.-..---__.._.... ..__...._..__..._._ <br /> `� I+'.I��J� I hereby certifj that this irostrument was entered on Numerical ; <br /> I <br /> Tndex and }�led for record of.___�`�Sl�,i�y --------- '; <br /> ...............�rn es t.--�:.A�6t�.�.�.�..r��...a�'t�...:t��'........ !I <br /> , : ��CCalltp �l. D. 19._2.3.----, at............... 4..20 - -- ...--- - o'clock--------P_.rYt. ', <br /> _..._.. ._.._. __.. .. - ___ --- ._....... i <br /> _ �eea —- / �� <br /> i Z'� �,������ L/�.�-c-�- ;� <br /> -___- - - --------- ----- ---�-- -------- <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> __- --..--Gqrd_o_n_L._N�ligh.............................._................. ,i <br /> B�J- - - _ _. - --�'i <br /> Deputy. i! <br /> ----- _ __ _ <br /> ----- ___ _ - - -- - - <br /> ._ 'i <br /> �.r�o� �YY �er� �p ?��je�e �re�er�t�: ;� <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> ' ---�rne�t 1�.A�aguatine �- , _ �� <br /> That _ and-Pdrn$li� 3,_Augustina, his, wif e ------___ _--- -___.._.', <br /> _ ,_ _. - f <br /> ' - _ __ _ <br /> ii <br /> _- -_ - - - - <br /> _ _- --_ _-_ -- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- - - <br /> _ --- - _ _ _ I <br /> ;, <br /> o the Count o ----------�'IEtll- ----N�bria�8kct------------ 5.------ <br /> , f r� f ---- ------.and State of--_------------- -----------------------------Grantor_. , in consideration '' <br /> � <br /> ;i <br /> of tl�e sum of... - -__ __'i'11►Q ThQlxSt.�x'1ci {�',2�4QQ. OC?� -- __-- - -- _ - __ __--- --- - - -------.D OLL�RS, ii <br /> i� <br />, ': in hand paid, do .----.__----herebz� GR.,4NT, Bd4RG�I✓V, SELL, �1JV'D CO.NVF.Y' unto.-------GOx'dOXi. .T,._N�7.�,-�h--- ------- ----- . _- ------- ------'! <br /> ,i <br /> �; <br /> - --- --- --- --- - - -- — - - _._.__ ---- _ - - - - -_ . .. --- -. ._ - -- - -- - _ -_- - - - - <br /> '� <br /> �! o� the Count�J �f- -- - ------ Hdll - - _-- -----and State of---- - -- -Nebraska - - - ------- -, Grantee---------, the following'� <br /> ,i <br /> described premises, situated in the Countz� of.____..__.___.___�s��,�.______ ___________ _____________________.________..and State of Nebraska, to-wit: ;� <br /> -Tha _�3ortherly _Thi.z�ty.-tY�ree--�33} f_est-- of I+ot �ight (8�_, __ir� Block__Three__.�3�__�n_.Nagx_!s _-------. . - <br /> i <br /> _Additiora__t_o_ t:�e Cit3r _ of GrU,nd_ I�lr�nd, _�ebr�sk�,,a __su�v_$y_ed._ pl�,tted__and rec.orded. : Bei ; <br /> -� - - <br /> --�,, <br /> --a-_rect_angul�r____tr:�ct_ of___g�our�d----�n si�,e�---��-by .�f_._Peet___�a,vi_n�_�n ea.sterly front_-- e of_ 33--f_e�t ;i <br /> _ _ __�S _ _ � <br /> on_Vine _f�tre��__.and,_boundgd , on__the___nortM by_ the._�outharly__line_ of__ the__�11_ey.__in___e�.i_d__block.________ ��! <br /> ,i <br /> Sub-�j-�c-i,---hov►�vQr-.---to----r�l.�.--tt;�ce±�---of.--ev-�ry--_k�n�___anc�--n�t_ur-e---�rk��ch--m�y_--b_e_--�.�s_�$s�d--�gainmt- adid----- '�� <br /> ; <br /> _pr�i$-�s.--w:�ic_h._s��.d-gr�n�_e�_._a$�um��__�.nd _��e�s to a �- I <br /> -- - - - - <br /> P' -- - <br /> -- <br /> -- - -- ;i <br /> �� <br /> ---..,.�..�.>_..__�_..�._---- �i <br /> ------_.. ..--- ----- - --- -- --- - -- ------- ----- -------� ---- - -- ---- _--- - �� <br /> - - - - - <br /> -- <br /> ��2. 40 I.R. Stcm� � - -!' <br /> -------- - -- -- �_ C�nc ell$d_ -- _ __ . <br /> -- - _ ---- - _ _ __ <br /> ? - ----- <br /> ; ----- ----- - --- -- - - - -___- _ -_ _ --- - <br /> ----- ---- ---- _ -- --- -- -- - --- . __ -- - 'f <br /> � �, <br /> '�' To�ether with al,l the te.nernents, hereditaments, and appurte�aances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, i� <br /> ,' Dower, Curtesy, Claim ancl Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor�__., , of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. �'!I <br /> ;, <br /> `' �0 �abP flri� t0 �0�0 the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to_____hj.D_._._.__.___. 'i <br /> i <br /> i <br />' i heirs and assi��a,s forever. .-4rad.____�1�_______herebz� coveraar�t._______.with the said�Grantee-_______.that____.__ �e_ ___._._..__hold____._said premises�+ <br /> !; by �ood and perfect title; that.___..�!e______________________.ha_q'_e_.�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritr� to sell and eonvez� the same; that they are� <br /> � <br /> ; free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever.------.-----------------------------------------------------------------------,- -;� <br /> �� <br />, - - -_ __--- __ _ --- - -. --- _ _ _ _ - _ __ _ _ _ _. -- --- _ _ - - -- -- - ____ _. _ - I <br /> ;� <br />, �1 <br /> __-- _ _ _ - -- -_ _ -- ---..._ - ---- - <br /> -- -- -._.._-_ -- -- _ _ <br /> , <br /> _ -- - ___. _ - - ,' <br /> .gnd_ ____ _ _- �!� ___ _ _____eovenant ________to zvarrarct arcd defend the said premises a�ainst the lawtul elaims of ¢ll�� <br /> � <br /> ' persons whomsoever - eXC ept cYS �bOV e_ sti�.�6d_��_ t.o___tux�$ __-- --- - - - _ - _ -- -- - - -- !� <br /> i� <br /> --_ - - - - ----- --- - - - __ _-- - - _ -- ---_ _ - __ - <br /> � <br /> _ _ -- - - _ _ -- ____._ __- ------,� <br /> ! Dated the. 16 - -- da�J �f ------------�6C£IAb 6r- ./1. D. I9.22 - i' <br /> WITNESS Ern-------- -' �- ' <br /> ,, ; <br /> ; w est W A ustine-- ---------- I <br /> -- -- ------�---------- � <br /> -- - i <br /> Farneli� -8.A•,a�ua��.na --- --- i <br /> Etta.�Zi.r�nem.ann __ _ - - -- -- - �i <br /> ' -- -- - - -_ . --- - - - - --ii <br /> , --- - , <br /> � �i <br /> '' --- - - -- -- -- -_ _ __- _ -- -� <br /> � <br /> .__ _ - - __- --- - - - - - � <br /> _ _ . __._ <br /> �� <br /> ST.�TE OF NEBR.,4SK.g, i� <br /> �ss. <br /> - H&�1�- - - Count9, On this -- ---1�_ _--- --- -day �f--- - L��C�Ttib�Z' - -- --,q. D. 1922__.__ , before me, � <br /> the acndersisned, a�l�'otary Public.__ _ _______within and for said Countz�, personally came__-___ ._______ ____________ ___ _ __ _______ __ ____;, <br /> _ _ _ _Er_n��t_ aJ�Ru�us_t_in e �.nd_��.rnali�._ B,Au�u$t�n�,_ husbar�3 �nd_wif e ;! <br />� �� <br />� i <br /> - _ . _ _- -.._ ___- _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ ._, <br /> __ _ __ _. __ _ <br /> i <br /> ! 7� �J P � � � <br /> � -' ----- _ ---- <br /> (SEA�.} abovee instrumentk s� �rantobe�the a �ntic�heyrsoriB--"severally�ackn wled�ed the� same to beethQ�.T e II <br /> i <br /> voluntary act and deed for the purpose thereirz expressed. ; <br /> � <br /> IN W'IT✓l�'ESS W'HEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af}"'ixed my of)ieial seal at � <br /> . ' i' <br /> ; _ _ _G TaAd__j S1bLrid i_ �.Y3 -Si�.l.d_�QUri'���--..orz the date last above written. � <br /> ,. <br /> � <br /> ____ ------ - -- -- _ --- --P.F._H�_ra----�------------- � <br /> Notarz� Publie. i <br /> ✓l�y commission expires--- ----Aa�.6�__ - - _ __ ----19.--�4-- - I <br /> I; <br /> �: <br />