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��/� <br /> � <br />. �Y�'-JI� ��/��L�/���� ���!�/� ��1�/� <br />,_�. ..._.�. _ ..,, . _._.. ..._....__....�...,.�.._...�._. <br /> . �f.'tl'1E€::.._ �._.__._ . . . '� . <br /> ..__......_._.�._.. _..__.,__......._w..._.._____._.,. _.._._ •-�--_.- . ' <br /> . .._.._.._.. . ...._ _..,.__. ._ . -.'--�_.s_._..__ ..___�__..�. <br /> .. . . . ___..._� ..{ ' . <br /> .F'I���VI I hereby certifz� that this instrument was entered on Numerieal � <br /> Index and �tled for record this................1.�.._............dab of.-----.._..4T�:nua.ry.... .... ; <br /> ..........�,4.�:�:...�����.�y....�C....hua.b,................................ <br /> _ _ . <br /> __ . ... - -.. <br /> �larr�ntn ,�. D. .r9-a3----� at------ .._,_�._a...�.. . . _ -- - o��ao��-----._..,�_,..M. � <br /> To �eea ��-. � � <br /> - _ <br /> -- u"� ��t <br /> - - °°- -----�1� <br /> ----'�'----�---------- <br /> ' Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> Claude Ii._�c_Kath.r�n.a .Dov.e......................._...._. '; <br /> B�- - . - - - _ -- --- -- - - --- -- - ----- ------- -- !: <br /> Deputy. <br /> �r�o� �YY �er� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�: <br /> That.----Ion�__�cl�a7.ey- -(�r�, �h��_�c��l-sy-�----a.�d__.��iea_.�cl��ley-.____�W��_e_.�n_d __Husb�,nd)_-- ------ % <br /> of the Count�J �f -- ----- -�i�1�------ ---.and State of---------- ---------- -----NPbr�.sk�3.-------------------------------------Grantor.8.-- -----, in eonsideration ;� <br /> of the sum of.-- ----Tv�Qnty-pi�ht_Hundr.ed---Fifty---and---I�Q_/_1Q4------- ---- ------------.DOLL.�RS, ,; <br /> - - - - -- - -- --- --- <br /> in hand paid, do_________._______.hereby GR�.NT, B�1RG„4I,N, SELL, .1�Y'D CO✓Y'VEY' unto.____�l�ttld_e__H._�V_8__s�,21d__��,�����,Q_.�OV?,_________ ' <br /> --�-�iu_�_b_�.r_,�--x�nd_._�fif-e-�----- ----- ------- -- -- ---- - - - - ----- - --- - - -- - - ------- -- - --- - --- - ----- - � <br /> ull------------------------and State o --- ---- -N6bI�Sk�i-- - - - --- ----- --, C�rantee-�i------, the followin� + <br /> of the Count�J �f------------------��. -- � <br /> i <br /> described premises, situated in the Countz� of.________.___________.__Ha.11 __...and State of Nebraska, to-wit: � <br /> ------ -- - -- - - <br /> ---L-Qt---Thr_sa_.-(-3-)---in 131Q�k_Thirty---ei.�ht--�38-)--in_ Rus_sei__S�hPAl.ss_'s__ _g�ldi_�iun---�-4---t_h�___�i-��---of----- -- ---- ' <br /> ---�rn�n;�--�a14.nd. Nebr�.s_k�..__ _ --- - -- -- - -- -- ---- -- - ---- <br /> ----------------------- <br /> - - ---- -- - - -- - - - - - ---( ��,pp --I,�;5��� ) -- -- - <br /> - - -_ _ - - __ - --- <br /> - -- _ - - --- -------- <br /> ( C�nc�,11 ed } _ _-- <br /> --- - - - ! <br /> -- -- ------- -- - ------- ---- ----- , <br /> ._._ - - : - _ _ ---__-- --- -- - - - -- ---- -- --- --_. -- -- -- -- - -- ---- -- -- - -- ; <br /> -------- ------------- ----- - - <br /> - - - - - - ---------------- <br /> - ------- --- ----,-- -- <br /> -- -- - -_ <br /> _ _ - <br /> _ -- _ <br /> -- _ .. - <br /> ,i <br /> _ __ _ -- <br /> - - - - --- _ - -_ -- <br /> ; <br /> To�ether with all the tenement,s, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereurtto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, -; <br /> 'Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand u�hatsoever of the said Grantor�._,,-t�•r�f•�e�e�e�hiv,t�r►a!of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. ;�'. <br /> �o �abe anD to �oID� the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee�_______and to.___.'�h6.iT____._ l!! <br />'I heirs and assi�ns forever. �nd___W r3_____hereby covenant________.witla the said Grantee S..___.that-,_.-_ W$___ ____.__ _,____,_hold.______said ptemises <br />'' by sood arcd perfect title; that_______:W�______________._.ha.q_�__�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are <br /> I' ree and clear o all liens and incumbrances whatsoever_._p7GC_s t___'�c�,X_88____fOI'___thg__ __�2'1d subse usnt �e�;,r� i <br /> f f � -- - - - - - - 3�ear__1921 --- ----------�- ---- �'---- ----- <br /> I <br /> __a,�d--inclus�in�__both_gQn�sa.l___�.nd- sp_ecia.l ta��s �,nd__a.s-se�srnents_--pF--ev-er,�---k��d..._from--dnd__after_ . ' <br /> � �� <br /> --SeptAmber- l0th._�921. _-- <br /> __- - _ _ -_ _ <br /> -- - _ .--- --- <br /> - -- -- <br /> - -__ _ - <br /> - - -_ --- <br /> � <br />' ��nd___ . ___ ___ _ __ `�8_ __ . __ ______ covenant______to warra.nt and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all ,,' <br /> 'persons whomsoever.._ .ax�-Ept t;i.s, �.�DOYQ 8�t- fa�'�h.------- -- ------- ------ ---.--- ,: <br /> --- -- --- - - ------ --__._ ...-- _ -_ - - <br /> Dated the- -_.l�t h. . -- __ - --da�J �f- --- ----D-8�_EmbST - --- ---�(. D. 19__2�_,_.__ � <br /> � W'ITNESS --------------- _I on�.__MC�i�.lgy----- -- ------ -- ------ 'i <br /> ,; <br /> __ _ _ _. _ Rh�a_._�de�il��y __- -- - --- ! <br />�, - _ __-- - <br /> C...T.�lower _ _ -__ _ ; <br /> ,; <br /> ST�TE OF ✓Y'EBR.gSKR, <br /> ss. ; <br /> I --------...._.--_.-.--Hctll------- ----.Countr�, On this______ .12_th--------_-----------daz� of-----------Jr�nLiaa�------ ---.g. D. 1923--------, before me, 'i <br /> I�''i the undersi�ned, a Notarz� Public_ ____ _ _____within and for said Countz�, personallz� came__ _I�n�_M_C_H�ley, _{11�rS..i3h8a. ; <br /> _ -- <br /> _ �c;H�lsy_)--a.nd__Rhe_a.�cH�.ley., __(_Wife---and---Iiusband�_----- <br /> __ _ _ _-- -_ _ .- _ -__ _ - - _ -_- - --- -- - - -- - � <br /> to rne personallz� known to be the identical person_a.___.whose name_�_______________u�E_________._._._af�"'ixed to the I� <br />' �$EAI,} above instrument as �rantor_�____._, and____'�!�10___._..._.______seUerally acknowled�ed the same to be__�h@1T._ i <br /> voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W7T✓1�'ESS W'HEREOF, I haUe hereunto subscribed my name a�zd af�'ixed my ofjicial seal at ': <br />' Grand I�land,. l�ebr._t_ in .�t.i.d___CQUnty_,.____on the date �ast above written. � <br /> � - - _. _- -- - - - -- -- --- C.T.,Tlower----�------------- " <br /> ' Notary Public. <br /> ,My commissiorL expires.----.. .-���._-27thr19-25- -_ - _.____.. , =�'9------ --- i <br /> ` _--_.-- --=-_=�:__- __— — —���.W=---�--: �— <br />� ,f <br /> , <br /> ,; <br />� i� �i <br />