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D. 19..23---- at----- ---3-��- - -- o'clock-----P!---.M. �� <br /> � _. . . _.. __ .... -- - .... �arrantp � I <br /> . - �eea �� �o�ti� �-/� <br /> TO �; <br /> . _ • -- _ -- - - � - - ------------ <br /> �- '���=-- --------- <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, � <br /> - -t�l_iv er...I,svni�s__�oy.11...._..._.................................._... i� <br /> • B�✓- -__ _ _-- -- - _ - - -- ---- -i <br /> Deputz�. <br /> - _ _- - __ _ _ -- -- -_ _ <br /> ;I <br /> i� , <br /> � � - � �.r�o� �Yr � �er� � � e�e �e�er�t�: � '; <br /> p � � <br /> ,� <br /> , <br />' That -----------5��--Ch�.-r--1r�s F.KaQ 1-i-r�--a.nd-_�as--Z�o-,. lin- hu$b€..n:d-a.nd wif_e <br /> • ,€� � , s -- ----- - --- -- � <br /> --- - - . _ ._ __ - _ _ - _ -- _ _- --- _ _ __ _ _- -_ - _ - __ -_ _ - ---- _- -- -- i� <br /> � <br />' ;' of the CountJ of--------------Hal-1- f ---------N_�b_I_�8 ka.----------------------------- ---_Grantor.$------, in corzsaderation I! <br /> t ----- ----.and State o ------------------ <br /> of the sum of._. ------- _ _ _ _ Six_Huridrec�._�.nd_.n4/1QQ _ __ _- --- __ - _-- - - - - - ---- -- -----.DOLL�RS, ;� <br /> �; <br /> �i <br /> ' in hand paid, do .__._________hereby GR�,N'T, B.SfRG.FIIN, SELL, .SfND CONVF,Y' unto___ ____Q1.�Y.�r_I.AWi3__.-BOy1l ---- ___.____ ____.. . ..____.__ii <br /> d <br /> - -- - _ -- - - -- --- -__ _ _ _- - -_ ._.. - - - -- - --- <br /> -------Iit�.11a - -- - ---------and State of - - - -- _N_GbT.�;.9_ka� - --�-- -, Grantee-- --- --, the ollowin �I <br /> of the County of- ------ f �I! <br /> !' described premises, situated irc the County of.__.___.__._.____.______H's�.�.�._�___________________.___. _______._.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: !I <br /> 'i <br /> ----L�t__N�n_A---{y-)----�n--Fr�._c_t_i_fln�.3 isl.�ck__,Fotzx .. (4} in _Gi.�o�r'�' s_ S_Pc_ond _�ddi t�on --t-o---thQ---�i_'�;�. 9�'--G.�a.nd ji <br /> . ' -----I s l a,n�.�,TJ�b ra_s_ k�,_�,s s urv ey pci,p l�t t_�d ;�nd_ r_ �c ord ed. _- - ------ - -------- - ----�I <br /> . -- - -- - _ _ ___- <br /> _ _ <br /> ' I <br />� ------Sui��-ec-t-s-h��r�v-�r-�--t�_..the--un�r�i�---hal�nc_�,.on---th�--se�+er--t�---�nd__t�e--unudid--watAr t_ax _�rhia-h-may - ;; <br /> ---b?__�s�Q�_yed--�.��n.$t__ sa,.ici �rpmi�P_s_,.___ -- - _ __-- - -- -- - -. _--- _- - --- - - - - ----_ --- ., <br /> ------_________..__---- <br /> � <br /> - ----- --..- -- -- . _ - -- - ------�---�-�i.-Ut�--���� St�;�rtp s } - -- �i <br /> (C�.n c e l l�d �_�___) �; <br /> �--- - ---- -. _.__ __ __ ......�._,_ � <br /> , <br /> - - - -___ _ _ - -_ __ - __:_- -- -- <br /> -- - --- - ----- ;+ <br /> , , <br /> ' ---------- --- - - -..-- -- ---- --------------------------- - - - --- --__ - -- _ - ' <br /> _ -------- ---- - --- --- ----- - - -- - ,, <br /> i <br /> --------- -- - _---- -- __ .-- _ _. _ _ _ _ -_ _ _. _ --- - ---- -_ __ __------- - <br /> '� <br /> � ___- -_ _- -- _ __ _ __ _ --- - ,, <br /> To�ether urith all the terzements, heTeditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�irz�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, 'r' <br /> � <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Clair� and Demand whatsoever of the saifl Grantor___�,-ces�lro�'ne�tiJcere�-4rkzrrz, of, irz or to the same, or any part thereof. ;; <br /> � <br /> �o �abe anD ta �ora the aboae described premises, with the appurtenances, rtirzto the said Grantee_______and to.______.Y1.�9............. ',! <br /> � � <br /> heirs and assi6ns foreUer. .Ind.____WE______herebz� covenant_________.wath the said Grantee.__...____.that-___-_ _ _ V�e __ ____________hold________said premises;� <br /> ii <br /> I ; b� �ood and perfect title; that._. _7ve_______________ha__Y__�__�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same;�..t.1�.aut they are II <br /> ree arzd clear o all lieres and incumbrances whatsoever_____�'XC A_ t c�,8 dbOV p S c�t 'fo rth. '� <br /> � y � , <br /> . <br /> P-- ---�-- - ---�--� ---------------------------- - ----- ----- I <br /> ; <br /> __ - -- - _ - - - __ ___- -- --- ---- - _- --- - _ _ <br /> �� <br /> _ -- __ - --- -- - <br /> � _ _ -- ; <br /> , <br /> �; <br /> - __ _ _ _ _--- . _ __ -- -- - - ___ . -. -- -- - - �; <br /> �nd__ __ _____K►P______. ____ __ _____coaenant _________to warrant and defend the said premises a�aanst the lawful claims of all�i <br /> _ - - ' i <br /> � persons whomsoever - P.e7��_�Pt a8 `r3.'D OV A _8 G't _f 0�"�'Yl ..__.--- - -- --- - --- - - -- -_ � <br /> . !} <br /> ' Dated the- --- -2rid_. - --da�J �f ------ - - J'arila;a.�'s- ---...R. D. 19_23__ _ �' <br /> ,1 <br />' ------- ----Ck�.�rl�s_ F,Ko e .l�.n_- - --------- '� <br /> W'ITNESS : -- � ' � <br /> ; '�� <br /> � <br /> ' _ _ _ _ -�1ae_.Koeplin ___ ---- �� <br /> _ _ I3. .7._Cunningh�m-- _ _ ---- ! <br /> I� �� �� �� <br /> -- - _ __ -- ._ ._ ___ -- - � <br /> ST 1TE OF NEBR.�SK.g, d <br /> _���.,1 County, ss. Orz this _ _- -2T1G1. --- --da�J of� -- - - Jrs.riUaS�%_. _ --�. D. 19-?3, , before me� , <br />, - -- - - 1 <br /> ii <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarr� Public_ _ _ _ _ __._.__.within and for suid Courcty, personally came____. ___._ _.___ _ _ _____ _._ __.__ ! <br /> _Cha-r1Ps_ F._�o-eplin--�.nd B![a.P_-Ko�plinT-h�sbi,.nd _�,nci--wi-�'e, __ ___ '� <br /> _ -- _ . ---- <br />, � <br /> - -- - _ ____ __ ____ _ __- __ __ _ - __ _ _ __ <br /> �i <br /> , � - - ____._ -- ,i <br />��; to me personallz� known to be the identical person_S______.whose name.__�_ __-d.TB -.-.- ___af�'cxed to the �� <br /> ;! <br /> (SFAL) a-bove instrunzent as �rantor_�___._, and___ __ they-__. --____severallz� acknowled�sed the same to be__ �h8_�_� i <br /> voluntary act and deed for the purpose thereirz expressed. <br /> II <br /> IN W7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed mz� name arzd a�xed mz� ofjicial seal at ''I <br /> G r�;t,n� I�lt.�.nd,T`3�b__ra,ski�.r_i11 ��.].c� .�-QUnty,-__on the date last above zvritten, i <br /> < i <br />''' -- -- -- - - - --�Pn_J__•-Cunning-ham-------------------- �� <br /> Notarz� Public. ! <br /> i, �I <br /> .My commission expires----- --------I�t��.L���__5_�h.1�23• -- - _ -__ .__ --.19.--------------� � <br /> ---- - --=-- ------- ---_- — I <br />' � <br />� <br /> , _- -- <br />