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��� <br />; � <br /> i � ���' � � � ��' �\��//� � ���\�J//�^�, ���JJ <br /> � � �J—..—I� C+/ __+J� J J !�l/.lJ ���./� <br /> r-�-....:..:._..,.�v...._..__ �..��.._...�._Y.__. . . <br /> ' — .'�TftCQCR:lP88F_. �. .__.._:�._:- �.:�au=__.�_.___,.�.._��—v__� ,_�_.._.._���_,�.. . . . ._. . . . . . _ .. . . .. ... .. . . . <br /> ....._ . ,. .. ... _. , , ..... ..._ <br /> e�:--..,—�.,.r.. ."..�._..._ ..__,___...._._..._._.,. ...:_,__. __.. .,....._,_�_,. . _ .. . .. . . .,. _. _ .._ <br /> F'-Z�D.M I herebz� cer�tify that this instrument was entered on Numerical '" <br /> Index and filed for record this_____._ of.________Il6-C.emb$s .. ' <br /> --------Y�il,li.�,m...�._�.xug.��x.,_�r�._c�o�►�r-----�-�----- <br /> ' �larrantp �. D. 19.---�2•----, at-----�----- -------...-�-------------....--------o'clock----._.��_..M. <br /> .............................................................................................................................. , <br /> Tp �eea � <br /> ---_. ����.����----------------_ : <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, . <br /> �-----�ug u sta,--�uck.................................................................. , <br /> B�- ---- -._. . __ - - <br /> ------ � -- - ------.. .. <br /> Deputz�. <br /> �.r�oi� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�: <br /> That.-------I-.-�!i.11i�n_R.Kru e�_er,-�.-wi-da�r-er-,--o-f__G ra.nd__Isl�+.nd..-- ----- --_---- <br /> -- - -- - _ -_ - - _ _ -_ _ _.._ _ _ _ _ - ..___ --- i <br /> of the Countz� of-----_----.H�11---------�------------_.and State of------------------ --------N_�b��Skss.}---------------------------------Grantor-------------., in consideration ,' <br /> o} the sum o}.-------- -- ___ _ - _Qnp- �nll;�.r__an3--�'ac�h�.n�e-�f �rn�prt_i_e� - -.. --- -- ----- ------------...�4�v-�-R,�;�. <br /> ``in hand paid, do_-____----------hereby GR�1JV'T, B.qRGd4I,N, SELL, .1✓Y'D CO.NVEY' unto_--.---_�1�_U�t-�-_$UCk--_---__--_-----_-_------ <br /> ------- ----------------- - - - -- -- ----- -- - -- ----- - _. - - --------- - --- - - -- -- -- - --- - -- -- --- - --- ------- -- <br /> of the Count�J of----------------------���a ------=---------------and State of--- -- - --_N�1�.�.ix8k's� -- --- : ---------, Grantee--------, the followin�s <br /> described premises, situated ira the County of.________...___________________Hi�ll�_.__________._______._. ______.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> _--- - I.z��- Fiy e--�5-�- in---i31QCk Thirty-tAre o _��31 u�-7f�u►b�rt'a �dd��.�-an t� �k��-�-�#.y--of-�-��r��--I��.�r��� ! <br /> ------- N_�b.��s k�,�� s u_x�t�*y pd.,p l�.t_t_�d �r� czrd_�d.-- -- - - -- ----- --- <br /> _ __- ---- -- -- --- -- -------- ----. <br /> --------Suh��-c_t_k?���r�v-er-.�Q-th-e---unp�i.d--bul�cs _a�in� o�--d_c-er-��i�_�a-rt��g-e-in--t-h�- -s� -a�'--�10�4�4D <br /> ----------i_t�_ fav-o-x--o�--t�i.�- E'qui_tabl_e__33ui1_�in�;--&__Lo�n---�s_s_o_ci�.ti�n--o-f--�_r�.n�---I.�l�:�.nd,_BTsbx�.sk�.�_whi-c�i._m_o-x_t.g�,ge <br /> ,-------- is-- .r�c-ard�d---in--�or�:c-5-2-�;,t P�e-�78 of-��e-m-a���g e-��c ord� -af- H��.1. 1�a��►t�,ATeb-r-a,sl��s,w�ii a-h <br />, ,_--- mort�_a�e the _�r.,nt ee he_r�i-n- �.s�u�Ps_ �nd -�g r�es _t_o pmy__ �,� �. �;_art_. o___f__ wb�v_�_.c o_r__�ideruti o_�4 Sub»- <br /> �j-ac� _t_o __1922---r-ea.l--�st.dtp---t�.xes-•---- ---- <br /> --...,..------------------- <br /> ------- - , <br /> --- -- - --- {-�l.5�--3.R.St�:4rrtps �- <br /> -- -- (C4ncelled ) <br /> _- -- -_ -- -_ <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, arcd appurtenances thereunto belort�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�sht, Title, Interest, , <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Derrcand whatsoeuer of the said Grantor___., �ree�ie�eifilter��T�e�rrd, of, irc or to the same,.or a�ty y�art thereof. 'i� <br />'�, �a ��b8 �riD tQ �O�D the above described premises, with the appurtenarzces, unto the said C�rczntee._______and to______�iQT_.._._______ <br />'' heirs and assi�ns forever. �nd.___._I_ ___ hereby covenant-____._.with the said Grantee_______.that. __._.__ j..___.. __.._.hold________said premises ; <br />', by �ood arcd perfect title; that__._ _ ____I_____.__..__.haY.�___�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are <br />', ,free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever________]�x�8j�_�__ri8___u,b-C�i►__g..__sE'G---f OT-�rl-___ ________ ________ <br /> ,�Ind___ . _______ I_. _ _ __ _ __ _______covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises asainst the lawt'ul claims of all <br /> persons whomsoever.____��ep� u.s_ u,b.ov� �8t -:f oTt�k1--.._ ----- _-- - -- ---- ---- --_ ---- - <br /> -- -_ _ -__. . _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ -_ _ _ -- _ _- - - <br /> -- -- -- __ -- -- -- -- _-- - ---- - --- ----- -- <br />', Dated the-- - -- -16-Lh-- ----da�J �f--- ---- DeCembf3ri --- .,4. D. 19-2.2-- <br /> W7TNESS -------._ _.__..�V111-1-cim-..R.-Ky'uE!g-6T--� --- --- <br /> _ _ - -__ . - - - <br /> - - -__ - -- - <br /> $.,T�C-�n�ingh�rn_ ____ __ ___. ; <br /> ST�TE OF ,NEBR�SK�, � <br /> �ss. <br /> , --- - - Hd,ll- -- - - -�Courztr�, ' <br /> , On this--- ---- -16_�h. - ---da�J of----- -- ---I�C-t�rib6T, -- ---�hf. D. r9---22--—, before me, ;. <br /> the urzdersi�rzed, a Notarz�Public_ __ _ ______ __ _ ______withira and for said Countz�, persor�ally came__ __.__ ____. <br /> , - i <br /> �Rlilli_�n R_._�xup�pr �. widaw$r_ of-G��nd- .I�1�:�d, - _ _ - - <br /> ,,. <br /> to rne persorzallr� kreozvrz to be the iderctical person________.whose name_________.�8____.___.____ ._.__.__af�'ixed to the 'i!I <br /> �: <br /> above instrument as �rantor___._____, arcd_______._h.8 _-_-___...__._s�ee�erarbiv�r.acknowled�ed the same to be__ �7.�A1_ ; <br /> (�EAL� voluntarz� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af}"ixed my of�"'icial seal at I ^ <br /> __Grax�d __1�31.�.r1�i_,_��.,1ri-._�c.�-1s1---C-Qt,trity-ron the date last above written. <br /> ' - --- - - - -- -��Y1��- .T._�uriz'1113�hi�71... .---------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ' �Iy commission expires----_- --.---$uguSt---S-�:'�i�l.-D.--1923 - - ____ _ __- ---..�►------- --- <br />-���_-_- _._:_ _-._—__—_.—.—_.______—_��.�---=--- <br /> i <br />� . u . <br />