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Is--�-��. , at........ . ....3��._ _..._.._. ._--o��ao��----_.P.__�r. �, : <br /> _ _ .. ....... _ .. _ .. . . ....._._ <br /> ' To �eea ; <br /> - __ _ - ��,�:�ti�� � _ <br /> -��� ._ <br /> ---'�' -�----- - - <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, :,, <br /> , ;; <br /> - -Guy I�,Ii�r_xi_��r�- ...._...._ _......__.._...._....._ , _ <br /> B✓- -- --- --- --- ------ -- <br /> ------- <br /> Deputr�. <br /> �r�o� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> That----- ---Dby_rt.l�_ Fi1]rr��re_�.nd--C�uy.--Fi���re--(_Wif,e_ a.nd--Hu_s_b�.nd-)- --.- <br /> -- --- -- - -__ _ __ ._ __ _____ -- _-- -_ -- - .-- -- - -_ . - - -- - -- -- - -- ° <br /> o the Count o Hczll�------ and State o --------- ------- ----NebT�sk�i,-�---- ------- - ------ -----------Grantor.--�---_., in eonsideration � <br /> , t � f ---- --------- f <br /> -- - -- - ---Thi_rt �-Ei �t xu�a��d__�na__No _.104_------- --..____. <br /> o the sum o .-- ---- --- --- -----------.D OLL.f1 RS, . <br /> I � f _ � � -- - <br /> 'irz hand pc�id, do-,-------------hereby GR.f1NT, B.gRGd4IN, SELL, �1.N'D CO✓1�'VEY' unto.--------------G-U�'---.-L..}��,��1..s.s�21-------.----------------------- -- ','� <br /> ------------ -------------------- --------- --- -- -------.-_--------- - -- - - ------ -- ----- -- - -- - --- -- - - - ---- ----- - - ----- - ':; <br /> ,of the Count�J �f------------------ .tia' .11-- ----- ----------------and State of--- ----- --- --- N6bTa.skt� -- - - --------, Grantee-----------, the followin� �; <br /> described premises, situated iri the County of.______________________�3`s�ll_t_____'._____________ _...______..cand State of Nebraska, to-wit: j' <br /> i <br /> ;, <br /> '-----I�IIt--Fig-ht---�-B�,�S�oc'�--�i-�t�en. �161- F�.iraf��e P�trk--Adc�i:tian---Lo- t�8- G�ty--c�-f' G--r-�.z`id---�a�.-and-,--l��br-�.skr�;. <br /> ';-----�� -�urv?3��d#P�.�.t�Pd- �nsi _rp�ord?sl: uu-n��eCt-ta -Qnp.-(1�.--first___rc�xt���� �n- ��,x_or �f thA_ 0��a�it�il , <br /> ��, <br /> ;-- Bui_ldir��, �c--Lo�,n--Li���c_i�tion---Qf __U��.��_.��?�r��_k�.�up_on_..���iic-�---th?-rP-i-$--an_ ._ur�g�id--b�.�.�,nc_s__�$_._of "; <br /> -----I2Ac?m.ber_---l�t-�-1�22--c�f. TwenLy.-f.oux .Hundxed. �d_ .Gne -und__2�o%1�-C.---(-�:�40_l._t�(�-�---�o_lla.rs_r_�xhi_�h--thp-- - �•,! <br /> ------gx:a.n�Ps-hexei_x� _assumss---and---�-re�s__t-4--�-�r-.-aub-,�ec--t---4.1�n----t-o---o_n$---�1-�---sec.on.d__mnr-tg�p;-e--in__fdv_o_r o�' <br /> '.----t-h�--�'i11i-u,m--Ke-�ly- &---Comgany�G-ra�d--Is-ldrad-�Nebr�:,.ska.- in--au�,-af-- Thr-es-Hund-r-ed---For-��r---�.nd-_PIQ�IDD ! <br /> '-------. ��Q. Q-�'-)--D_Q_�..���s,w_h�.��i �_he__�r�.n�-�-?-he-r.-�-n--�,s_�_um�-$ �.nci--��A_ps_ to-��y. ..__.._�__----------.......,; <br /> {� � <br /> � - <br /> - -- <br /> - - � <br /> (�1.5 q I. R. St�rr.p s �' <br /> '--- - -- --- _ __ <br /> _- _ _ ___ ___ _.. <br /> __ _ _ ____ - -- -. _ - (G��e31ec�_ --- <br /> - _- _ <br /> ,.._._.�w.._.�. .____�.. _� <br /> �- - - - ---- -- - - ------ -- -- - - _-- ; <br /> 'To�ether with all the terzements, hereditaments, and appurtenccnces thereunto belor��in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, !I <br /> f <br /> `:Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.__g, , of, ia� or to the same, or any part thereof. '. <br /> �0 �aUP ariD t0 �OID the above described premises, with the appurterzances, unto the said Grantee._______and to_______._.hf_S.-_-____ : <br /> `laeirs and assi�ns forever. �nd__[�'_6_________hereby covenant_______.with the said Grantee.__._._..that_____ _.WS__.__ __.____hold._._____said premises ; <br />' by �ood and perfect title; that_______WE_______________.ha_V'_(3_.�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and eonvey the same; that they are !' <br /> I <br />', free and clear of all liens and ineumbrances whatsoever_____zX�_��_�__ci8_._,o.k�4y_�____S_P_t__f_D_rt_h___�a,21d___t_�.7���___f_�_r___thP__�_?_cr,T___19r�2 <br /> j _ .. ._._ ....___ ___. .__ _ _ _ _- _ ___ __ -- ---- -- - __ __. _ _ - __ - <br /> - ;�. <br /> _ - - _ . ,� <br /> -- - .__ _.__-- <br /> _._. _ -_ . <br />�� ;- ___ _ --- --- __-- _. _ __. __ _ --__ _ __ - -- - _ - -- , <br /> '.qnd_______ __ _ __ ______.____covenant________to warrant and defe�ad the said prem�ses a�ainst the lawful cic�ims of all `: <br /> �_e <br /> ; <br /> 'persons whomsoever_._-_. _- -_ __ _ _---- _ __ ! <br /> _ -- ---- . _ .-- ----- ---- ---- - - -- -- ---- --- - - - - ___ --� �: <br /> - -- -__ -- - - ---- -- <br /> '; � <br />, Dated the-- - __f�th _.. .._-da�J �f---- ----��C_ei�b-�Z'-- -._---�1. D, 19.___22.- <br /> ;� <br /> ', W'ITNESS' : ----------- ---- ---- --R�y.x�l_6__FillmQr s.-- ---------- j� <br /> __ --G-taar__�'i._�,lmore_ - - <br /> ._ --- � <br /> . --; <br /> __ ._ ,Flo�n�er_ __ - -- - - ---- <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�4SK.g, <br /> , ss. _.�. D. 19___22_-__ be ore me ; <br /> .-.--. - H�1.1 - -- --�Count�, Orz this_ -- --- -�th ---- ----da� �f--- ----- I?ec_�Lnb.�r---- , f , <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarz� Public_ ._ . ___._ ________within and for said Countr�, personally eame_______�yr-t_l�._.Flllm.o_Y',rid_ �: <br /> _ G Fi1;l.more �if�- and__�iusbu.nd --- _ _ --- __ - ---- _ _- '� <br /> � ( �- --- <br /> t� me personallJ known to be the identical person____8.___.whose name___.S_____�.rp,__----.-----_--------afj"ixed to the ' <br /> above instrument as �rantor_.__H_._, and_----- itfidhp ______severall� acknowled�ed the same to be_'�hp_�r__ ;; <br /> ts�,t�L) <br /> voluntarr� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W7TNESS W'HEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�ixed my of)ceial seal at 4 <br /> _ Gr�,nd Islc�'i�i_�l�iebr,--�.1.t2---sal�---C-QUn�y._„-_--___on the date last above written. " <br /> -----.. -- -_-- -- --C,_T,._F�.ow.e�--------------��-------�----,.__._ ' <br /> .N'otarz� Public. �; <br /> �� <br /> ;, <br /> JIy commission expires------------ Aug�tst -27t�ha 1-92$ - -- -- ----19--------------- i! . <br />___ -- _-:--- �_ -_ = __--_. -_:_-__—�__--_-=�-=----- - — <br /> —�_ ,.-=_-=_ ,---�_ -_:_— _. ._:_ � <br />. <br /> — -,� _ _ _ _ _ � <br />