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BZJ- - --- � <br /> - ._ ___ __- - .__. .. <br /> ------ <br /> '� � � Deputz�. �i4 � <br /> _.-- __ _ _ __ __ - - - ---.._. _. _ <br /> - <br /> , <br /> � _ '� <br /> �, <br /> ' �r�o� �YY er� � � e�e re�er�t�: '� <br /> � p � � <br /> �i <br /> That ------- ----)1��,-�l�r.ence--I,.��t�rsQn--and---�nna._Pst�r$_ony_hu�ban� _�.nd--r�if�,-of--G_rand--_I_sland. -- ------ ';! <br /> � <br /> -- --- -- -- - _ _ __ __ _ <br /> _ . - _ _ ____ . ___ ---- -__ _ . __ _ _ -- -- ---- <br /> --- - _ . --.; <br /> � ;� <br /> : of the Courctz� af-------------Ha11-i--------------.and State of-------------------------------N�b-T_�,8-kd-r------------------------------------.Grantors-------, in consideration ii <br /> of the sum o}.-------- _ ___ _. F1Y 8- `rh9t18.aricd_i�rid _I1Qfl_4Q. _ -- _ _. ---_ .--- .---- -------.D OLL�RS, '.i <br /> ', in hand paid, do -----------herebz� GR�NT, B�(RG.gIN, SELL, .I,ND CONVEY' unto.------_ .�TOhri _S11A�- - --------- - _--- -------- ---------- i <br /> --- --- � ---- ---- -- ---- - -- ---.. - --- _ _ -- - - -- - -- ___ - - -- - - --__ _ __ - - <br /> - �� <br /> ' of the Count�J of----- ---------��-1-t------- -- -----.and State o�---- - -- - - �.��kL�cF$kd�_ - --------- Grantee -- --- the followin��' <br /> , � ` <br /> „ <br /> ,i <br /> ' described premises, situated in the County of.____.__..________________Hd11_�_-___________ __ ________.______:and State of JV'ebraska, to-wit: �; <br /> 'i <br /> ,._I�a-�__Ei�ht---(8--)---irr-Bl.oc�_ Dne-Hu�tir�d_ b'o-rty--one- t-141� o-f Uni�n--P-acific---I��,il��y---Cazn}�ar��Z--'--s---Sec-ar�d� <br />.', ___Addition___to th_ e City_ of G_r_G.nd_ Ialr�nd�Nebr�ska._ ____ __ __ , <br /> . .. - - -- --� i <br /> � <br /> - �I <br /> -______ _______ - __.______ . _____-___ _-_�_____ ___________ _______._ ..__._�_- _________ ____________��a.:aa.�sa_�_aa.��..�_�_�..�.wiw.w_w____ .__..:... __-__.___...._-____________.... ___.____ ....... � . <br /> � • (�5.0 0 I.�. 3 t arap s � - ;� <br /> ----- --___ ----- ---------- - - --- -__ _ _- -_ - _..- - - � - - -- -- ---- �i <br />, , _ -C�ncQlled _ <br /> -- - - --- -- <br /> N <br /> �------------ - - ----- ---- ---- ------- ------------------- -- -- ------- --- --- --- ------ ---- ------- - -- -- -- - -- ---- -- --- ;� <br />' --------- ------- ------- ---- - - _._._ _ __- ---- --- -__ -- __ _ __ - _ __ -_ _. _.-- -- --- ___ - -_ <br /> ;i <br /> j <br /> , <br /> -•------ ------- ---------- --- --- <br /> - - --- -- ----------------- -• - <br /> - - ----- - <br /> _- --- - ---- --- - - -- - <br /> -- - - - -----_ '� <br /> --- <br /> -- ;; <br /> _ i <br /> -------- - - - --- -- .. .------ _._ ._ __ _ _ ---_ __- -- - __ __ __ __------- -- __ '� <br /> - <br /> . • ------- ------- --- -- ------- -- - - -- - - ---- -- - - - - - - ---- - - -__ - - - -- -_ ---- - _ __-- - <br /> il <br /> ' To�ether with all the tenernents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonsin�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, ;I <br /> ' Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.8:., a7z�'tif�tt�Cerrof'�t7't�n'L, of, irt or to the same, ar ar�y part thereof. � <br /> i <br /> �u �abP anb ta �oCa the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to____.___h1�...___._ ij <br /> �� <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. .Flnd.__-_�� _. _ _hereby covenant_______.with the said Grantee._.________thut-_____ �I[8_ _____. ..__.___hold ____._said premises �! <br /> ;` br� �ood and perfect title; that.__.___..VV�________.___..___.ha_�_�t__�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritr� to sell and convez� the same; that they are �I <br /> i, <br /> ,' free and clear of all liens and ineumbrances whatsoever------- -- - - - --------------------------- ----------- - ------- - ----- -------'� <br /> i <br /> � <br /> - -- -_ __ __- -- - _ __ ---- -- -- - - - - ___ _ _ .__ __ <br /> - --- - - - --- . <br /> - --- -- - - � <br /> - --- <br /> ,� <br /> i; <br /> .Ind__ __ __ t!P8_________________ _ __ ___ ______________covenant warrant arcd defend the said premuses a�airest the lawful claims of all �I <br /> persons whomsoever- -- --- -- - - - '; <br /> __ _ - - -_ - -- -- --- -- - <br /> ;� <br /> i <br /> ' - -- -- .__ ______ .._-- -_-- ---- --- __ .._ <br /> �: <br /> - _--- -- <br /> _ -__ - -_ __ .. -- -- -___ _. � <br /> ;� <br /> ' -. -da� of---- Dsc.emb.e.T._ - - --�1. D�19.__22 _ '', <br /> Dated the----_ __----8-�h---------__ - <br /> � <br /> W'ITdY'ESS ------- - - -----C-�.�_T^AC� I,.P_�_'�_P X'S.Q11--- ------- �' <br /> f ;� <br /> _Anna Pe_tArsor� - - � <br /> _ _ _ __ __ . __ _ � <br /> � _ �.1T._Cunnin�h�m__ _ . _ _------ i <br /> - - _ <br /> -__ -- __ _...- -- - --- - -_ -- -- i <br /> . y <br /> �, <br /> - - - ___ ___ - _ _ ---- -_ _ -- - <br /> ' ST.FITE OF JV'EBR.gSK.g, � � <br /> �ss. !! <br /> - ... ...._ -- x`�l1 - - ..Countr�, On this - --_ _$t�i_-.. - -----da�J �f� - - D��_�tb�Ta ..�. D. 19--22--, before me, I <br /> i the undersi�ned, a Notary Public._ __ _ _.___within and for said County, personallr� came____�-1-�xI821-Ce--Ir.�-�3t'A-P8021-a.rl� <br /> _ Anna_Pet�r_s an•hus.h�«nd__�.n� wifs-nf--G_r-�.n3_ Isl�.n�,-Ne-b�msk�.,- _ _ _ i1 <br /> ; <br /> __ _ -- - __ _.. _ ._- _. - - -- -- __ __ _ <br /> 'i <br /> _ ___ _ _ __ __ _ _- ._ _ _ _.!, <br /> � 1 <br /> ; to me personally krzown to be the identical person_�______.whose name.B________c'1T�--____ _ __.__.__afj'axed to the I <br /> ^' ����'Z'} above irLStrument as �rantor_.S.____, arzd___ _ _�hEy severally acknowled�ed tyze same to be_ th,��r i� <br /> , P <br /> I <br /> voluntarz� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. ;, <br /> � � I✓V' W'IT�N'ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed m� name and affixed my ofJ'zcial seal at �� <br /> . GTcind _ISl�.rid NBb�d,�ka. f11----S�t.ld--C-aU�t ---on the date last above written. ;I <br /> � • �• I <br /> �� <br /> • --- -B��--.T.._�.'1121X1123gp18�l1-..---- ------ ;: <br /> � --- _ ---- - - i <br /> , Notarr� Public. � <br /> . � <br /> ! JVly eommission expires---------Aug.uBt_.5__th,_1923-•-- _._ - -_ -.19.----- -------- � <br /> _���--�—_��--___���----- — <br /> I <br /> i <br />