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��v <br /> '�. <br /> ��j��� L���� ..W�JJ�� ����a ��m <br />------.___�_._ _ __---_____._.__ _.__ __ �_—__� <br /> ._ -5T JOV NA CO�FAPABY,LINC�L�i.N�B...' --�.��-:,,.�-.'��:-.._.�.y.�. _ . . . .'- . .,. . . . .. .. _ . . . <br />._.,_..._..._.�_ __... �� <br /> FR�✓VI I herebz� certif j that this instrument was entered on Numerical .� <br /> � <br /> ,� <br /> Index and filed for record this__________.______�. y f _ _ :', <br /> -------P.�t_er__.�.o.r�n�.�xi.._F��-�-----------�---- ------------da o �------pec�.x��_�r-- --- , <br /> � <br /> . <br /> - �larrantp �. D. 19---22__.., at------.. .- --�-�-4�- - � ----o'clock------P-*�---.M. ! <br /> ..... ... ...... - .. .... ... .. ....._....._ ........ .. <br /> �eea � � — <br /> TO � � <br /> - -- �/��=.�-<'%��a��F �-�e�� <br /> -- _ --- ------- ----- �---------- <br /> Re�ister of I3eeds, - <br /> ' --- �vl�_srt_.�.L_e�_x�.r..............._......................................... �� <br />' B�- ---- -- - _ <br /> --_._ - -- ---- ------ <br /> Deputy. <br />�, <br /> �.�o� �rY ,�er� �p ?��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> That--------P-e-t-�r--S_ox� �nd - �s�_eli�.--S_o renssn�_husb�nci _anrl_ xi�e__ _------ ------- -- --- ------ - <br /> of the Countr� of. ___�i�ll f _._._____________.Grantor._e______, in eonsideration '! <br /> .-- -----,and State o --------------------------------11�T@b_�4;.akc��.-------------------- <br /> of the sum of------ . - Fo_ur. ��ous_ans� f iv P huncl_r��--.G�9,5_U.�?._40�-- -- -- - ------------.D oLL�RS, ' <br /> in hand paid, do__.----..---__hereby GR�4NT, B.qRG.,4LN', SELL, ✓1JV'D CO.N'VEY' unto.------.----------- .._ROb�-T�---I,_._Zs�.�e.�------------------------------- <br /> of the Count� �f------------------Fi�llt---------- ---------------and State o}--- ----- - -- - �Q�.�ci_�kd�-- -- --------, Grantee----------, the followin� ';'. <br /> described premises, situated in the Countz� of__________.______._____.______I�s��,l}.____._____________.______and State of Nebraaka, to-wit: ' - <br /> --Th_e_N_o.rt'ries-l�--�i�ty_---f�ux -(�i 4 3 _f�-et---af-_Lo_t_ �s�ur--�-4}--in--Bl-s�ck_4ri�--�iur�dr-ed--Tw-�nty_l�ir��--�-129��--in. '. <br /> __tlni_0_n---P_��� , Aail►�ay-_�_om�>-�.ny!s__�ec_on.d_�d�iti-on--ta---�tne--Git_y_----o-f--�xa.nd--Islandf.-I�ebr:�.sk�.,-bQir�- -r�.. ! � ° . <br /> __r�c.��ngul�.�--_tx��c.t_. o_f. �r�u.nd_ _haying---a--�es_t_erly----f_r_szn�ag�---o-f---Six.��--f_our--(-64-�--f�.��----on._Kimball__A�r�nne � <br /> ---�n�--�--north?r.i;�.---front�-A -of si�cxy _aix. -(-e�-�--4fe�t---on_ Ei�htlz._S�rp-et---i-n---s�.id--City.---Ala�--�--right Ailf <br />� 'i,_way--for---trl�-�;arg�?_�e _.�-�' -�.- driv s-�r�r--ov_�r---�h�►--rior�he_r_],y__ thr.e�---�.n�i---on�--ha�lf--(-3��--f e�t----of__Lh�-- f3.outlheriy � <br /> ._�ix#�►----eight----��i8-}---f_eet. of s�,i-ci--lot._-Sub�e�-t--to--�. _ri�ht.__o-f-v�ay---r-ea�r�red__f�x--d-r-iv-e��.y---p-u�a�ss �';or ` <br />' ---thp---b�npfit---�_f th� Southprly---��.��y---�i�-Y�'�----�-6$-�---f��t,--o�'---��,icl--LQ�---o�--the._�_Q.ut_Ya�_��.y---t.hrep---�n�.__on_el� <br />� --half -����--f°°� of_ thP Na�L�erly si�cty four fb4�__feet -af -��id--�at.-- - - _ - -- __ -- - i <br /> _ _ __ _ - <br /> To�ether with all the tenem,ents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belore�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, I'nterest, ,�. <br /> '�Dower, Curtgsz�, Claim and Demand �,vhatsoever of the said Grantor___., tz2t�-t�-eiL�ceT��t�, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. ;� - <br /> �0 �Q�1P ari� t0 Q�� the above described remises, witlt the a urtenances unto the said ��' <br /> � P AP , Grantee-------and to--------�-�-�------- ;; <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. �lnd__ _ �V�_._hereby couenant______.with the said Grantee ___.___that.._____ __ ____ _q�rE- ------hold___..__said premises �I <br /> by �ood and perfect title; that__..____._We________________.ha_Y__E_.�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are.'; <br /> free and elear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- ;; <br /> .�Ind.______ ._ �►� __ _ _ warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all <br /> persoras whomsoeaer--- -- _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _---- __ _ <br /> _---- --- ---- _-- -- -- -- - --- ---- ---- - --- - _ <br /> Dated the----_ .._7th ___ ____ --------daz� of----- -------IlB-C-�mbBT --.-4. D. r9_,�2.___. <br /> W7TNES,S -- -------Pe-t-er----�ox-e-ns-en---- ' <br /> -----------------..__ - ----- ---- --- , <br /> f�r4.5 C I. R. St�smps }_ _ __ ,Cecelir�__SorQns�n_----- � <br /> . __ - <br /> _ <br /> � - -_ __ __�i�►rm�.n_ F,�uckow - _ __ _ - -- f C�r�.e elled 2 <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.gSK�, <br /> �ss. � <br /> H�.�1 .. --Countr�, Orz this_ _ - - - __7_th - ---daJ of�-- - - 13�CE7T1.h6T�- ------�.1. D. 19_�2-----, before me, ,'' <br />' the undersi�ned, a .N'otarz� Public_ _ _ ___________ _____ _______withirZ arcd for said Countr�, personally came_.__P-6.t.��___$_Orgri$_gn---�rid ___ i <br /> C 8�eZia Sa rsns er��husb�.nd �.nd- «zi�'� - -- .__. _--- -- _ -- _ - _ -_ - ' <br /> to me personally known to be the identieal person_8_.___zvhose name_____..___�,.rg--__--�ixed to the j; <br /> (S�+AL� above instrument as �rantor___B.__, and_______.t-h�Z____..____severallz� acknowled�sed the same to be__- ths�js::� � <br /> voluntarr� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> LN' W7TNESS W'HEREOF, I haUe hereunto subscribed my name and af�ixed mz� of)icial seal at ' <br /> GZ�z3,23d_IH 1a11d_�_iri__S-�,ld--_�_O-uAty_,______.______.__on the date last above written. <br /> ` ----- - -�- - - - H?rr.��n-�._Bu-c-ka�-----------�---- - ----- ; <br /> Notarz� Publie. <br /> .My eommission expires--- ---...ApTil 16.s 192fi, - -- _...-- - - _:.19.------------- ! <br /> `; <br />