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1���� <br /> � <br /> � J�'�� 1 � �J 1 �� �� O <br /> ��_�� �,��� _.�J � .��a ��� <br />�_ _� . .____�� __.�.�-���::. .�_��---_. _—�. __�_ -- . <br /> FROJVI I herebz� certifr� that this instrument was entered on Numerical'! <br /> » <br /> ... Index and f�led for record this-----------------�-----------_--..daz� of.-----_���-±3Dib�T-_-_--- <br /> ------�---�7._�oss.--�oo re-�c--wif P.----��-------------�-------�- <br /> ..._......................................................._.......................................................... <br /> i�arrantp .�. D. 19._.22......_, at._......._......_._...11._5_5...- - � ----- o'elock-------�+--�1. !' <br /> _ To �eea ��� <� <br /> �, � �= <br /> --- -___ - - - - - --- - - ---- ------- -----�---......._ :. <br /> Re�ister o Deeds, ' <br /> ------J_enni�_.T.3.s�s9y........... ............._............................ I <br /> $�------ -_ --- - - <br /> --- -------Deputy.----- <br /> �.tto� �Y� �er� �p ��je�� ��e�er�t�: <br /> That---- w�--J._Ro_�s_I��oxe--�.nci. Ro�e__�[ari_e_�:oore, --H_usb�nd and_ wife_- -------- --- . <br /> _ __- -- -----_ <br /> o the Count o .._------------------ca,ll--------- N�3bTa.Ska <br /> f �J � H` .and State of----------------- ---- ----------- -----------------------------------------------------Grantor.-$�---�, in consideration <br /> of the sum of.- ------_S�ven �h�usand--��ven-- Hund_red---F,�fty &--No�1�U__----- - --------------.z�oLL�4RS, ; <br /> - -- -- <br /> in hand paid, do--------------hereby GR./�NT, B,l1RG./IIN, SELL, �✓V'D CO.NVEY' unto.------------�T��121�.�_.._T,�OS-�y--------------------------- -- <br /> � ----- - ------------ ---- --- -- - ---- - --- - --- ---- --- - . ------- ------ -- - ---- - ---- - - - --- -- - ------- <br /> � �J � ---------and State o�-------- - ---- ----- - - - - - ------- - , Grantee---------, the followin� <br /> o the Count o ------------------H�.11------------------------- NebTi�ka <br /> deseribed premises, situated ira the County of________________________,.Hd,l.l________.._____.__._______._.____....and St.ate of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> -----------The--Eas_t.�r_l�r_--Fif-ty-- -fL$t _of-Lot--Three---�-��i:._in-B.�nc_k _Ona--(-1-}-- _of.__Elm--P.lac-e--Addi_ti��_Q __. ,; - <br /> --------- City_-of__Grand_Isla.nd,�,.---¢�-- $urvey�d.. pl�,tt_ed_ a,nd__ rec_orded• -__-_ . <br /> __Sub�sct_�__hnwpv�r_to___t;!�A _unp�i.d___oal�.nc_¢___of__a_�5000,_00_ mortg�e in_ fa.vor of the_��uitable ,; <br /> _�3uild�,n�;__�nd---Lo�:n___Associ�.ti_�n,__ �hich _b�,lan�_e--i-�- ��9Q4._�5_. _Also_-�ub,�_6ct to_ �, mort <br /> - g`��...°�---- ;' <br /> ,---------__�2QQt?•-��--in-�_�.y_ox_-9f---Aug_us-t---�T._B�.um�.tzns---,�,lso---�_�;b����t--tv___tne__.unp�id �aving--tdxea ----- ' <br /> ' --_----__-,-_______...., <br /> - - - --- <br /> . --- ------ <br /> ----- ---- - - ------- --- --- ------ - - �_ �2.00 I.R. Starnp -- j- - <br /> --- -- - - - - - <br /> -- -- <br /> Canc el�ed _ � - --- ----- - - <br /> _- --_ _ __ - - - <br /> 'To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenarcces thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.8_., , of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. ; <br /> �Q �RbP �ri� t0 �AI� the above described premises, with the ap�urtenances, unto the said Grantee_______and to_.___.1'�ex______..____ ' <br /> heirs and assi�res forever. .Rnd.___8¢e-_____hereby couenant______zvith the said Grantee.____that.__ __.__ __�'�!e_._._ . .___._hold.______said premises <br /> by sood and perfect tit,le; that_______NY�___.____________.haX_C_.__sood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell arcd convey the same; that they are � <br /> free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever_:________________________?XCept___ci,8__abOY� _Stcit9d. <br /> ----- ---- ------------- ------- ------- ----------------- <br /> .flnd_ __ _.___________. W6 _ . ___ ._ _.___ _________covenar�t_______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all j <br /> persons whomsoever_--- -__ _ ._--- <br /> Dated the-- _ ----29�h _ _ _ -da� �f-------- 1�av_emk�.et- - -- --�. D. 1922 -- ii <br /> W7TNESS �T.Roee �foors ; <br /> - _ __ Ro�_e 3�►xie_I�oor?_ _ -- ; <br /> --- --- _ _. ,.�._ _�p b�,�.,}__ _ <br /> _ __ <br /> - - -- <br /> -_ --- ------ - -- - ----- --------- -- ------ ; <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.,4SK�, <br /> ss. ; <br /> !`--�- - xall - -- - Countz�, On this- ---29 th- - --da�J �f�--------NOY @7ub¢T----- -------�. D. 19-��-----, before me, , <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notar�Public_ __-_ .___._.__ ________.within and for said County, personally came.._ _. ___._____ ____._ _________ ______ ,i <br /> _ _ _ 47. �o�s__�_Q_gr� _�,nd Ros�_���a�e _�oQ_re.- huisba,r�d- a��nd wifs --- ' <br /> ' � <br /> -- -_ __ _ -- _ _ -_ _ __ __. <br /> _ _ _ - - - <br /> --- - - - -- <br /> � <br /> to fne personally known to be the identical person�_.____.whose name_..______a�T_�______._._____.______afjExed to the ;� <br /> � <br /> ,; <br /> (SEIiI,� above instrument as �rantor�______, and.____-___lAt.6___--____________severally aeknowled�ed the same to be_�hB�T_ ;: <br /> voluntary act and deed for the �urpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed mr� name and afj"'ixed my of�`icial seal at '! <br /> ____ G_TcsTiCi___I_S_1ia.tld� 1'ri__-BaiGd. _�_OL1ri_'�y_,_._..___on the date last above written. <br /> ----- --- - -- - -- _�...3�,�.Cam.pb_all----------------------- <br /> eN'otary Public. <br /> .Mr� commission expires..------ ---�t?$t��t--2_4�_19�3_ -- - - - - __ - _ - --_.�9•---------- �'' <br /> „ <br />—,-_ ,�.�_-_: . , _ __._____. ---- _.._ __ - -- _--- -_ -——__------- ---_ - -- <br /> � --- - — ����� <br />�- _ ,� <br />