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D. 19--��t -, at--- ---- --2:24 -- -- - -o��ao�k------�,_.�r. ,; <br /> �eea ` <br /> —�- ,. <br /> ���.���°��_����� , <br /> ----------------- <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> - ---Do_r�u.___B�..tes- ---................._.............................................. <br /> 8�----------------- --- ----------------- -----------------------------� <br /> � Deputr�. <br />, <br /> ��o�a �YY �er� �p �C�je�e �re�er�t�: <br />', That. - �.�.-St�a��.rd._�.nd _tTO.s�h T•S�ev��:,.rsis�rif� -�.nd h_usi��.nd-- - -- - - - - <br /> of the Countr� of- �-11-----------------,arzd State of-----------------------------------�sDxu.$ki�,.---------------------------------,Grantor._$------, in consideration I <br />' of the sum of�- ------- - - _-- ___ -- ---_ __ Tv;-�-ThGU�_a,nc�._�c •No�lOG - - _ - - ----- ------------.D OLL�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do�s-_-___-_---hereby GR.FINT, Bd4RG�1LN, SELL, �4ND CONVEY' unto.---_----_-1�Or`rx--Bd.ti-68-----_------_--_-_-----_-_-----_----_--_ <br /> ----- ------- -- - - ---- -- - - - -- - - - --- -- -------- ; <br /> 'of the Countz� of------ ------------licilly-- ------ ----------and State of------- - ------ ------N_4px�.Hksi,�-- -----------_, Grantee ----------, the followin� ' <br /> described premises, situated in the Countr� of.__._________________.�1��.�._+___________.______._______________and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> ------7,Qt---Fift_e_�n--(:15--).--in..�ls�ck 7��lve--�12-�---in -�s��s__�C- I�i_11! �--ad�.i_t�on__to__t�P_._C_ity--q�'__G_x__�.x_.d ..I�lund�, <br /> I -------�`E-b-r-�.�sk�.r�.r� surv�-y:�-d:gl�c,.t-�ed dr�ri__r-ec.ard$t1.------ - -- --- --------- ---- --- -- ------------- � <br /> - ---- ----- -- -- ---- -- <br /> -----. <br /> ___._..__.._ __�._-__�_ __"______. __._.___.' __-________Yi1��'�G"�-�iY'f�"i-Yii�f-ic-i'�ai-ilY"LS"ifiillfR___.__-_-_ "___"_"__ .' """_'."__ '_____-"__ _....____"_"_._-__"_"___.__"._" . <br />, -- - -- - - -- ��2. Ut� I.R. 8tcei[t $ ' <br /> ------ -- ._ _ <br /> _ - -_-- -- - - - <br /> - - <br /> - - -� <br /> - -- - - .. . -- <br /> �C�neell�d - -- -- --- <br /> --- _ - <br />, �-- -- - - - - - <br /> _ --- - _- - - <br /> --- --- - <br /> ------ -- - . <br /> --- - _ -- <br /> -- -- --- - <br /> --- - - <br /> - --_ <br />'� ----- -- ----- -- - <br /> -- -- - - _ --- -------- --- ------- ---- --- -------- -- -- - -- - _ ----- -- -- --- ----- - -- ' <br /> --- ---- - -- -- -___-- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, arad appurtenances thereunto belonsin�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, ' <br /> Dower, Curtesr�, Clairr� and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__�., ea�s�eztlaer���, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. :' <br /> �o �aUe anD to �o[b the aboUe described premises, with t�ze appurtenanees, unto the said Grantee________and to._______�.r__ ! <br /> heirs and assi�n-s forever. .,4nd._. �_s__ _ herebz� couenant._____.with the said Grantee _.._____.that_.___. __ t_hc!�__. . ._.____.hold-_._____said premises ' <br /> l�y �ood and perfect title; Lhat____________.__YY�_________..haY_C___�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and cor�vey the same; that they are � <br /> free and clear of all lieras and incumbrances whatsoever_______________________________________.____________________.__ !, <br /> ------------- ---------- ------ --- -------- <br />�, «4rcd__ ____ __ __ _�►6 _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ warrar2b and defend the said prerrcises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all ! <br /> persons whomsoever_ -- - __ ___--- __- _ . ' <br /> _. <br /> Dated the___-- --- ._?9th ___ - ---da�J of---- _ �l.l��i�t� --- ------�. D. 19_. �1•-.-- ' <br /> W7TNESS. --------- --__ --- ---5._E._S_L pw�rd------ - -- ------- , <br /> - -- - _ - _ _ -�T o_s_�ph_T_, St_e�r�.rd ----_ - <br /> Vi.J.SF;��,kin�or�. _ ___ _ - _ ,. <br /> , _ -___. -- - -- -- ----- - -- - --------- --- - ' <br /> ----- -- - <br /> - - -- _ _ -- - -- -- - -- - -------. <br /> -- __ _-- _ - _-- - -- ---- - <br />� - -- -- - ' <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR�ISX"✓1, ) <br /> }�ss. , <br />' - - - -- -�J.�,�.1 - __......Countz�,) On this_ ___ _- 25-�-�'1 - ---da�J �}---- -I��Y_r�.Cti���' - -- --��. D. 19--22-a--, before me, �: <br /> �he undersi�raed, a Notarr�Public. _____withirc and for said County, persorcallz� came__ _____.S_..::F�_�t��i[�;,,�11S�___�T_Q_�Cpj�i <br /> _ _ T•SLpvur�.rc��,w�f¢-�nd �u�:o�,nci __ _ - - ---_ _ _- __--- - - _ __ - _ -- ; <br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical person___S____zvhose name.____________c�,re-_-----__________af�'ixed to the ,! <br /> {S�+�x�� above irzstrument as �Srantor_�_____, and___.'��1_Cy___________.___severallz� acknowled�ed the same to be___t�?1_r_ <br /> voluntarz� act and deed for the purpose thereifz expressed. <br /> IN W7T�N'ESS WHER�OF, I have hereunto subscribed my name arzd af�'ixed mz� ofjicial seal at i <br /> GY'�:ti,rid _IS1�TY1-,-'lri---8�id._.Cix�Lt�'lt __ _ ..___on the date last above written. <br /> _ 3' s <br /> ---- � - - - ----�f_._�_,�!!ilkin-so-r------ -��-------- ---- <br /> ✓Y'otary Public. <br /> .My commission expires.--- ---- --Qc.�_0�_��--�8t.h �1;9��i: -. _ - __-- --�X9.------- ---� ' <br />_— _`--�_w--,: _. __ ,-_.__ _ _ ,. — _-�_:__-----_= — <br /> „ <br /> , <br />�—_ ,� __ __ „ <br />