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D. 19-�2 --, at--- --- 4 ---- --- - ---d clock------P_....M. <br />, T� �eea � � <br /> -- ._. _------_ -- - --'"�-�/ ------------ ' <br /> -------t� <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> ', - i��lt_�r_�._��y.�1 -._...................................................._ ' <br /> II, By---_.._ - --_ - <br /> ---- ---- - ----- -- -- -------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> -- -- --- - -__ _ . _ __.. --- - --- - _ _ , <br /> �.�o�a �YY �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> � <br /> - That_-- --------lKe.-�3eu�j�rnin -�T,�Cunnf-n�-ham---�.r.d---:�,�a,ry----A.-Cun�ingh�rus.hus-hand--:anrl---wife,-of__Gx��.n�__I-�3��.nd ' <br /> of the County of...---.------_i��ll�-------------.and State of------------------------------------���2.T_ia.�k�,--------------------------------Grantor--8-------., in consideratiorc !i <br /> of the sum of-------- --- --- _ Two_ThAUB�a.nd...Fiv.e -Hunsi_r-�d__W,nd--no/lt�Q.. - --------- --------------DOLL.�RS, i <br /> in hand paid, da.,.---_-_-_-___herebr� GR�1NT, B./1RG�LN', SELL, .q.ND CO✓l�'VEY' unto.__----_--_---yYsa,.Lt_�T-_D.--�4�11--__._---__----_-_--.._-_-__---__----- ' <br /> - ------- - ------ -- - - --- - - - - - --- --- -_._... -- ..__ - -- -- ----- - - -- ''' <br /> - _ -- -- - - <br /> _- -- - <br /> - -- i <br />' of�the County of--------------tic,.11 f------------------------------and State of--------------.---.-_--------1�I_6_brc�.3_ktra,.---_-----------, Grantee __, the follourirz� ' <br /> described premises, situated in the County of________________.__ ____I-�'s��.�.�._.__._..._._______ ..__:_.___.____.__.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: ;�i <br /> ----I,Q-t---Si-x--(-6-�--in -B1,-ock --Fou-rteAn___(14) -�nd--�,-oZ --r�n -�1Q-�---in---�il.-�ck-__Fif�s�n---�-15-)---of---R�ke�!-s--Addi-ti+�n <br /> -------t�x--t�.�- -��ty_af-���,r�d Is��;nc�, Nnb��sk�a,,.a.$ -s�r-ar A�e�i,pl�'���d- �d--�ecor-d��i.--�ih�i��j�o��v�r-, t Q---�.�1 <br /> - -$P=°c_i_�.1-Qr �P_,nPral._t�es of--r_eaQr�i -r�g�� -��id p_remi_sesl-- - - ' <br /> - - - - - --- <br /> ---_ - _ - <br />� .�'"__". . """""___" "'""""""_ _""'_____' ____""'.. ____'_____'.___.__.__. _-___-__-_. "__"-__'_ _'"___"""" .___.._iG"iii��1���Y�i�r�"�-ri'�il"�r-�"�1 "'"___"" _'_"""__' ""___"_" ____"____ ___'_"__" "___'"""__'"___' <br /> -- - -(�2.50 I. R. St�tnp$ } i <br /> ---- <br /> -._ __ - -- � - --- - -- - - - -- -- <br /> Cdncelled -- - - -_� --- <br /> _ ___ ___ - ----- -- _ _ _ _ _ - _ -- -___-- - - -_ __ - - '; <br /> --- -------- <br /> ------- - ------- - _ _ . --- - - <br /> , . <br />�' ------------------ ------ ---- <br /> ------------- -- ------------ - -- _.- ----- ---- - -- --- - --- --- -- - -- <br /> __- ---- <br /> To�eth,er with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances the,reunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, � <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.i�_., a�t�'rit�ith�ro�'t�t�nt;of, in or to the same, or ar�y part thereof. '! <br /> �o �a�e anb ta �ot0 the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______arcd to._______�i� .._.__.__ �i <br /> heirs and assi�sns forever. �nd.__ l��__ herebz� covenant.-_____.with the said Grantee- ____.that_____...___�.�_ _.._.__. ._ ______hold.______said premases ,'. <br /> `by �ood and perfect title; that__._.__.__w_e_______________.ha�lQ__.�SOOd ri�ht cznd lawful authority to sell and eonvey the same; that they are ," <br /> free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever---------.__BX.�-3p-�--ra.�----dkZQ3P�---�p'�--�-4-�h-------------------------------------------- ---------- ;! <br /> d4nd__ __ _ __ ____ _lq@_ ____ _covenant_________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of atl ` <br /> ; <br /> persons whomsoever ___ ':Xt;p3,�__:�.5 _�:.b_��� -QSt___f'�Y��'1. ------- - -- --- -- _ - - - --- ; <br /> � <br /> --- ----- - --- � <br /> Dated the- --.__�4th - -- --da�J �f-- -- - - NO�I Pt2ib_eT. -___ .....�. D. 19__22; -_ ,� <br /> �; <br /> W7T.N'ESS : ,-------��n�'��.win--J-•-G_unnin�h�m_ '�, <br /> _ _ ___ - -1€�ry__A,Cunnin�hdcu_ - _- <br /> �.�..Slu�g_�r _ _ _ _-- -- -- ; <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR�SKd4, • <br />� ss. ..d4. D 19--- - ' <br /> --- - -- 'r�u,i 1 - - - count�, on th�s_ 14th-- -da� �f�--- _- -- NQV_�mber__ . <br /> ' - - , f , <br /> y -2�--- be ore me ,; <br /> ,'the urzdersi�ned, a Notarr� Public__ _ ___ .__ ____.within and for said Countz�, persorzallr� came___B-t�rl�jz3:ri.j.27,-_�T_._Guntlj-t�;.h�l 'i <br /> �.nd -�4dry _A.�unni np���m,h�s�d �n�-�if-e,af a r��d- Is��nd - _ -- -- ---- -- _ _ <br /> �� <br /> to rne personally known to be the ideratical person_�_____whose name_.__�______�S_8---________._.______.afy'ixed to the '' <br /> above instrurnent as �rarctor_.�____., and___._____�-hBy-__-_-__ y � .��_„_�_�, ;I, <br /> __severall acknowled ed the same to be_ <br /> ��F'AI'} voluntar� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I.N' W'ITNESS W'HEREOF, I haUe hereurzto subscribed mz� name and afj"ixed my of�'icial seal at '�'i' <br /> : i, <br /> CsTra.2?d I31�T'�d,N�=bTwBkA, �1'l; �c`�.�d EE)1321�y, -�n the date last above written. <br /> - -------- ----_-- ------ �'s_�..Sl� ---...--��---------------- ' <br /> Notarr� Public. ' <br /> J�Iy commissiorz expires----- --- --Jt�1�.y.-.--�$-�923_.__._ ---- -- -- _.. -- - _ -19.--- ------ <br />--_--�-_-- ._ � �_. _ __,-. . . _:-_ ,�—._ —_.._�--= -- ---= — <br /> ';j <br /> � <br /> ',i <br />'---- _II ii <br />