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� - . . __ ____ _ <br /> ��� <br /> � D ���� ���> > � D �� C� <br /> ��_�� �J�� _�� � ��� ��� <br />���,_..�� .__ .___________� _ ___ __________�__�______��_ ____ <br /> __.�..� .__:�� ___ _ _�___��___ <br />, ��I�,II-STATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB.'�.� � � ",�� . . `."." . ,.,... . .. .. .... . <br />..__..._......_.. ... .. ......__ . .__,._.. .......-�___. __. .... ... _. . ...._..._.__._�,_..v........ _. .-_._,___ <br /> . ,._.. ._... __ _._.. .._.._..__.._..____ _.._.,_._._._.__..__ ._ _�_._-. <br /> _-�. _ �! <br /> .FI�0.1V1 I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical '; <br />, <br />, <br /> i <br /> Index and fcled for record this___________ __� of..__.__.�0�efiber ' <br /> .-----Vis�....�..E.dw�.r_ds- &--�iush -----�-------...--�-----� - - <br /> _.....__.._....__........... .._..... .............._...._..............._............._... .. <br /> �arrantp �. D. 19--�-2-�--, at.----- .._.......4 ---- - - - ---o''clock----_..P._d12. <br /> - -....... <br /> �eea <br /> TO ��.����.d �� <br /> - -- _ -- _ --�-- --------- ----- - -------------_ <br /> Re�ister o I�eeds, <br /> - -J��ts -R1..�3drry_--......._........__ .................................._ <br /> 8�..-- ---- - -_- -- _-- <br /> ----- -- ----- --------- <br /> 'Deputy. <br /> �.r�o� �YY �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: � <br />, That----- .-.-----V-i_s�.--E,.Edwarc�Q an�l__ t�.;t_s.n�__.�, �dw�,rds-- �iKi_fe _�nd _Hu�b_�.nd� _ <br /> of the Countz� of----------H_�11a_----------------,and State of-- ----------.-----N�bTu,sk��---------------------------------------Grantor._�-----, in consideration <br /> I�, of the sum of_-� --- - - _ _ _ __ - _ Dne- Dalla.r....�.nd -o.�hps c_ons_id�r�ti_on_-- - _ _ --- -----_ --------._.B���a2��`, ;, <br /> I <br />� in hand paid, do-------_-_----__hereby GR�✓V'T, B�RG.qI✓V, SELL, .gND CO.NVEY' unto. __Ja3.m.C�3-_N._Bu,]CZy_ _. .-_-----_._.-- - <br />�', 'of the County of----- ----- Hc�1�- -----------and State of---- - -_-----..I'I�3�r,`r,i..S.l�i� . ---------_ Grantee---------, the followin� �' <br /> - -- s ---- s- - , <br />', 'described premises, situated in the Countz� of-___.___..__.__ ____Ha,ll_�__________________________________and State of Nebraska, to-wit: ' <br /> ,-----��ts -�Iin� -t9�.T�n- �-lfl},�1�r8n_(_ll)- �n.d _T�r01ve__ _�l2_).--i_�_.�31.o�k.__Four- �4_�_;_D3_11--�.nd--Hu�t_ont�. ------ <br />, _--- Adciiti.on____t__o_ Gxurd-_I�1�±.n�,.Nebr�.ska.,_�,s__surY�yedl�l�tt�a_ �.r.d rPcord�d. ± <br />, -------fiuh���_�_,����r��rer_rt-a--�ne--�-1}_-fir�-t--�o_x_'�g��, th�_rAon.,u.�;on �hich---the_r__e_ �.s dn_unp�,i,d _b�il.�c� �.s ; <br /> -------af--2�-ov-amher--ls.�-,-19-22 --Q�__Fo_urteen_Iiundr-e-d--Thir��J_-thr�-e-r�.nd__04�1QQ._ (�1�13��n4_)_ Dolla,_r__s--p�y�.ble�; <br /> I� ' g___and__Zoa,n___As�ocz�ti o__n__of Om�,ha.�Nebr�skd��,nd whic h the Gr�nt�e her <br />� .._-__-to_. th�!_Occiden_t�,l__buildin �fn <br />` ' ----- �.�_s__um�s �,nd �r_�ps to__ . -_ _ - __..�0 I R 3t� '$r `-- - - -- . - <br /> P�43' - - _--__- - ` <br /> - -- . _ <br />� (�•5 . . �;p � <br />' ----- - ------- -------- ----- - <br /> - - _ ---- -�C�n-c�1�.ad - <br /> - ---- ---- <br /> --- - <br /> -- - -- <br /> --- - ' <br /> � -- -- - <br /> ---- -- - - <br /> j - _ . _ _ <br /> - _ - <br /> _ _._ - _ --- <br /> _ --- -- <br /> - _ <br /> _ -. <br /> - <br />� - <br /> -- ---- - -- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenarnces thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, '.. <br />;� <br /> Dower, Curtesz�, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.._�, ca+arlrof�eL�i�re�-L�rre; of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. '; <br /> �o �abe anD to �ui� the aboae described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to_____.____h18______ ' <br /> j heirs and assi�ns forever. �rcd._ �'e____ herebr� cavenant._.____.with the said Grantee______that.___ __._._1�6._.___ ...__._hold______.said premises ' <br />�, <br /> by sood and perfect title; that_________WS------------,---..ha_p_6_-�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell a�ad conuey the same; that they are ' <br /> i <br /> I free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever._________��c_ep t__y,s___tib ov?__�e_t__f o_�h.___ ______ _ <br />, - ----- _.--- -- ------- <br /> i _ - .. __ -- -- - - - ----- - ---- _ __- - --- _ _ .___ <br />; <br /> - - _ _ ___ -_.. _ ---- -- -- _ _ - - - ___ __ _ -- - <br /> j �Ind _________ __t?I� _ _ _ _ . ____.__covenant.________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all ! <br /> persons whomsoever - - __- --- - - _ _ - - <br />'i -- -- -- - ---._. -- - <br /> -- . . <br />'' Dated the-- -28-'GY1_ .. -- --daaJ �f----- 0_C_'t�O.b.e:T.�.___ ----- --✓(. D. 19__2�.-- , ' <br /> W7TNESS : ---- --------...---Vi$_a,-.:E-._�dw�trde_..- --..---- ------ ' <br /> _ _ - - - _G1�nn_D._�d�a,rds -- - - ': <br />' __ -�.T._.rl avuer_ _ _-_ _. _ __ _ -- <br /> _ ___ <br /> I ' - - --- -- ___- - - - --- -- --- -------- --------- ', <br />; <br /> ;; <br /> � -- _ - _ _ _ -- - -- _ - <br /> - _ -- - <br /> ; ST�TE OF JV'EBR.,4SK.1, ' <br /> � ..-- Hc+.11 -- �County, ss. On this- - --- - 3 _ _ -- ---daJ �f�------�-N-Q'Y-�m?�CTt -- -----�. D. 19--2� --, before me, '; <br /> �the urcdersi�ned, a Notar� Public_. _ . _ . _____within and for said County, persor�ally came_____ .v�_��:,.___�•_E4��M1.�.�'dS___�21d___. ', <br /> _ G1�rtn-D.�$dv�'r�,-r'ds--�V�if6 -c�d-�ivaab`rsr,�3-�-_- -- --_ --_ _ -- ___--- <br />� " to me personally known to be the identical persori_�=:__.whose name___�_____i�r�_____ . __________.afj"'ixed to the ' <br /> ����� above instrument as �rantor_8-____, and_.___.._._WhQ-----_--_.__severallz� acknowled�ed the same to be__�h��T <br /> Uoluntarz� act arzd deed for the purpose thereira expressed. <br /> I✓Y' W'IT.N'ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and afJ"ixed mz� of�'icial seal at i <br /> _ ,GT�i.rid_ ISl'r�'id�N.�_b�'._�_�1�___��1d___COU.2��y�___._on the date last above written. � � <br /> -�-- -- - --- - ---C.._T_.__El_Q�.ex_--------------------------------------- , <br /> JV'otary Public. <br /> ` .Mz� com�nission expires:---- ---- - --�i�u Bt 27 th! 1926 _ --19-------------, ; <br /> - -- - <br /> `' —_ -- --�----- <br /> ��_—_ __ _-- —; _ _-: ._.�—_-_�_-i—.�_---�..—____Y-=..__—_- <br /> '1 <br /> , <br />� ii_ - - __ <br />