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��� <br /> �L��.IJ�J� L��j� w�✓J�� ���J� �,�JO <br />__..____ _______�__.�.__._,._ ___.�,.____--- — <br />_. <br /> ��-� .-__ , _ ._. -._.._ __��:__,__.�. ___..__—._ ._—_ - — <br />_. �I��--StATE JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN N66..... . . . _. .. . . . . . . .... . __.. . ... . . _. . . . . . . . <br /> FR�.1Vl I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical i.' <br /> Index and filed for record of.---_N-OV-iemb-P,�T---___- '' <br />�hri.s.t.s.ns�n--&--�rif..e.---�-------------- <br /> � ...... �larrantp .�. D. 19.---2-�-----, at---------------4:.��... ......... . ..------o��ao�k_....P_,_.._.�. , <br /> ................................... ........ ................................... .............. .......... <br /> ..... <br /> T� �eea � <br /> --.______-_���-� <br /> . <br /> - - - ----------------------��.��' <br /> --------------- -------_..,_ : <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> -- �lmer S-.I�Ie�l�-oxs........................................................._ - <br /> B�- ---- -- - - - - - --- - ----- - -- -- ----------- ' <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.r�oi� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> That.--_----1�-P.-,-Ni-ls---�hriat�nae-n--dnd---2�[a.rtha.---C-hr-istena�n,-hus�.nd-- �.nd--�rif-e,t-af--�-r�,nd_Isl�.d,------- <br /> of the Countz� of------.-----H�11►--------------------and State of------------------------------.1�l�?�Ti�.ki�s-----------------------------------.�rantor.--S-----, in consideration : <br /> of the sum of,- ------ ------------ - -- ----------FQU_r Ths�u�r�rid_-8ix--Hundresi---�a.nd.__nQ,ilO.Q--- -- ._--- ------ ------ -----------..v OLL.�RS, ,! <br /> in hand paid, do_...___ ____ _hereby GR�FINT, B.,4RG�IIN, SELL, .1✓U'D CONVEY' unto �lIIl42' .S.NCl�oYI_____ _ __.....__ <br /> - --- ---- -- <br /> o the Count o --------------------��11 __113_�.k��'w.Sk3-_--------.--- ---------, Grantee------------, the followin� ! <br /> f �J f �-- --------------- --and State of-- - -- - <br /> described premises, situated in the Countz� of.__________________$dll�__._-__-_____ _._ ..and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> ----Zot--Eig-h-t----(8-1----in_ Bl oc.k--Six.(6-�---Schim.�n_er-'s- Additi on___t_o----ths--.Cit�----_of---Gr�,r�.d._Islr�.rid_rl��x.._as _. ' <br /> __:_ $urv�y^d_.platt�d and _recorded. Su�_�ect,_how�v�r_,tcs_�ll a,ss�ssm�n_t__s of__�r�v__in�____t__r�.x.�_s_ew!�r___trax,__ _ _ <br /> ---dn_d_c���.t_�r--t�__vvhic-h--m.a�a- -b-�-du��--�4�-r�at--s�ili-p-rEmi-ae� �r-om--�a.d--.�,f-��-r_Nau.emb-ax---�rd-.-19-�2.--------- <br /> _ _ . . .. __ .___- ---- ...:�---=--.�__..____�----=_�_ - - --- ---- --- - --- -- ----- <br /> -- ---. ___ - --- -------- - -_ _ , <br /> � --- -- ----- f�•00 I. R. St�.rr�ps - } , . <br /> - .. - - -- - -- -- <br /> _ - <br /> �C�-�a.��__,_,nc,el led ..�,, --- -- <br /> _ -�-- <br /> ------------------------- -- ------- ------ --- -- -------- - ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- ----- --- -- ---- --- - -- --- --- -- ' . <br />� <br /> - -- -- - _ <br /> To�ether with all the tene,ments, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereurcto lielor��in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, <br /> Dower, Curtesr�, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__H., rant�afetitTzerr��t�ra, of, in or to the same, or anz� part thereof, !' <br /> �o �abr an� to �oID the above described premises, with the appurtenaraces, unto the said Grantee______artd to.______h�$__._..__ ._ ' <br /> heirs and assi�sns foreaer. .,4nd.___ .W$_.__ . herebz� covenant.________.with the said Grantee_______.that_ ..___ _.__1��-_--_.. _-_.-__hold_______said premises ' <br /> `by �ood and per�ect title; that______________1�g---_--______.ha�f.C__�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are <br /> free and clear of all liens and irccumbrances whatsoever_________eXC_�pL._-�h_„ �c�,X�EB__�a.bQY__�_._�F_t_cu.'ts�S�_.______________________ '' <br /> ,� . . <br /> --------------- ---- ; <br /> �nd_______ _ __ ____ WC-__-_-- - : ___ __.__covenant__,____to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all , <br /> persons whomsoever E7�CC8�3-L---the-- -��c-6s �.b-OV-e-Btcst�d-. -----..__ ----- ----- ------ ; <br /> Dated the- -- --6t�1-_._ __ - -- --da�J of--- ----�.�V_��Tf.'QEr�- --- ---✓�[. D. .�9.--22-- <br /> ; <br /> WITNESS: ------- ----- --�til��--�hri�_s.t_�.nssn--------- - ----- '' <br /> : _ __ -_ ----��.rtha__Chr.iet�nse.n_ -- - <br /> --- -__ __ -_B.J�Gunningham__ - _ - -- <br /> ST.FI TE OF NEBR.Fl SK�4, <br /> ss. ; <br /> - ... H.�.�1. _ _-- - Courzty, On this,----- fi'�h---- -da� of. --14r_Olr_P,mb�eTr -- -.q. D�19-2,,2-----, before me, : <br /> , y ____within arzd for said Countr�, personall� came___N11�___Ghz'�.S_tPT1S�ri___d,rid___ ._ ;j <br /> the undersi�ned a Notar Public_ _ _ ___ <br /> �&arthd Chri.stenaen.-hu�ba�d__�nd--wife---of--Gr:xnd--Is1.�.nd, _ __ --_ _---- _------ ----___ .. , <br /> - - _. _ __ _ . __ __ _ __- __._. _ - --- <br /> to sne persofzally known to be the identical person__�_.__.whose name._1d__..._____a,T_Q____.________.__.__.afJExed to the ; <br /> (S�AL� above instrument as �rantor.__�____, and_____.____._th�y____.__severally acknowled�ed the same to be__thEl-T- ':' <br /> voluntarr� act and deed for the purpose thereirZ expressed. <br /> IN W7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed mz� name c�nd af)ixed my of�icial seal at . <br /> ---Csx'u.t�d S�l�,�.ti�-�t�bZ'�$li�i,�.n -tia�ld- �oUtl�'ty-�on the date last above written. <br /> ------- -- - -----73_en�-J,.Cun_�ira�hr�m--� - ' <br /> JV'otary Public. <br /> .Mz� commission expires----- --------Aug.._5-"-Zg-23-- -- - - - _ - - --19.--------------- '� <br /> !i <br /> '; <br /> ji <br />�_ ;� _. <br />