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Block_Numb_er�d_ Fo_ur_ _(4}� of__W�nd_olph's___Addition__to__th_� City� <br /> , ----Islts,nd�.c_c.a�di-n� to the ��cQxd�d � - - -�.� <br /> p.l�t._�����of. __Sub�ect --t-o-- s�---fz rst_ mo_rt � <br /> - - <br /> �ra��- �.n_--- r�vo.r o___Paul_i„ <br />�' i ----Kr���.r��i---(�1+Qt10-.0-0-}---Doll�.ra--r.ec_�rd�d----i_n.__Book--4-7---af_M�rtB�es-_on__�a�'� <br /> ! <br /> _ 215___of_ the_ rAcord�_ of._Hd11_.Count3�_,?�ebr�sk�,on__�rhi_ch _thpre. _i__s__�till ciue the_ sum_ of_Nane Hundr�d <br /> �--(�9aC�.��i} -�3o11�.r$-r�Yii:c� �ortg�g-e- t�d �Lh� d�b�-�e�u�ed-tYaes rela� -th� g-rr�n_tae ��s-r�3r�-a�ss�amea-_-�d!'I <br /> , ;i <br /> ----�-re-�---�-a--P�Y-�s-a p�.rt a f- the E o�s�d e r��i on-��r ef o r, _ _. - -- - ._:,_...._�__,�--_-__,�..._ - � <br /> - -�----- --- --- - - -- --_ _ -- ---- ---- - --- -- _-_ -- - - - - - ---c�l��d'.st�s�r - ; <br /> ---- --- - ----- -------- --- - <br /> --- ---- ---------- - ----- - � <br /> __ -- _ _ _- <br /> _ - - <br /> _ -- -- - <br /> _ � <br /> ; <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtereances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Risht, Title, Interest, ;, <br /> i <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said (�rantor__._., artt�'Df'�c�tke�1+`''t�t�'itt, of, in or ta the same, or any part thereof. �! <br /> �a �abe anD� to �oID the above described premises, wdth the appurterzances, unto the said Grantee______and to____.._.._�'�,j,�._.._.___. ;� <br />� 'i <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. �nd._______.Y__.____hereby covenant___._____.with tyce said Grarttee______.that-______ I._ _ _.__ .._._______.hold___..___said premises � <br /> �! <br /> br� �ood and perfect title; that__ I..____________._.ha9_C_._�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and corcver� the same; that they are !� <br /> i� <br /> free and clear of all liens and ineumbrances whatsoever.--------- --- ------------------------ ----- - ------- -- - ------ ---- -- -----j� <br /> , ,i <br />' - -- - -- - -- -_ _ _- - --- ---_�__ . _ --._._._ __ ___ _ -- -_ - . <br /> - ____- - - -. <br /> -. <br /> il <br /> i <br /> � <br /> - - -- - _ _ _. _ ..- -- - -_ --... _ - --- -_._ - _. <br /> ,i <br /> --- - - ._ __ -- i <br /> �nd__ _____. __ __I __ _ ______ _ _ ___ covenant warrant and de end the said remises a ainst the l¢wful claims o all !I <br /> f p � f �, <br /> � <br /> persons whomsoever -- ___ _ . -._ '� <br /> _-__ _ - - - -- -- ---- __.- ---- - _ - - _. .._____ ___ - � ; <br /> � <br /> ': <br /> Dated the-- --- . -.--- -l"---- --- -da� of. ---------AInY_Smb-sx', - - -------d4. D. 19__22____ ' <br /> - - ''� <br /> �� <br /> wT�'.N'ESS: ---- - - - - -Ya.z'3�----3�hmid� ----- 'I <br /> � <br /> ,i <br /> . • '� <br /> -- -- __ _ - _ <br /> I <br /> _J,��.ry _ _ _ _ __ _ - ;� <br />', � <br /> -- __ _ _. _ _.. <br /> _ - - - __--- - -- -- -- ----- <br /> - -- -- - - --- i <br /> , <br />'� _- ----- .._. <br /> � <br />; -- - <br /> ___ _ __- - __ __ _ -_ - _ _ -- -- ;; <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR./�SK'.Fl, il <br /> �ss. ---da o N_QQ_Bmb-9T---_-- - ------.g. D 19-22-----, before me, �� <br /> - -.... __.I��1.1.�. .__ - Corcntz�, Ora this___ _ -- __ -�-N � } - -- -- y � <br /> ; <br /> the undersi�ned, a �N'otary Public____ __ ____ _ __.___within and for said County, personallr� came____�a.Ty-__SC.�tmidt_��_ :�irig.l_�._. �,i <br /> ii <br /> �OIDce21 -_- --- -_ __ _ _ _ - _ ___ _ ___ _ _ __ __ _ __._ _ ._ _ iI <br /> ___ �I <br /> _ . - - __ _---- ____ _ -- __ ._ _ - ' <br /> ;, <br /> to rne personally known to be the identical �ersorc__.___whose name.__- ___________j,_g________-__.______af}'axed to the � <br /> � !F <br /> above instrument as �rantor___.__..__, and_..____Sh.�. _._.severallz� aeknowled�ed the same to be__ h�r_____ `�� <br /> ��AI.) 'I <br /> voluntarz� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W'IT✓V'ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subseribed mz� rzame and af�"'ixed my of�"'icial seal at ij <br /> ;i <br /> ' _ __.G�'r�i1d. I� Stild__�_o_unty'_�-_-________.__.on the date last above written. ;i <br /> i <br /> L Cleary_ ,� <br /> ----- ---- -- - -�L. _.- -------------��---------------- ;` <br /> Notarz� Public. <br /> : .Mz� commissiorc expires.---- -----�pZ'1-1--18.,_19.2'.� -- --- --- __ __ . - --19.------------- �� <br /> �—=-_-__ �� — ---- <br /> i <br /> I <br /> � <br /> u <br />