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D. 19 �_2...----, at._...- - -...1. . ...- - - -o'clock-------P_::._..M. � ; <br /> �eea . <br /> ����_� � <br /> - - -- -- � ; <br /> -- ----- ----=�� <br /> ------- - -------- �--- � <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> ;� <br /> '-----$�y-G.Br_o�rn...&._Jes.$.i.e....L..Br�w <br /> � <br /> .s�--- -- -- _ - - <br /> --- -- --- - - - <br /> Deputy. I; <br /> �.r�o� �YY �e� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> That-- -- - <br /> We�_A,_�._Loeff_elbei.n. �nd__Amr�nde�._I,oef_felhein,husb�nd_and_ �r�._fe,-a.nd__I��.L._��rig-enh�d_e�r, ;� <br /> i� <br /> _- an _�rnA�.rxi�d_ man,,dll of Gr�nd- Isl�.nd_ _ _- - -_ _ _ _ _ __ __ - _ _. -_ - - -_ ----- - ._ - - -� i <br /> of the Countz� of------------H�.1-1- ----.and State of-----------------------_--------�Iml�res�ka:�-------------------------------_GrantorS-----_.. an consaderation !' <br /> � -- ---- , <br /> . <br /> of the sum o}..- ---- - - - _ _ _ _ _S�Y en-Hundr�sl- �nd--no/l�Q- - - -- _ - - __ -- -- -----------D oLL.�RS, , <br /> 'ire hartd paid, do hereby GR�✓l�'T, B�4RG�4IN, SELL, d4ND CONVEY' unto_._______.__S�c�.T11Ly__G..I3T_OWri__d.Tld__-�'.68_��._�__I$.________ ' <br /> ' -Bro�en--�nd---the-s_urviY-o-r-af---th� - _ -- - ----- -_ - -_ - - -- - � - --- --- _- - <br /> s---- <br /> o the Count o _____._._._._______Hu1l and State o _______..______...._____.�I��12c�8kc� Grantee__,.____..__ the followin� i,' <br /> } �J f a--__ --- -------- ------- f ` t- -- -- ------ -, , <br />'' described premises, situated in the Countr� of.__________________I�c�ll_`__________________.___________._._____arod State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> ----I.o-t---�-�n---�-14� in--81-ock--F3.ft��n (15-}-,-af -�c�i�m�r's hdc�iti-an --ta--C-�-ty---af---G-r-�d--,Isl�.r�d,-Na-b.r-�►ska,-. i'� <br /> -----�s--$u rv.�y!�d,platt�d �.nd r�co�d-�-d•. - -- - ---- - --- -- --- - - - <br /> - -- -- -- --- ---- -- - <br /> ----- ----------� ; <br /> � <br /> _ - -- --�-- - -- ---- -- -- -.��....,.-_�_..�_.._�..�,,.-- - -- - - - - --- - - - _ <br /> -- -- - - --- _ <br /> - - <br /> (�1.00 I.R. 3t�.mps ) '� <br /> _ - - <br /> _ - <br /> - -- - . <br /> - - - - <br /> , �.nc a -- --- -- --- -- - <br /> �e- __.�.� -- -- - -- - - -- -- <br /> � <br /> � - - - - __ - ' <br />� -- - -_ - <br /> i <br /> --- ------- ---- -- ----- - _ . <br /> _ -- -_ _ --___ _ -- ; <br /> - - -- - � <br /> --------- ----------------- --------- --- - , <br /> - - - - - ___--------- - -- .._-- --- --- - - - <br /> -- - ----- - -- --- -- ----- -- --- -- ---- ---- - <br /> -- � <br /> Tosether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenarzces thereu,nto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, +; <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Dernand whatsoever of the said Grantor8_.,-ctrml-rs�,e�e�e�ce�rz, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. :' <br /> �0 �RbC ariD tQ ��YD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee._______a�zd to_.____`__�7.3_�..______ i; <br /> ; <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. d4nd.__ __.VI�___ yeerebr� eovenant ______.with the said Grantee _____.that___ __ ___ �Y4.__________hold_____.__said premises :; <br /> br� �ood and perfect title; that_______WQ_______._____._.ha_Y�_�ood ri�ht, and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are ';j <br /> '� <br /> 'free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever.--_----_-__----_-_-----_----_-_--_----_---__---_-_-_-_----_--__-_---------_------_-_ <br /> ✓lnd__._ _ _____1�l1 . _ __ __,.__ covenant.______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all ! <br /> ;persons whomsoever._--------- --- - _. _ _ _ _-- -------_ _ <br /> '-- -- -- - -_ __ -- - - -- -- --- <br /> _ ---- - _ _ ' <br /> _ _ . _ _ _ __ _ <br /> -__ _ <br />,, Dated the.--- -- 4t_h __ _- --da�J af---- --- -.AIQYC2�b_el�- -- -�1. D. 19__ 22 -- ' <br /> ;; <br /> ! W'ITNES�: - -A,_�_.I.l1�ff.6lb�Cln--- --- ------- ------- ,. <br /> __ _ -_ _ Amz�d�.--L�e_ffe3U_e-in --_ _- - <br /> - -- _ _ <br /> B..T.C�zn ni ng h.�m -- <br /> -- -- ��I,_..I�r.g_e�hed�r- --- -_ _----- ------ `:'' <br /> -------- --- - -- - - -- - <br /> - - -- -� �' <br /> '' ST.RTE OF NEBR�4SK�, <br /> �' ss. <br /> ..• - - Fidll. - - -.Countz�, On this_ __ 4tY1 - ---da�J �}---- ---NqV-P.Ar�Cx'r - -- --�. D. 19--22----, before me, '�' <br /> ;the urzdersi�ned, a.Notary Public- _-___ _ _____within arLd for said Cour�ty, personallz� came____A.�.?+_L�lEff_Clt?_d1.21___FiY3�1___ '' <br /> i <br /> Am�nd� Loeffelbeir�,husb�nd_ a.nd--w�_f�,_�.nd____�,L..I.�g�nhsder_,an:unm�,r�ci�d rr,�,n,% <br /> ' - all_of Gr�nd_ Is1�nd,.Nehrc�ek�.,-_ _ ___- -- ___ _ __ - -- - - - -___ - -__ - <br /> ,i <br /> to me persoraally known to be the identicczl person_�_.__whose name___S___:_.__�trt--_-_------_--____afj"ixed to the ! � <br /> (��AZ) <br /> above irzstrument as �rantor_�._._., and.____._'�hey________._____severally acknowled�ed the same to be__�h� <br /> aoluntarr� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I✓V W7T✓Y'ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�"'ixed mz� ofj"icial seal at ' <br />,rid_ __I81�11d- �ri._Sa.�d.__.C-Qi1r1t - __ ___.orc the date last above written. <br /> r y_. -- <br /> ---------- ----- --- ---1�!en�-•-J._�un_rlingh�am__...----------�---- <br /> .N'otary Public. <br /> .My eommission expires------�1�6--5-"1923 - .,- ____- --X9.-------------- �'' <br /> u_�=:-_ _ -- <br /> � ;� <br /> '; <br />''�___�_____�� __ I <br />