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D. 19_?2 - ,� <br /> w�IT.�v�ESS : ------ ;J <br /> S.�.-�t�r;�ua-rd - - -- --- --- - - ---- � <br /> _ __ ___ _Jo_s_ep-h T._8t.e�r�.rd ---- - ___ � <br /> �erm_�.n F.�ucko�► __ _ , . <br /> - __ _ - - -- I <br /> � ;� <br />, - - -- --- - - - --- -- - - -- - <br /> ';� <br />' - -- - _ - - __ __ _ -- -- - - - ---� <br /> � <br /> _ ___ -- ___. _ __ _. __. ._ - _ __ _- - - 'i <br /> �: <br /> ST.,4TE OF �l�'EBR�ISK'�, �� <br /> ss. �� <br /> I ' -- -. _HG,11- _- Countz�, Or� this--- -2`�_M___ _- - _ ----da�J �f-- - -- - Q�_L QbPT- -- -..�. D. 19--22--- , before me, � <br /> i <br /> the un-dersi�ned, a ✓l�'otary Public__ _______ _ _ ____._within and for said County, personally came______ ��_�'�_��A�'d�d aXld _------_ i; <br /> Jose�ah_.T._Ste�nc�;.rci��uife_�,nd hus-b�nd _ _ _ - __ _ __------ -- -- _ __ . . ij <br /> i; <br /> , __. _ _ _ _. _ _-- _ _ _ _ ____ -__ _._ _-_ __ �; <br /> _ _ __ ___ __ . -- _ _ _-_ <br /> to rne personally known to be the identieal person_S_____.whose name__��_ _Fa�T�._�'ixed to the I <br /> above instrument as rantor._S___.__ arcd________th� severall acknowled ed the same to be__ _ __t_hE_1.7� <br /> (Sr�,� � , �- - --- � � <br /> voluntar� act and deed for the purpose thereira expressed. �� <br /> �� <br /> I.N W7TNESS W'HEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my of�icial seal at i� <br /> � <br /> ' ' _on the date last above written. i� <br /> _ _Gr�nd- Is14nd,ir�-s��d_ Ca��ty.�__ --- i <br /> ---- -- - - -HBrrr�an--F..Bu�-kaac-------- _ ------------ 'i� <br /> Notary Public. �i <br /> .My commissioiz expires------ ----- A.,xl1--16,1_926 --- - _ _ . --19.-------------- � <br /> i <br /> I �: <br />