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�!�l,l <br /> P. \ <br /> ��j�� l��j����� ��I�a ���JJ <br /> J J ��l�/� <br /> .'.__..__...�..�.��._._. . ._..._..__ _...____.__.� .. ..,__. .... .. . . .. <br /> �.� :_._w..:�...._..,�._.: .. . .�._.�.. ._ ..._-.:�_r .,__,...�,-...._�_y:-----__....._.....,�._..._�...�_..�..._.._.�._.._�._._._._�._,..�.-��. <br /> � -71�.��-STATE JOURNA4 COMPANY,LINCOLN.NEB. � �� � � ���- �� '°'""`� ��`�-���"'� � � � ���- �� ��� � � �� ' <br /> .__,_.....__._...,_...,. _..__,.. .. ......_ .._,.._...._.. .... .,. .. . . . . _ _ .. . .�._.___���___.__..._.._.._..._ � ..._ _ <br /> . ._ .... .._..._. _. _........,__.,___� .. . . .. . . . <br /> !I <br /> FR0�1V1 I herebz� certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical ;i <br /> I ' Index and itled for record this..............�.$ of._.._ac tob_er._..____ '. <br /> !..........,H.enr.i.�t:��+...,��t.s.Qn.�.w.�..d.s�v�........................ <br /> .._.._ <br /> �larrant �. D. 19 22,---, at---...... _11;45 - -- o'clock----._.A�__.M. 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To p <br /> _ .... ..... ....... . ... ... <br /> �eea — <br /> -_ _ - �1-��°���_�-�-�-� ' <br /> --------- ------....._ <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, .. <br /> '- ----Pw�?ni�__Smi.�_�Z....�.._RR.�.p�.�r�._�T..._......... , <br /> B�-- - --- - _ -- --- - <br /> - ---- - - <br /> - <br /> ---_ S2��th_ _ _ Deputy. <br /> �r�o� ��Y �er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�: ' <br /> That-- ---- I-rHanx-ie�t�,-Y4�d.tsQn,�.-_widn� -of-�� - __ ----- - <br /> - -- -- ___ _ --- - __ _ _ _ - ____ _-- - _ <br /> o the Count o .---.-- H�a.l l f ------- - --_----2debraS k�.� ------- -------- ---------_..Grarctor_ ------, in consideration . <br /> f �J f - - �-- ----...and State o --------- <br /> I <br /> of the sum of-------- --- _- -- . qne Thous�.nd_ Thre.�_.Huns�re�i .Fi.f'�y -.�nd. r�o%Q4-- _.---_ -- - __----- ---- --DOLL.�RS, � <br /> --------- � <br /> in hand paid, do________________herebz� GR�NT, B.gRG�IN, SELL, .gND COJV'VEY' unto._.___Pu.2�'11?�18___�Tillt_h__-an.d.__I3�h_e_CG�___..T�_Sizt�.�ht ,'," <br /> ___ �nd _t�__ tn�__ surv_iv_�r_ of__�i ther,_.____ __.. . '�� <br /> o the Count o -- -----�i�;.11 -------------and State of--------------N9�z"G.�� ------------------, Grantee--B-------, the followirc� i <br /> f y f . -------- ,- <br /> -- - <br /> ,, <br /> described premises, situated in the Countr� of.______._.___.H.�.7-_l�____.___________._____________.____,______.aytd State of Nebraska, to-wit: ` <br /> --------�.Qt---Ei�h'���.�n__(-1i3-)-•-in- ����Ck Fi_v__e___(�_�_,Cuilege_Adciition- to--'�est---Lawn__in--Gr�.nd Is___l_and�Nebx�.ska� <br /> ---- -as_ s_urvpy_ed,-�ldtte_d_ w_nd. r�c_arded�---_ .. <br /> -- - -- ---- ----- -- - -- --- --- - --- --- - -----� <br /> ------------------- <br /> '-- ------- -- ---- --- - - - --- --- ----- - - ��i.�f� I.�.$t�crng� -� - - - - - - - -- -_ <br /> � <br /> , <br /> �CGncelled ) <br /> -- -- -- - ---- ------- - - __ --- ,.� <br /> - - ---- - - - <br /> _ - --- - ----- ---- �� <br /> - -- - - -- - - - -- --- - _ _- - - ----------------- ---- - ---- - _- --- --- - -- -- - - ----- ----------- --- -- -- -- --- -- - - - '; <br /> ------- -- ----- ------ - _ _ -- -- - __ _ - - <br /> _ _ - _ -- - <br /> _ - -- - <br /> � <br /> ------------------------- -- ---- -- -- --- -- ------ - ----------- - ---- ------- -- ,i <br /> -- --- -- - -- -- -- -- <br /> - - -- ----- -- , <br /> -- - -- -- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, arcd appurtenance.s therezcnto belorc�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, ; <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Gtantor..__.;esr�ed�f ei�kerro�.��ee�ra, of, ira or to the same, or a�ty part thereof. ! <br /> �Q �dbP ariil t0 �OY� the above described premises, with the appurtenances, zcnto the said Grantee___�r_and to______t.hQ1r------� ''' <br /> heirs and assisns forever. .Flnd.__ I___-__ hereb� covenant_______.with the said Grantee._8____.that..._.____ _ I..___.___..___hold_____said premises ' <br /> by sood and perfect title; that.__..________I________________.ha__Y_�_�SOOd ri�sht and laivful authority to sell and eonvey the same; that they are ; <br /> free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever----___----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- <br /> I --- ___ _ -- - -. _ ._ _ - ----- - ___ _. -_ __ -- -__ - - - <br /> �Ind___ _ _ _________I_ ___ . _ __ ____:__ coverzant____-____to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lccwful claims of all '; <br /> , <br /> persons whomsoever------ _ _. _ 'i <br /> _ _ _ - - - -_ --- <br /> - -_ ----- --- � <br /> , -- - - ---- - -- - --- - - - - -- -- - , <br /> -- -- - - <br /> - --- ------ <br />', Dated the- -- -��th -- --da�J �f-- --- �C.t Q b_�s�- -- ----_.Fl. D. 19.__22. _ i <br /> W'ITNESS : : -Hpn.ri.a t t4=_._Wat s_on----------------------- , <br /> _. _ . - _ - --._ -- , <br /> B.J.Cun nin�hdm _ _ _ --- <br /> ST�1TE OF NEBR./�SKJ�, <br /> ss. <br /> + - - I�`r�11 - - County, On this__- - 2_0_�h--. ...-daJ o}�-- - - . 0�_t.Db er i -- ------�•'-D•�9---�2----, before me, ', <br /> �he urzdersi�ned, a .Notarz�Public._ _ __ _ ________withirz and for said Cour�tz�, personally came___He27.T1-p��ts.--�ti.�8 o-ri _w___.___ i <br /> _ r�i:i;�w, cf_i;urkPt t_,_Ii�.11 _(�_oun��r ,2de_bsws_kc.. .--____ __ __-----_ _ __-- -- -------- !'� <br /> ___ __ _ __ -- -- _. __ -_ -- __ ___-_ <br /> _ - _ _ --- <br /> _ .._- _ ___--- <br /> -_- --__ -- � <br /> to fne personally knowrc to be the identical person____.___.whose�'ixed to the '', <br /> above instrument as �rantor_ ___.__, and._____-_ .$h�..____._____s��retl�^acknowled�ed the same to be:_- h�T_ . <br /> (SEAI,) <br /> voluntary act and deed for tJie purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W7T.NESS WHEREOF, I have hereurato subscribed my name and af�ixed my of�ieial seal at ' • <br /> _ G rc�21d_ . I�l:y.ri(i,Neb r�t.Sk_�,, 1.ri.___S_d'1_d.._�_o_u11't�on the date last above written. <br /> ------ ---- �3�nzi--�7'_._Cunnin�Y�xn- ----------------------- <br /> Notary Public. ! <br /> �Ylr� commission expires---- ------1�u�-us-Z---S t�1.-19�3�.--- ------- -- --.. -_._-----.19.---- ------ <br /> _ -_-_ _ �._----------__ _ __=— -- — <br />.—�_.__�--: <br /> ,_— -.,:- ,-__ _. , _ _ _ _� _—.-- <br /> L �li ;� � <br />