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Y�!arc�--�sa.c�--I?�lla.._l��xsi_._}a�u�4�.�.�_ �d �a.i_f e,.unci F1_o ren c P Wwrd_�_a s__i n�,l?__w oman. <br /> of the Count�J o�- ----H�.1,1 � --- -----.and State of------------------1�?_oZ'_i:�_�ci------------------------- ---------------------Grantor_$------, in eonsideration I' <br /> o}' the sum of.---- ------ _ __ _ _UnP_ ��1�.�.r _an3 �t_n�r__.v�,luuble_ c_nngidPrati_ons ------ <br /> --- --------------DOLL�RS, ' <br /> , <br /> ir� hand paid, do hereby GR�NT, B.gRG„4IN, SELL, .gND CO✓Y'VEY' unto ..-_____ . _ _�uia,Ty--__T�'�c�,t__ . _______._ ______ <br /> of the Count� �}------------------ �c:.�.l�- --- - --- ------and State of- -- - - - --- Sy_eb ra.�k1�- - - ------------, Grantee----------, the followin� . <br /> described premises, situated in the County of______________________Hu�ll_*....____________.__________..__.___.._.and State of JV'ebraska, to-wit: - <br /> ------�ur-T�� t�i��1 und-�u�d�d in�?res� ir� 4nd t� Lot� _Two -(2�.i�lac� �:���t -(-8),i:n--��p--�-r-i�i��w.l� -Tr�wx1 <br /> -------o-f-Doni��h�an,H�,11 Cuur,ty .�ye oxa_�k�� - ---_ _- __ -- - <br /> ----- ---- ----- ---------- ------- --- --- - ------� <br /> ,; <br /> - -- - -------------..----- - -_...�___-__�____-___�___---- - - --- --- - <br /> - -------------- --------- - -- -- - --- <br /> ,-- ----- - --__(�.50 I. R. St�:�m�s � ' <br /> - -- - ---- � - -- _ - -- - - ----.. ---- --- ----- ----- - <br /> ----- ------- --- - _ <br /> _ - _._..�.�} ,' <br /> - <br /> un�ellPd <br /> _ - _ -- <br /> ---- - --------- ------ <br /> --- -- ---- <br /> ---- -- --- ._ <br /> � <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditamer�ts, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, !,'� <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Granto�g__., c�r�d of either of them, of, irc or to the same, or any part thereof. ';': <br /> �a �abe anD to �oID the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______and to_________h�-r'._._____ ';' <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. ✓lnd..____YJE--------hereby coaenant_______.with the said Grarctee._._____that.._.. ___ ..__ irV�._.____._.___._hold_______said premises '" <br /> bz� �ood and perfect title; that__________�ve------.-__-_--.ha_V__a___�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell artd eonvey the same; that they are ;!, <br /> II free and elear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever___.________ . <br /> - -- -- - _ _ - -- --_ _.-- _ _ _ -____ _ ._ -- <br /> __ _ ___ __ -- <br /> -__-. _ - - -- !� <br /> !� <br /> _ -- . - �-:. --__-_ - - -__ - f <br /> } premases a aanst the lawful claims o all 'I <br />' d4nd __. ___ Wp ___ __ __ _ ._- -------covenant--------_to warrant and de end the said ; <br /> persons whomsoever__,3:n__�2'U�a�'t�o�'1--t� .�'t1? irlt��'6st�3-�s���pg��.d---�x',d ��1�u�,�yAd•__ -- -_� --- ---- . - _ - _- -._ � <br /> i <br /> -- ... - -- - ..__ _ - -- --- - - -- - -- -- -. _ ------ --- - - <br /> _ . ___ ___ -- <br /> . - - . - _- - ---- �' <br /> Dated the-- _._ -18 - -da�J �f--- - -&ap_tQtTlb eT - ---�1. D. 19._ 2-2�- %. <br /> \ <br /> ' W7TJVESS : -------- ----...---t�,�..b_�r'�--W�rd- --------- -----__--- '! <br /> . _ ---- _Dpllw_1fi�rd - <br /> - - -- Ch�;w rri.Redrr�an _---__-- __----- <br /> -_ - -? --��Qr.enc-?--�drd---- - - - -------- !' <br /> -- ------ - Alb e-r_t R..�2-edrr��n - ----- ----------- ;' <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.gSK'.g, �' <br /> �: <br /> ss. i <br /> -.--------H�:.11--.---.---_County, On this _ _l8_ -------------daz� of.------- -------S_ep-�etGhe�--------------.q. D. 19_�2----, before me, ;; <br /> 'the undersi�ned, a .Notarr� Public__C o��:l��l_OriBd______withirz and for sa�d Caunty, personally came_____, .dlb_�r_t _',�Ilard._c�rid__3�alla i <br /> �:'�.,rd_,��iu�b�n1_ und r�if�, �nd ��a re r�c:-�__W�rd��, s in���-w r3m�,n __ __ _ __- --__ <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___..._zvhose name__________u.r_��'ixed to the '; <br /> ( �+ky} above instrument as �rantor__,S___, and__. .__. ___�y�gy__________severallz� acknowled�ed the same to be____t�1pjr ; <br /> voluntary uct and deed for the purpose thereirz expressed. <br /> IN W'ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af}"ixed my of)icial seal at ' <br /> _ Du111faY1u.11,N�aZ'u.S.kc�.__ __ ___ _ _._____ _. _______._orL the date last above writtera. � <br /> , ----- - -- - C�.�--:�,_Re�ira.�:.n-�------------------ ---�---------- ; <br /> Notarr� Public. <br /> .Mz� commission expires--- ---- � - '.�`��L'�:����'-�.f's i.9�S. - _ --- -19--------------- ' <br />_—> _=== . - _ . -:.:.:: _�__: _-- --=__-_-- <br /> —_ <br />