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D. 19__22.-----, at.............. ..4:._�.o.. -..... - -o��ao�k-------�.�._.�r. <br /> .......................... �eea <br /> ' TO ' <br /> - --- - ___ -����,�� �-� <br /> -�- -- ------ ------- ---------- <br /> ��'....---.�. <br /> Re�ister of beeds, Y <br /> ! - ---L.o.ui�A �. :�c��s _..._._._......._............................._.... <br /> ' B�- .. -- _ - - - - - --- - -- - ----------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.r�o� �Y� �e� �p �C�je�e ��e�er�t�: � <br /> That-- - ------�t'-a�-�cial�h .I�a�l�rn- �.nd--�id-e1.�.---�3osl�,_�zusb�;.nd__�,n�__vvifs-.-of__�i_rax►�i__I_s_��.zid-.----__ _---_ --- -_ ' <br /> of the Cou�2t�J �f --- - Hu,ll - ----.._.,and State of------------------- - ------�d_8_Q����---------------------------------Grantor-H-----, in consideratior� (i <br /> o} the sum of- -- - - _. _ Q:iP 7'_nQUSa.n3 _Thre.e Hundre_�i..�i f-�;r �nc�. ,r�_�f_:�UO;_ -- -- -- - ----------.DOLL.�RS, ; <br /> , <br /> in hand paid, do________._. _._herebr� GRv4NT, B�RG.gLN, SELL, �ND COJV'VEY' unto..___._Lo.uld_e.,_C._RU08,__________ 'I <br /> � ------and State of- --- -����-x�k-� '�' <br /> ! of the Countr� of-------- ----- OtG-8 -----.-- a------ ----�-------, Grantee ----------, the followin�;i <br /> � <br /> �described�premises, situated in the Countr� of._____________________.__Haali_,____________._________..._.______.__.and State of ,N'ebraska, to-wit: � <br /> _ ,. , . . i <br /> --- ---�---�d.r-�---��--Lat_wi�.--(t�-� �yu��w�ad-_Su-b-cl�.v�.��an--dPscri-;�ed_--�.s-f�ll-ows-.--Cor�r+snc:�r�g---u�--u.--�-o_int____44D;, <br /> �: ---------f��st_.Ea.�t of -�i�e- I�r�rt:n^�est florr��r-of_�c�� Si;�c �b-)__ �af N�z��uu-od-'-s--Sub-�i_�r_i�ion..-Uf--P�r_�___of- thP '' <br /> , -�e-�t----H�,1_f_Uf� �,n�__Iv_o_r_tn���e�_t_--Quart_es---C.�� -r�4� -��--���_��Q_n.--TPn -�_1_�.j___�.n_ 2_�awr�si�-�.�--��_�r_�n--��i_�_ j <br /> -----__l3_�x-t.n,-R��e---i�iz1A.. -(-'�j�Ws�-t -of- --i-nr�--(�xrz--�?._�{...�.t,h�nae-_�.a�_.2-1.�-__fe�t•--tn�n�e____S�u�h--18-0---f_e?-�-,-th�ncl� <br />' !_-- --W:e-s�-�� f�ati,-�,n���:e -�Yur_tn 1f�0 �es-�--t�Q xns�,_l��z--�-f _i�-e�inr.�i_n��- ---- ---- -- <br /> -- - --- --. . <br /> . <br /> ----- - --- ------ ----- - -- - -- -__ - ___._ .____ -- ___ - -�_.. <br /> ___-_-_-�_.___...�-____---- - -- ----_. -- - - i <br /> - <br /> -------- (+v1.5 G I.r'Z. St�,xtip s j <br /> -- --- - - -- <br /> ------- ---- -- <br /> -- - -- -- � --_.__ <br /> C�nc eI1e3 - -- ----- --- <br /> To�ether with all the terzements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonains, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, ,; <br /> i Dou�er, Curtesy, Ctaim and Demand zvha�soever of the said Grantor.B_.,tzne�„f ez�ker v��k�rrt, of, in or to the,same, or any part thereof. �i <br />�'�, �0 �abP �riD t0 �AYD the above described �remises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee.________and to_____.__h_6Y'________ ��' <br /> I, ;heirs and assi�ns foreuer. .gnd.______�5t8-__-herebz� covenant ______.with the said Grantee___..__.__that________ �+e____._ __..___hold_______said premases !, <br />, ' i, <br /> ; by sood and perfect tatle; that__ Yx�__-__________haV.e___�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are ',�i , <br />, ;free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever._______ _______________ __ _ _ ____ !! <br /> ------ ------- ----- --- <br /> --- - ,� . <br />. __ ---- --_ _ _ -- -__ _-- - ---- __ ____ _ __ _ __ _ _ <br /> - --- -- - --- <br /> - - - - -__ <br /> _.. - - _ <br /> - ---- !i <br /> -- -- _ ___ -_ __ _ -- - -- - - - - - - _ .. -- _ _-__ -_ -- � <br /> _--- - - - - „ <br /> '�lnd____ . ,_ __.______t�Y� __ warrai2t and defend the said premdses a�ainst the lawful claims of all �! <br /> persons whomsoever - - _ _ -_ __ - - - _ --- ---- ---- ----- ---- - -- - - - ' <br /> -- . ---- - --- --- - __ _ _ _ - - _ __ _- --__ - - - _---- - - _ _ _ - -- --- - _ _---- -- <br />, � <br />', Dated the- _ --3Qth-- __ -da�J �f-- - -- SPti.tei�b�Ti-• ------�. D. 19-- 22-- , <br /> LVITJV'ESS ---- - -------------�-�-1-P-h -b-��-bID --------- --•----------- '' <br /> ` __ -. _ .l�deld_�s_oeY� _ - - -_ -- ' <br /> -- -__ ,i�. J. �:u r�1;i n�.ham __ _ ___ -- <br /> -- -- - -_ - - -- --- -------� <br /> i -_ - __ _ _ - _ __ <br /> -- - -- - --- --- - - - <br /> ST.�1TE OF �l�'EBR.gSI�'.g, <br /> ss. <br /> ..- -i�all - -- Count�, Orz this ------3D th---- ---daJ �f--- - - $_��:��r�b_c:r --- ---�. D. �9---�2--, before me, <br /> �;the rtindersi�ned, a ✓V'otarz�Public _ _ __ . _ _._____within and for said Countr�, personallz� came___AdUlph__�3�PY1rr1_..c.�Tic1___dli.elu. ! <br /> j � Bc�,:�.u�_b�,i�a__�rzd_ wif.e��;f Gr�:,.nc� -I�1�r,�1 __ - _ _ __ - '� <br /> ! to me persorzall� knowrz to be the identical persor�_s____.whose name__S __.�.T�.._____ _________af�`ixed to the ; <br /> i (SFAL� above instrument as �ranto��_.8_.___, and-____-__t.i�6y----------_severall� aeknowled�ed the same to be__ th��x ' <br /> voluntar� act arcd deed for the purpose therein expressed. � <br /> IN W'ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subseribed my name and af�ixed mz� of�'icial seal at '� <br /> „ <br />', _ Gru,rLd- I31d.Tlll�,T76b�u.s-kc�., l-rl---SEi.�c�-C-Ol.lrity�--�on the date last above written, ; <br />'', ;� -- --- - --- --- - -----LPn�j._J.Cunnin�ha�n-- -------- !;' <br /> -- <br /> JV'otary Public. <br /> ��, .M commzssion ex ires . ..__A_uu�,,;-,:w t._,�`L 1 1_923�'=_-- --- <br />— ___�.—. .- -_-�_ _�--- � p , , � h � - ----_ -19-------------- I <br /> 'i 'i <br />, ,i , <br />