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i �� . <br /> � <br /> ��JLJJ'� =���� WL✓.J�� ����a � �cb <br /> � �J <br />�_____ _ ____._. .��: _� _ <br /> _ _ _ __,__.__� _..,_________ <br />,- -STATEJOURNA COMPANY,LINCOLN,'NEB. ���µ � - � � �� � �� ��� � � � � - � �� � � � <br />.�.�__..Y..,.. ,.._....._.e_._.......�.._..__,.��..�� ..,..:, .. . . .. .. <br /> ....... ......._ .. .._......_.__..._. ....._ . .. .. .._._.._.�._.......�_...�. <br /> I; <br /> � <br /> F.RD.M I herebz� certifr� that this instrument was erztered on Numerical ji <br /> ;� <br /> Index and fcled for record of.______�E:�_t_?.,m?�_8S _ ' <br /> � ------._?J�_�.xt.h�...�._�.�:�.t.hpv�s.,.w.�.#'e-----�---..._--��------- <br /> , i` <br /> ' �larrantp �. D. 19.__.22-•-�--, at.................-10.:.45._.._.._..- .---- --o'clock-----.A..---.a�. � <br /> ................................. ...................................................................................... � <br /> T� �eea � � <br /> � �-- ---� �- _��-���--�---------.�.......--- � <br /> Re�istet of De�ds, � ' <br /> - -�7os��h -C_,���u.t_thews.,.:kius..b.wnd..................... <br /> ' B�- -- - -- ___ _- - _--_ _- - <br /> - - - -- -- --------- . <br /> . Deputy. <br /> �r�o� �Yr �l'er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> That.---------.--I-,�%��.r_th�._.�.�tiwt.ths�s __�_v�i_f.e..-o-f..-�;-r�,nt_�P _her_�in,�.i.a-f--Wooc�-.�iiv-Pr ---- ---- --. - <br /> - ;', <br /> _- --- - _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ - _ --- -- - - _ - - - -- - " `. <br /> 'of the Countz� of._----- -------H�--1-t-- -----..and Stcrte of-------- ------- ------- ----NQbrc.$ka------ -----------_.Grantor----------, in eonsideration <br /> of the sum•of.. -- __ - _ __ - _. _ ._ -- -_. _(�r�E-.D!o_114r_-_and.__lav_e -an�i--�ff.ec_tiQn - - - -- ----------�-g���; ;, <br /> 'ira hand paid, do__.__.._..___ ___hereby GR✓1✓U'T, Bd4RG�IN, SELL, .F1ND CONVEY' unto.___�7t����h__�.�a,��j�py�rg_._-�hu311a21d___O_f___g_xu,n_��Dr <br /> '.•------�kAp�P�`�-'- ------� ------- -------- ------ -----� ------ ------- -------�--------... .. _----- <br /> �: � ----------_.._------------._ ----�--- -----------------------------�------------------------- : <br /> o the Count o --------------H�t.7.-1. ---------------and State o ---------.-_----- -----N_@.b_Z'u.Sl�'s.�.. --- Grantee---------, the follourin� ` <br /> � ZJ } r----- ---- � r -- --------- , <br /> described premises, situated in the Countz� of_______ _._.. _______�iu,llt__ __. .__ __...____ __.___.and State of �Y'ebraska, to-wit: ' <br /> ;--------Tk�.e_._��u�h_Hd.l.f___af_-th?_ Snuthe�s -G��__S�4� �f_ S�c.t_i_s�r.---Tw_s_nt�.-e��;ht----�-2�-�-.-�'_o��n�hi�p-_ ---- - ' <br /> ': _,_,___Eleven _(11),No�tth,Ran�e_ �leven (1l)_,West_ of tha �ith P.�[. ir. Hal1 County_,Nebr�.ska� cont�,inin�; '; <br /> ---�3U--�:c-�Rs �.--1it��A rra�e or-��� �.ss-�-�di��; #.a-t�� G.a�rPxru�pnt-��.rv�y �her-Aof.-- -- _--- ' <br /> i-----��.b_�i_�c_'� er_, t�_. �.11 r��_oxdpd -°n�.wn_bs�.nc_e_s,-, - ---- - ---- i <br /> - - --- - ----- --------- ------------- <br /> _. - --- --- - - - - _ __- -- - - - ------ - -- --- --- -- - ----- <br /> --- - ------ i <br /> --_ -- -_._ _ <br /> _ -- -- -- .. <br /> � <br /> !---- --------------- -- li <br /> - - ----- <br /> To�sether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, '� <br /> ;Dower, Curtesr�, Cla�m an-d De.mand whatsoever of the said GranLor.____., ezntl-�-eit�tere+�tkerre, of, ire or to the same, or any part thereof. '' <br /> � <br /> ; �o �abP anD tu �ula the abouF described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to._________.h1.8______ : <br /> , <br /> �heirs and assi�ns forever. .,4nd.______I_______herebr� covenant_.._____.with the said Grantee ._______.that...___ . _ .__I..___. ______hold________said premises '. <br /> ' <br /> 'by �ood and perfect title; that.______________I____________.haV_8__�SOOd ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are ;, <br />'I ;free and clear of all Zie,ns and incumbrances whatsoever___.____$x�_�g�._�.__.�12u_V_?___�_��.__.f'_S�_xth_._____ _____ ' <br /> --- - ------ ----- ' <br />'�i _ <br /> - <br />�� ; <br /> -- _ - - __ _ - __ - -- -- _ _ -- -___._ -- -- - -- -._ - <br /> - -- <br /> _ - - _ <br /> -- -- - - <br /> ---- :r <br /> ;.gnd__ _ _____ __I ___ ______couenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of aZl ,'i <br /> � <br /> persons whomsoever Pxc?p t. �,s �.b ov P s_Pt f c�rth. � <br /> _ _._ -� ----- .. _---- � � <br /> , -- ----- - -- <br /> ---- -- -- <br /> _._._ - - <br /> __- - . _ _. <br /> , --- - ,, <br /> ,� <br /> I i _ _ - _ -- _ . -- - --- - --- -- <br /> � --- - --- - --- . - -__ . ___ <br /> , <br /> - ------- --- <br /> - _ <br /> - - �i <br /> I' ; Datsd the--- - --2�th _ __.. ._-da o ---- - -..ri� �.BT�:�_�.T ;1 <br /> � f -- P +------.�. D. 19__22_- <br /> �� <br /> �i <br /> � W7TNESS: ----- --- --_��z.I't_hw.___,II,_Fd�t_+�hP�llr� ---- -- - - ' <br /> ' -- - _ _ --_ _ ---- -- - <br /> _ -- - - _ <br /> E.. ,T.C unn i r��;hUm , <br /> -- - -. . _ _ _-- <br /> I - _-- --- - - -- -- i! <br /> �� - - - ------- -- --- ----- <br /> ;- - ---------- -- - - -___- -- - --- - --------� <br /> �� ST�?TE OF NEBRd4SK„4, <br /> ss. <br /> - -- H�.11 - - ...Countz�, On this- -- __29t�- - ---da o ...- --- _�__._ talG�_p.x , , �' <br /> , �J � "F- ..� � •-----.fl. D. 19--22-- before me <br /> !the undersi�ned, a ✓V'otarr� Public _ _ ______ _ _____within and for said Countz�, personallz� came____.._Id�.Z'x.�_-.�+._�,$c,.t_�h�.v�18____. i' <br /> �; (wi.fp s�f__.T_o_se�h C-._��ZP�1G$r�xwnt-�P_hexAin} __ ___ ' <br /> , <br /> � to rne personallr� known to be the identieal person___.____whose name_._ ______ �B__. _ ___.._____afJExed to the � ; <br /> (�Eli�,) above instrument as �rarator__._.__., and-_ __ _ShP------ ----.see,�erc�,dl,�-aeknowled�ed the same to be_ __�g�• , <br /> i ' <br /> voluntarz� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W'ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereun�o�ua�b,��r�bed my name and af�'ixed my offccial seal at �' <br /> Gr:.nci_ Isl�,n�,N�i�rwsk��_�.z?_��.�d �' <br /> � ___.on the date last aboue wTitten. ; <br /> , <br /> ; -- -- _ - - �Pn� -,.7..�_unnin�Y�.m ----...- ----- -- ' <br /> .N'otarz� Publie. <br /> i. <br /> .My commission expires--- ---._6u�.u�-t-5 th� 1923,-- -- -_ - ---�19.---- -------� ; <br /> ;; <br /> ii <br /> ;� - <br />� ., �� <br />