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� '�9 � <br /> ������� ������� ���a Q�m <br /> _ .._ __ .. __ _ _ _ <br /> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ _ <br />�._ ._ . . ..�Jj�J����f.TATC�(IItRNAl C.h4D�NY.lINGA N.YFA . _ . . ._.. ..... . ._. ___'.._.� __"-'....�.—.—..v�-__ <br /> i' _ _ �_ <br /> �! FR��YI I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical I� <br /> i: <br /> ' Index and filed for reeord this_______________�_? of.________,�s?�?_t£IC�b4S____ �i <br /> --- �'it�1k.'� �i-lii.�l-OYli-81-17�-1� -------- ---------- ( <br /> � ' o'cloek--- ---P_,..M. I <br /> - -- �larrantp �. D. 19-22---, at----- - 2:-�0 - �� <br /> _. ._.. .. _ _._ ._ . TO - _... � <br /> --- - C�,����--- ------ -------- -------- � <br /> �eea <br /> Re�ister��eds, �i <br /> �' - - Smith-E._C_�.mp_bell.........._.............................................. il <br /> ,, <br /> B✓.__ . __.. .--- _ --- - ' <br /> ------_. _- ----- � <br /> Deputy. 'I <br /> - ---- -- _ --- ---._ __ ____ ,� <br /> 'i <br /> ii <br /> ,; <br /> �r�o� �YY ��r� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: !! <br /> �; <br /> .� <br /> Thczt - ----EthEll.-CsLil�:iaTl,c:-8 i21g1e---VqDm.`r.'�n - __- _ _ _ -- - ---- -- - - --- - - -- ---- ---- �I <br /> �i <br /> _ _. _ __ _._ _ --- __ _ - _ -- -- --- - _ __ - -- - - <br /> -- --- ---- _ _ _ -- ,; <br /> il <br /> of the Countz� of.---------H�.11.--------------------.and State o ------------------_.._�@b�ia�kci --------------------------•-.Grantor-----------. in consaderation i; <br /> } a---------- , � <br /> � <br /> of the sum of.----- ------ -__ Six- hundr_ed._s_eY_ent _fiY�_&_n.o- 100--- --- --- __. _ __..__--- --- ---- ------.D oLL.�RS i� <br /> � / , , <br /> if <br /> ; irz hand paid, do_-_-_-__-_--_-hereby GR.INT, B.gRG�IN, SELL, .gND COJV'VEI^ unto_-_--__---SII11 t.h_.E.._Cx.,nep.h811--_._-----_--_-----------__-_--_-.--_----- !� <br /> ' II <br /> i <br /> - --- -- ----- ----- -- --- -- - -- --- - - - - -- ------ - - _____ _- - - --- - <br /> i� <br /> of the Count�J �f-----------------��-1.---------------- ------------and State of--- -- -- ._.N.S31�Tu,3 k�.� -- ---------- , Grarztee--------, the followin� i! <br /> �I <br /> ,i <br /> '' described remises sztuated in the Count o ___________________._.H�a.11_ _.....__ . f ' u <br /> p , y f �___..._ _.._____________.and State o .N'ebraska, to-wat: � <br /> i <br /> ., _ � . . � . . . . y � <br /> ,--_La�a--�ix___(-ti-�--�.nd -Seven �7) a.n_ Block--Two--(-2)---�_i-lbert--s._8$�-ond._xdd�-t-io-n--t.o_._the -��t------o-f_--�r.and--- ! <br />��, ` -----Is.l�nd,N_ebx�.ska,-�.s- _�urv ey ed,Platt-e-d_;a,nnd _xec_mrded-•-- - - !i <br /> -- - - _ - - - - _ - - - ---- , <br /> - - --- - - ---- - --- <br /> _ _ _ - - -_ - - - �i <br /> -____'__'_'."_-�i r"Y�+i i��i�Y'w-.�"�'if�'�:�al'.i-a.r_.`__ _.. . . . <br /> �..ur.._____-____ . .___.. ____.. .__.. .__.__-_ <br /> : _'___-_-_ __��__.__. . ___-_-�_� __ _ �+�.r+.�....•�.s.,..,,�.�:...�,.s.�,�_j„____._ ___.____ _-______- ________.... ..___-____ ________ �,I <br /> -- --- - (�1.�0 I. '.�. St�.Iri 8� <br /> _ _ -- ---__ <br /> _- Ccdn�eliea <br /> ._----- __ _ _ _ _ _ __ -- <br /> -- <br /> ---- -- -- <br /> -- <br /> �� <br /> ii <br /> �-- - --- - - - ---- -_ <br /> _-- __ __ <br /> ,� <br />�, - - - ---- - __ _ ___ - <br /> - - - -- <br /> :� <br /> ----- - -- - - <br /> � <br /> - - - ') <br /> _ -- - <br /> -- - � <br /> ---__ - -- ii <br /> _ . ____ _ __ _ - <br /> _ _ _ _ _ _ .__ _. __ _---- _ _ _. . <br /> _ __ -- --- - _ <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> To�ether with all the tenemercts, hereditaments, and appurtercances thereunto belon�in�, a.nd all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, !I <br /> , , �i <br /> ; Dower, Curtesr�, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.___., cerad��v�t,Tveraf b�ne»a; of, in or to the same, or ar�y part thereof. i <br /> �0 �a�1P ariD t4 �OrD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to._____._hl_S___________ I <br /> . iI <br />',, heirs and assi�ns forever. .,4nd _ .. I_____hereby covenant ._____..wath the said Grantee_________that_____ _ __ __Z.___ ________hold_______said premises � <br /> I <br />,� '; i <br /> '' by �ood and perfect tit,le; that___________1______.____..__.ha_Y_�_.sood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are ; <br /> ! free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever._______?7�C_���_t�.2�¢;__�_h�__S?w_�T___tckx��_dSS�ssQd___�a.ln9_t__ the___��.�di <br /> ---Pr_Ami3es,_v�hi.�:� thA_g x:antee__herAin__;��umes �nd �;rees--t_s� P�Y.__ . _ ._ -- - - __ _ __ _. - _ _ , <br /> � <br /> - _ _ ________._ __ _ _ -- -- -- - - - --- - --- - .. ___ -- - - -- ____ -- __ _ --- - <br /> �I <br /> ;;.gnd__ ________I__ _ ____ ___ _ __ ..__.covenant _______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all <br /> i <br /> �persons whomsoever- -- -- _ ---- ---- -�-- --- - -- --__- - __ _ -- -- _. �� <br /> - _____ _ - - - --- -- __ _ - . _ _ _ . _ . ___ - -- -- <br /> ----- - -- --- --__ _ - ------ � <br /> � <br /> Dated the--- - -- 26�h _----day of ----- ----Sep-t�tAb-8I'--- -- ✓1. D. 19_..22�•__ �� <br /> �I <br /> ^ WITNESS : : - �--- - � -_.._�th_e.l_G_ull�.on ---- --- -- _- ---- ! <br /> � <br /> _ - - - - _____ _ � <br /> ' - --- _. Herm�.n_ F..Buckow . __ __ __- -- _ I <br /> -_ __-- -- ----- -- - -- -- - _ - - -- I <br /> � <br /> ----. -- - -- - --- ._ _ --- -- - - ---- -----� <br /> - - - _ _ _ _ - -_ _--_ _--_ __. - - -- - � <br /> , <br /> ST.gTE OF .NEBR�SK�, I <br /> ss. z� � - S6}�-t�b-�� -- - ..�. D. 19--22----, before me� � <br /> _....- - -- - �I�:,11 . - -- Countz�, On this-- - --- -2.6.Lh__ ---da o .. I <br /> � <br /> � tTie undersi�ned, a Notarr� Public-__ _____within and for said County, personally came------- ----- -- � <br /> - __ � <br /> Ethpl_-Gulli_oni a. _singl?_�roma.xi ___--- -- -_ __ _ . . _ _ _ - -- - ___ jl <br /> - -- _ - - _ _ _- - -- - __ __ -- - -- <br /> il <br /> �_ _ _ __ _ _ __ -- -- _ __.-- i <br /> to rne personally knowra to be the identical �erson______zvhose name______________��'ixed to the � <br /> � <br /> ' ( SE�1T+} above instrument as rantor________. and_______Sh.@.. � <br /> ; � , _ _____.__.severally acknowled�ed the same to be___hpT_____. ' <br /> voluntarz� act and deed for the purpose thereira expressed. <br /> IN W7TNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and afj�ixed my of)icial seal at jl <br /> ii <br /> Grand �z�1�.nd,in-aa��- C-oLl2'�t - - ---- ---on the date last aboUe zuritten. , <br /> '�� - ,. <br /> ; ---- - - -----He_rmwn__F.._�ucko�v------- ------------ !� <br /> Notary Public. +� <br /> i <br /> ' ✓lIy commission expires..-------AgT�I_2&.-�.9.2f2._. .. - _ --- -- -19.---- -------- ( <br /> i <br /> � <br /> �i <br /> . _ i� <br />