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D. 19.--��----, at------- ------- 3:_��.-- -- ------..o��ao�k--------P,_..�r. <br />' ��...�l.i f.e...... ................. ........... <br /> TO �¢¢a � <br /> _, ��-��a�� �/-�- <br /> ---- --- - <br /> �' --------------- <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, I <br /> - ---EZiz�.b_e�-h--l�_e i.chrn�.n.......................................... <br /> ;� <br /> B�--- - --_. - <br /> - ---- --- -------- - <br /> _ ____ . _ _ ---- -- -- _ _-- --_ _. <br /> Deputz�. <br /> �.r�o� ��Y ,�er� �p �C�je�e �re�er�t�: . <br /> That.----- -------_u_.__C,_�ius.ton__�nd �nn�__�._Hu;�'�rzn--(tlus_l�und___�nd _��f-e�_ __ _ _ " <br /> ,of the Courtty of.--------------H�.Llt-----------.aftd State of-----------------------------------N.Phrr-.�.Ska.r-------------------------------_Gra�ztor_-fl-----, ira eorasideration ; <br /> ' i <br /> :o} the sum of�-� ----- --. ._ _ _ _Thr�e _Htu'ld_rsd $_eY_Pz1t�_-_f_iv-�--and .Q4/1QQ -- _. . -- --- --------.DOLL.gRS, j <br /> 'i <br /> in hand paid, do--.--------_ . .._herebz� GR.f1.NT, B�RGd4IN, SELL, .g✓Y'D COJV'VEY' unto.-_. _---F112.ia.�C2e�h_WP1.C_hm'sa.ri- ___ __---- - ';± <br /> ----__ ---- -- ---- --- ----- - - - -. - -- - -- -- - --- - -- - ----- _ ---- <br /> _ _ - - - �- <br /> _- --- ---- <br /> � -- <br /> ,of the County of------ ------:1::.11 s-------- -------- ------------and State of---- - . -----._ -- --.- -N-ghT'c.eSkcz.--- --------------, Grantee----------, the followin� i <br /> � described premises, situated in the Countz� of.___..______________�ial1*____.____.__________________.___________..ared State of Nebraska, to-wit: ' <br /> --------L�t---r.i�;l�t---(,8�rl�l-ock T.vo,Gilba�t'� _Sec-and--Additinn---�o_�r{:.nd--I-s1�;ri�j.hTs�-r<�,---�e--su-rvpy�d.,_ _ ' <br /> ---.___.--�1�.�tP�.---and__r_e-c._oxde-d._ �ub�ee-t .t�--u,].-1--n.ss_easrri�n��'---.n�.�ure_.�ls-o--�uh,�ec-t--t�n---Lhe--unpai�! <br /> _ � �i <br /> - ----�-9s�_i.Qn_9f thP- p�Yin� ��.x.--- - ___ __ - _ _ -- - - -- r'�. <br /> _- __ - <br /> - -- - --- -_ ---- i <br /> � ------__----��---------- <br /> -- ----- - ---- ------ - -- <br /> - _ _ : - - - __ - -- _ (�,�p -�,,�;���� - - -- � <br /> ---- - (Cdnc elled ---- -- - ; <br /> --- - - - - - ---�-�_�-•__ _�_ � <br /> ---- . __.__..��_..�. <br /> _ - _ -- - --- -- ------ --- � ---- --------- -- -- ------------ -- -- -- ---- <br /> -------------------------- �--- - -- --- - -- ---- ----- ----------- --- ---- -- - ------- ---- -- ---------- - - ----- ----- - - - ------- --- --- ; <br /> ii <br /> To�sether with all the tenem,ents, hereditaments, and appurtertances thereunto belori�sin�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Titde, Interest, �� <br />' Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_&., �na�r e�-ei�rhes ro+�tkerrn, of, in or to the same, or arcy part thereof. ,',; <br /> �i <br /> �0 �RbP aitD t0 �p�D the above, described premises, with the a,ppurtenances, unto the said Grarctee._______arcd to.______h�r_..________ '' <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. .Flnd_______vP6.__ hereby couenant _____with tyze said Grantee__.______that.____.__.__4P6___.._ __.____hold______said premases ;!. <br />� ; <br /> li� %bz� �ood and perfect title; that___ _____Y_Yc-°_.___________.ha�l_�___�ood ri�ht and lawful autyaority to sell and convey the same; that they are ; <br /> ',i free and clear of all liens a3zd incumbrances whatsoever____ pXC.A�t c,,s_abOV,� St��.�,Pd_ ______ <br /> ----- ------- ---�----- <br /> ----- -------- <br />, � - <br /> i.__ _ __ <br /> _ _- - __ - _ -- -- <br /> _ _ _ -- -- <br /> , -- ...- -- <br /> - - - - <br /> --- <br /> !�lnd_____, _ _, W�__ _ , _ _._ ________coUenant______-___to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all '; <br />' i ' <br /> persons whomsoever-- - -.BXC Q:�t---ris_.i�.boV-e----s-tu.tpd- - _------ --__._ ---.--- ------ ' <br /> Dated the--_ ���'ld_ - - -- ---.da� �f---- -- -- Se���r!ber, - ---.Fl. D.rT9__22-- ` <br /> i <br /> � ii <br /> W7TNESS: ------------ 6.-C-«��L�8t�1-------- - -- -- - - ' <br /> i <br /> ---- - _ _ _ ,T.�._I�'i l l_ . <br /> - __-- _ �inYi�,._.1�._Hustc�n __ -- ;; <br /> _ _ _ _ -- <br /> -- -- __..- - <br /> ---- ----- -- - -- --- ------- <br /> _ _ _ __ . _ - - _ _ - - - _ _ ___ <br /> __ - <br /> ST.�4TE OF NEBR.gSKg, <br /> ' ss. <br />' - .�:t.11 - - _County, Orz this --- ��riLl - --�da�J �}�--- - . -S�};i ex�,-b�T -----�✓!. D. 19_22----, before me, 'i <br /> � <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarr� Public _-__ _ __ ______withirc and for said Courctz�, personally came____ ._S. C._HU,�t_Ori atl,ci__Ari__nc� ; <br /> + h._�iust on (Iivaband �nd .�li f�} _ _ __ - - -_ __ __ --_ --_ - - - <br /> I� <br /> _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ._ -- -- - _ _ _ __ -. _ __ - ---- ____--. <br />, ; ._ . _ . _ -_._ _ <br /> � <br />', ''; to r�2e personall� known to be the identical person_$.___.whose name._g__._ckT�_______. __.__._____af�'ixed to the <br /> ; above instrument as �Srantor_._�__.., and___ .._�h�'. __________severall acknowled ed the same to be___t.hg�T ' <br />� ,, ��;EAL) � � � � <br /> voluntary czet and deed for the purpose thereifz expressed. - <br /> IN W7TNESS WHF,REOF, I have heTeunto subscribed mr� name and af}'ixed my ofjicial seal at I <br />' _ G run�._ I sl�n_ci,��ebx�,s ka,in-_-s�.i d___C�unt�-,on the date last above written. <br /> -- ---- -- - ---------J'._�._.Dill--�------ ------�--��--------------- ;' <br /> Notarr� Public. <br /> ''i .Mr� commissiorc expires-----� --�--- SulY- 23,19_25_._ - - -. .- - -- --19.--------------- ' <br /> '; <br /> I �',i ii <br />