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' �� <br /> � <br /> �L�JLJ�� �Sl��j�/,�e/J�� ���Ja ��0 <br />�.P ��.___._.____ <br />. __�:_. _.r. - _ _. ._....:a ._e-.:��a___.�:�_r____._ _____._..__...__— ..__ <br /> '] —STA7E JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. M�—�s� � � - �� � ' �� � ' � �� � � <br /> ' �'+R�.M I herebz� certifj that this instrument was erttered on .N'umerical ', <br /> i <br />' Index and filed for record this..______ _.__l6_____.___.__..daz� of.________�P��?ZO.b�T ; <br /> -------�d�,m-.-Kr.i-�er---&._wifs�------- ...--------- �--- ------ <br /> _..... <br /> .___ _ - ---.. -�-� <br /> �larrantp .�. D. 19-22----, at------ ---�'.. -- -- -- ------o'clock------��---.M. <br /> TO <br /> �eea ' <br /> __����.� � � <br /> -- - _- - ----- --- ---- --- ----- .--- <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, � <br /> - - Ii_Anxy__ DiAtrich_......__....._.._................... .................... i' <br /> ; 8�---_ _-- - - -- - <br /> ---- --- --- --------. <br /> • Deputy. <br /> �r�o� �Y� �er� �p �C�je�e �re�er�t�: � <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> That_----- ------�Y?-.-Adam Krie�er__�nd--�lis�.l� ]'�ri_�sr.-his-v�ife-.--- _------ ' <br /> ;; <br /> of the Countz� of.------- -----���lls----- -----....cznd State of------- ------- ----- ----N_6�bI'ia.�kct------------------------------.Grantor--B_----., in consideration � <br /> ;of the sum o�-. . - -- _ - _ Five__hundr�d ��v�nty--f_iYe-QQ/100 - - -- - - ------------�DOLL.�RS, ! <br /> ;in harzd paid, do_.___. _______hereby GR�1.N'T, B./�RGd4ZJV', SELL, �4ND CONVEY' urzto _ ' � <br /> HP n xy_-1�i e_t ric h_- -- - - - -- - <br /> 'o the Count o _----- Hi�l l�------- -------and State o .----- ------- N 6 b ra8 krd - - - <br /> � �J f ----- ----- � - ------- --- - + ------- , Grantee----------, the followin� ' <br /> ;idescribed premises, situated in the Countr� of.__________________...__Hu,ll_,---___-_________.._________....____.____.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> '---_r�s�-t--Thr-e�---(-�-}---�n _I�lack Five (5} -of_ "K�ehler__P1dce" in__the__�Ci_t�---of--Gr_dnsi--I�_l�.nd,_�teb_r�.s_ka,_� _.�ur- <br /> ! ------y?�'�d-tP1�tt�ci__�.n�l_ r�c�rded- - - _ - ! <br /> , <br /> . ..__.__-_____ ___.....___ _._____� ___'_____ _____..________rsa�.tir-an��a�r's-ar-ai-:.r-�i-�-rsr.r_-r..._- ____.-__ .. ___�___ �_____ _ __...___- ________..____. <br /> ;___. ________ __'_____ _________. _________..__.. <br /> I-- ---- - - --- ----- ��1.0 0 I. 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S t a.�np s - - -j - - <br /> -- -_ _ - _ - - <br /> � ( �nc�ll�d --- � -- - -- - <br /> . �, <br /> '__..- ------ ------ ------ --..... _-- <br /> ---- ---- __--- -- - - -- - <br /> __ - --_.- - -- <br /> , <br /> - - --- � <br /> To�sether with all the tenem.ents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belor2�sin�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, ;' <br /> �t <br /> ii <br /> 'Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grarctor.__g a,�d�,�,�it�e,T�nf,t12en2�of, irc or to the same, or any part thereof. i: <br /> ;i <br /> I ; �0 �abP aI10 t0 �0�0 the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the saicl Grantee_________arzd to________��_�._.________ �',; <br />' 'heirs and assi6ns forever. .,4nd__._____Vt.6______hereby cortenaaat_.___.___.with the said Grantee ___.:__,.that_____.__ _�8__ _ _.,____hold______said premises ;I <br /> 'by �ood and perfect title; that.---:----_'N�.__:___-.-____..ha__Y.__�._�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and conuey the same; that they are '' <br /> I, ?free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever________.________.____________________...._____.__________._._________-_____.. ; <br /> ------ - ---------------------------- --- ---- --- <br /> :.flnd___ _ __________�K@_ _ _ _ _ __._..._covenant__.___to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst t�ae lawful claims of all ,� <br /> -- <br /> °persons wdzomsoever- - _ ------ ____-- - ''' <br /> — <br /> i'i <br /> -- -- - -- -- <br /> --- - -- - - . . <br /> _ __ - <br /> _ - _-- <br />,I , _ ---- <br /> Dated the - - --da�J ��---- -- �du.3�• - ----�1. D. 19- 21�_ � <br /> � W7TNESS : ------------------._A�r�n__Kr.i.e6�r---- - - - --- � <br />�� ' _ - -- -- -3�lis�.he�h-Kri�.gpr_ _ <br /> --- -_ _ _J c�nn ��].dn__ _ _ _ _ _. <br /> ST.qTE OF �li'EBR�IS.X�q, <br />' ss. <br /> -- -- --Ha�ll_ --- Count�,� On this - --- llth----.__ --da o �---- -�` --✓1. D. 19-- <br /> �J f - - � - --- --- 21--- , before me, -: <br /> 'the undersi�ned, a Notarz� Public _ _ _ __ _.__.__within and for said Countr�, personallr� came_._._Adti1A_KT�.P.gkT_ ei.21d__�13 8�t.b�6t2'i <br />' _KriQgPr,hi s_�vife-r- _-- -.__ _ __ - - -- _ __ __ __ _-- --- - - - - <br /> to me personallz� Icnowrz to be the identical person___3___whose rea:ne__.�______.�,rg--_ _.______afjixed to the '� <br /> above instrument as rantor_�..__._, and.._�.__'Gh6 ' <br />�', ; ( S��'iL} � y-----------__severally acknowled�ed the same to be__ t-he1T ;; ". <br /> :� volr�ntarr� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W7TNESS W'HEREOF, I haue hereunto subscribed my rcame arid af)ixed my ofyieial seal at : <br /> ! Gr;�.Tld_ IS1".11CL, 121 _Si11d_C01irit - ----- -- ------on the date last above written. `i <br /> - 3�s <br /> ' -- -- ---- -- --._.TS1h21.-All-clYl--- -----------------�- ---- '� <br /> � <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ; .Mz� commission expires.----- -'Tsa,_?'�.5 ..1y24�- - -- - - --19.----- ----- <br /> , � <br /> -=_�-=----_= - -__ =----- - . _ - _-_ == =_-=----- <br /> � � , � • <br /> 'I <br /> :; � <br />